
GIZ Job Vacancy: TVET: Internship Trilateral Cooperation - Indonesian

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is an international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations. Its corporate objective is to improve people’s living conditions on a sustainable basis. GIZ has been working in Indonesia since 1975 on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
The joint project “Trilateral Cooperation in Technical Vocational Education and Training” (TVET) between Myanmar, Indonesia and Germany supports Myanmar in leveraging human resource development through technical teacher trainings. The main partners are the Myanmar and Indonesian ministries of science and technology, education and industry, TVET institutes and business associations.

The Trilateral Cooperation on TVET Project is looking for a LOCAL INTERN to deliver:
A.     Responsibilities
The intern will support the implementation of activities of the Trilateral Cooperation in TVET between Myanmar, Indonesia and Germany.
  • The intern supports all regular activities of the above described areas in achieving the related objectives and indicators.
  • The intern will responsibly under supervision of the Deputy Program Director, manage the implementation of the activities under the framework of Trilateral Cooperation between Indonesia, Myanmar and Germany
  • The intern is assisting programme initiatives to provide professional advisory services to and cooperate with a broad range of target groups and stakeholders of Indonesia, Myanmar and Germany.
  • She/ He supports internal and external communication of the project in close cooperation with technical advisors and administrative team of GIZ/Trilateral Cooperation in TVET Indonesia and GIZ TVET Myanmar.
  • She/He contributes to innovation and knowledge management.
The intern performs the following tasks:
B.     Tasks
1.      Support towards Training of Trainers (ToT) Activities
·         Support in the preparation phase of the ToT-Activities
o    Support liaison management with the partners towards the activities
o    Support in monitoring of the invitation process and responses
o    Support in following-up the result of the selection process and nomination of the participants
o    support in the verification of the training providers
o    support in briefing the training providers and the Indonesian Instructors
o    support in preparing the logistics for the introduction and final workshops
·         Support during the implementation of the ToT-Activities
o    Support in conducting and documenting the introduction and final workshops
o    Support in ensuring the readiness of the modules and material of the training providers
o    Support in preparing the monitoring visits: preparation of the instrument, logistics and documentation
o    Support in collecting the documentation of the monitoring visits from the consultant
2.      Support towards School Management Activities
·         Support in the preparation of the study visit of Principals and/or Division’s Head
o    Support liaison management with the partners towards the activities
o    Support in monitoring of the invitation process and responses
o    Support in following-up the result of the selection process and nomination of the participants
o    support in the verification of the training providers
o    support in briefing the training providers and the Indonesian Instructors
o    support in preparing the logistics for the introduction and final workshops
·         Support during the implementation of the study visit
o    Support in conducting and documenting the introduction and final workshops
o    Support in ensuring the readiness of the modules and material of the training providers
o    Support in preparing the monitoring visits: preparation of the instrument, logistics and documentation
o    Support in collecting the documentation of the monitoring visits from the consultant
3. Support towards Trilateral Cooperation Closing Forum
·         Support in the preparation of the forum
o    Support in collecting the nomination of the forum’s participants
o    Support in drafting of letters, invitation, background information and support liaison management with the partner
o    Compile information and support the preparation of inputs from three partners
o    Participation in preparation meetings and document the results
o    Support to contributions (e.g. papers, presentations) and participation of partners
o    Support to logistical arrangements
·         Support during the Closing Forum
o    Participation to the forum
o    Support with liaison management with the partners
o    Support in the documentation of the forum
C.     Required qualifications, competences and experience
  • Bachelor/BSc or in an area that is related to the project/programme objectives (e.g. social science, pedagogy, education, economics etc.)
Other knowledge, additional competences
  • very good working knowledge of ICT technologies (related software, phone, fax, email, the internet) and computer applications (e.g. MS Office)
  • fluent written and oral knowledge of the English language is a must
Interested candidates shall submit comprehensive resume and a motivation letter to: junita.sutedjo@giz.de before 16 November 2015.
Please put: Internship Trilateral Cooperation as your email subject.
Only short-listed candidates will be notified.