
The Leprosy Mission Canada Vacancy: Consultancy - End of Project Evaluation - Indonesian

End of Project Evaluation, "From Dignity to Advocacy" Indonesia:
PERIOD: FEBRUARY-MARCH 2016 (maximum 20 days)

I. Background:
Indonesia has the third highest Leprosy prevalence in the world. The Government of Indonesia (GOI) is committed to eradicating leprosy, but with limited and declining resources the GOI focuses on the distribution of medicine and policy development related to leprosy control (though these are often delayed causing increased disability). People affected by leprosy still face problems of social discrimination, economic isolation, and stigma. East Java and South Sulawesi provinces have the highest prevalence of new leprosy cases per capita in Indonesia. Stigma is extremely high in these provinces, which is made evident by the high number of leprosy villages. As indicated in statistic year 2013, East Java had 3,799 new cases and South Sulawesi had 1,172 new cases. In East Nusa Tenggara there is minimal NGO and GOI health presence for leprosy. Consequently, our experience has shown there is gross under-reporting of leprosy cases. Many people affected by leprosy remain hidden and are thus found with grade II level disability. The majority of leprosy cases are found in poor households. The disabling impacts of leprosy create challenges for those directly affected and their households.

Yayasan Transformasi Lepra Indonesia (YTLI) is a non-profit organization established on August 1, 2007, with the vision “Indonesia without Leprosy”. On 1 July 2012, the vision was re-visited and became “Transformed Lives of People Affected by Leprosy in Indonesia”. During the period of 5 years from 2007 to 2013, YTLI had implemented two projects. The first was “Indonesia Action” which concentrated on advocacy for people affected by leprosy in the area of South Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and East Java provinces. The second Village Based Comprehensive Rehabilitation (VBCR) was focused on NTT province. These two projects have conducted external evaluations. Based on these evaluations and also for significant future impacts, YTLI developed “From Dignity to Advocacy” with the targeted areas remaining in the provinces of South Sulawesi, East java and East Nusa Tenggara. The duration of this project is three years, April 2013 to March 2016.

II. Measurable Outcomes and Activities
The goal of the project is to reduce poverty and stigma for people affected by Leprosy in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), South Sulawesi, and East Java provinces by end of March 2016. The Intermediate Outcomes, Immediate Outcomes and Outputs are as follows:

Intermediate Outcomes:
  • Improved ability of PerMaTa leaders to implement sustainable and self-reliant programs. 
  • Early case detection and disability prevention among persons with leprosy 
  • Increased ability of people affected by leprosy to be financially self-sufficient.
Immediate Outcomes and Outputs:
  • New leaders/and next generation of leaders (men, women) of PerMaTa at national, provincial, and district levels acquired basic leadership skill. 
  • Improve awareness of PerMaTa strategic plans, organizational systems, and what it means to be a PerMaTa members at national, provincial and district levels.
Personal Development:
  • Leadership and gender equality training conducted 
  • System Development 
  • History of PerMaTa documented  
  • Legal Registration of PerMaTa in 2 districts, 2 provinces and a national level supported. 
  • Creation of data base of PerMaTa members supported.  
  • Registration of PerMaTa members and their orientation on membership supported. 
  • Baseline study conducted by end of 2013, and shared with key stakeholders.
Improved access to health care (at health center, posyandu, public and private referral centers, self-care groups).

  • Study of Leprosy health care conducted. 
  • Study finding documented and socialized with PerMaTa leaders (a best practice toolkit is produced).  
  • PerMaTa, YTLI staff, posyandu and health care center staff trained on self care and how to organize self-care groups.  
  • Linkage with health center, government provincial and district leaders and national leprosy program strengthened.  
  • Awareness raising on signs and symptoms of leprosy in endemic communities conducted.  
  • Home visits conducted. 
  • New cases, new PALs, and referrals maintained and shared with national leprosy program. 
  • Replication of successful models for accessing health care in other endemic areas developed.
Increase access to income generating activities.

