
Green Initiative Foundation Job Vacancy: Evaluate the Economic Impact of a Community Reforestation Project - West Java

Through social, environmental and economic initiatives Green Initiative Foundation (GIF) empowers communities living in and around vulnerable forests, as well as the general public, to support environmental protection and adopt more sustainable lifestyles. Over the last 5 years our community-based reforestation project has rehabilitated 38 hectares of Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park, and over 1,300 people have participated in our economic, social and environment programs.

GIF has contributed to the protection of Indonesia’s forests so far by supporting 155 farmers in Sarongge, West Java, to leave the land they farmed inside Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park and find alternative livelihoods.  We have reforested those 38 hectares of that National Park and involved over 200 local people directly in our programs.

We take a holistic, sustainable approach by supporting economic, environmental and social programs.

Our programs include: reforestation, women’s empowerment, alternative livelihoods, waste management, and sustainable tourism.

Our first project was a tree adoption program, which began in 2008 and in 2010 the Foundation was established to manage it, in collaboration with the Gede-Pangrango National Park and the residents of Sarongge village.  This community reforestation program aimed to support 155 families to leave their farms inside the National Park and take up alternative livelihoods, enabling the 38 hectares of land they had previously occupied to be rehabilitated.

Funding, provided by the private sector by ‘adopting’ trees, was divided between the costs of planting and monitoring trees and providing alternative livelihoods investment, training and support.  These activities, based on the needs of the community, include, amongst others, goat rearing, rabbit breeding, tourism, health checks and enterprise training.

The aim was initially to increase the incomes of participants beyond the income gained from farming in the National Park and then beyond the international poverty line.  The original target participants of GIF programs were the 155 families who’s land was reforested, but has since engaged participants from outside this group who live in Sarongge village.

The tree adoption program officially ended in 2013 after the successful reforestation of 38 hectares, but GIF continues to support community development activities in order to achieve sustainability in relation to our economic empowerment targets.

Purpose of the evaluation:
The purpose of this research is to evaluate GIF’s impact on the Sarongge community and would involve an inquiry into the community development programs and their performance against their economic empowerment aims.  It will also evaluate the current level of sustainability in its programs and include recommendations on areas for improvement, as well as what should become priority areas over the coming years.

The outcomes of this research will be used to inform GIF’s areas of focus over the next 2 years and also enable us to develop a strategy to hand over more control and responsibility to the community, to enable a high level of independence from GIF.

Scope of work:
The consultant will undertake a survey and interviews to collect, collate and analyse data on the impact of GIF’s work in Sarongge.

Ensuring that:
  • A detailed research plan, taking into account timing, cost, quality and ethics, is outlined and adhered to. 
  • All data and findings are rigorously documented to enable thorough analysis and usable insights.
The report should cover:
  • A summary of all GIF’s activities in Sarongge along with individual program targets and an analysis of GIF’s performance against these targets. 
  • An analysis of the economic impact of GIF’s activities on a sample of program participants.
  • Recommendations for improvements and areas of focus for the next two years, with sustainability of the current main programs and a high level of independence from GIF as the key priorities.
Expert required for the research:
Mandatory requirements:
  • A relevant qualification in development, agriculture, conservation, or a related field (preferably Masters level) 
  • Demonstrated quantitative and qualitative research skills
  • Demonstrated ability to synthesise, analyse and communicate research data in written form
  • Knowledge of the Indonesian development context
  • Working proficiency in Indonesian.
The consultant should be willing to adopt participatory process and collaborate with GIF staff in planning and data collection. However, analysis of data, conclusion and recommendations will rest with the consultant.

Time frame for the evaluation:
The research is expected to take 20 days, beginning in October, with a significant amount of time based in Sarongge, however the consultant will be expected to develop and submit a plan/schedule for how the research will be conducted.

Submission of expression of interest:
Interested consultants are invited to submit a proposal (no more than 4 pages A4 paper size) outlining the proposed methodology for the evaluation, including sampling and data collection methods, data analysis techniques, reporting format, time frame and fee.

This should be submitted as an email attachment, along with a CV, to: emma@greeninitiativefoundation.org not later than 21st October.