  • Collaboration with key stakeholders developed to change and implement policies to ensure equality for persons affected by leprosy. 
  • Key messages defined for each target audience and communication/outreach objectives clearly described desk research on legislation at district and national level conducted and alternative local policies (anti-discrimination/UNCRPD) drafted. 
  • Strategic Outreach activities conducted for a) media. B) Government officials, c) schools, d) Churches/mosques, and e) NGOs.
  • Issues of people affected by leprosy discussed with government officials.  
  • Information sessions with NGOs are conducted.  
  • Desk research on legislation at district and national level conducted.  
  • Alternative local policies (antidiscrimination/CRPD) drafted.  
  • Participate in alliance formation and networking.
Some of the overall activities of this project include:
  • Home visits for People Affected by Leprosy by PerMaTa, Community Organizer (CO) and YTLI field staff at least two times a year. 
  • Community Organizers (CO) will accompany people affected by leprosy to community gathering at village level. 
  • YTLI conducts meeting with health center to link health facilities to PerMaTa groups and other People Affected by Leprosy in the community. 
  • Accompany People Affected by Leprosy (PABL) to key health facilities in health centers so that s/he may go to health center whenever reaction happens. 
  • Send SMS messages to People Affected by Leprosy about self care and joining PerMaTa groups. 
  • Link People Affected by Leprosy with income generating opportunities through saving and lending program. 
  • Conduct capacity building training of PerMaTa groups using Training of Trainers model for groups) 
  • Attend and facilitate district PerMaTa meetings every month to discuss issues related to leprosy. 
  • Assist PerMaTa to conduct community sensitization meeting with PKK and other community leaders. 
III. Purpose
  • The purpose of this end of project evaluation is to provide an objective lens for which learning can be drawn out, outcomes can be measured, and to analyze project implementation and sustainability. YTLI and effect:hope will employ this evaluation to inform decision-making for NTD related programming in the future.
IV. Objective:The objective of this external evaluation is to determine whether the project has attained the goals, outcomes and outputs as set out in the project proposal, budget and project financial agreement between YTLI and effect:hope. The evaluator should be able to respond in their evaluation to the following:

questions: Program Effectiveness: Have the planned outcomes and outputs been achieved?
Program Coverage: Has the project reached all those within the target area who meet the selection criteria for the project participants and beneficiaries?

Program Participation: Has the project engaged appropriately with project stakeholders, in particular project participants and beneficiaries?

Program Capacity: Was there sufficient capacity to implement and manage the project effectively?Impact of the Program: What has been the impact, intended and unintended on the project participants and beneficiaries?

Program Relevance: How relevant is the project to the national strategic plans of Indonesia? How relevant is the project to the needs and capacities of project participants and beneficiaries? Program Efficiency: Could the planned outputs have been achieved using a different approach requiring fewer resources?

Program Coordination: How well has the project been coordinated with other activities involving project participants and beneficiaries? Is the project aligned with the priorities, policies and strategies of national and local government?

Program Sustainability: Are the outputs likely to be sustained beyond the end of the project? To what extent is the impact of the project likely to be sustained beyond the end of the project?

V. Project Reviews and Methodology:
  • It is expected that the evaluator would review and make an analysis analyze various documents, including the baseline evaluation, a mid-term evaluation, and ongoing project reports. 
  • It is expected the evaluator will apply a participatory methodology such as focus group discussion, interviews and other participatory methodology throughout the assessment.
VI. Targeted Beneficiaries:
  • People affected by leprosy in the province of South Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and East java. Below is the data of each province. 
  • PerMaTa members (data available). It is noted that not all people affected by leprosy are PerMaTa member. 
  • The Officer of PerMaTa from District, Provincial and National level. 
  • Government representation from the Department of Leprosy and Jaws.
VII. Project Area
The project From Dignity to Advocacy is located in South Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and East java provinces.

VIII. Documentation AvailableThe available documents related to project “From Dignity to Advocacy” are as follows:
  • Agreement between YTLI and effect hope – The Leprosy Mission Canada 
  • Baseline survey report 
  • Performance Measurement Framework (PMF) 
  • Annual Report Year 1 and year 2 
  • Field monitoring reports 
  • Audited financial reports 
  • Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with YTLI and PerMaTa
IX. Reporting
The evaluator should provide a final evaluation report in English that consists of the following items: 1. Executive summary:
  • Introduction and background to the evaluation 
  • Methodology used 
  • Context analysis that include findings, conclusions and assessment. 
  • Lesson Learned: • What are the strengths of the project? • What are the weaknesses of the project? • How could the quality of this project be improved? 
  • Specific, actionable and prioritized recommendations. This includes short term recommendations and long term recommendations.
  • Terms of reference for the Evaluation 
  • Profile of the Evaluator • Evaluation Schedule  
  • Documents consulted during the evaluation  
  • Persons participating in the evaluation  
  • Field data used during the evaluation, including baselines and focus group stories and data.  
  • Bibliography.
The draft report should be discussed and presented to YTLI and effect:hope prior to finalization.

X. Qualifications of Evaluators and Requirements:
  • The evaluator should have experience in community development in Indonesia for at least 7 - 10 years with at least 5 years in program monitoring and evaluation. 
  • The evaluator must be bilingual, fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English. 
  • The evaluator should provide a 3-5 pages proposed evaluation plan to undertake this assignment. The proposed plan should include: Proposed methodology, including sample methods/activitiea; Sample questions that will support data collection; Workplan for completing evaluation; Budget including all required taxes; and CV and list of relevant completed evaluations 
  • The evaluator should submit 1 full-sample of a previous evaluation report they led. 
  • The Evaluator should provide 2 references from previous clients and CV of all staff who would participate in this evaluation.
How to apply: The Evaluators should send all documents as described in items 1 to 5 above to: Blanche Zalaukhu, Executive Director, YTLI blanche@transformasilepra.org and Mike Williams, International Programs Manager, effect:hope mwilliams@effecthope.org by November 15, 2015.