
GIZ - TRANSFORMASI Project Job Vacancy: Provincial Advisor, Surabaya - East Java

The Programme “Transforming Administration-Strengthening Innovation” (TRANSFORMASI) is implemented jointly between the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, the Indonesian Ministry for Bureaucracy Reform (KemPAN-BR), the Ministry of Finance, Bappenas, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the National Institute for Public Administration and the National Civil Service Agency

It supports the establishment of a cleaner and more efficient, accountable and service-oriented public administration. The Program focuses on the following topics: 1) Strengthening the overall Bureaucracy Reform (BR) architecture; 2) Human Resource Management in the Public Service 3) Fiscal impacts and financing of reforms 4) Ensuring Citizen-Orientation of BR reform and 5) Subnational innovation hubs on public service delivery. Areas 1, 4 and 5 work in East Java.

GIZ is seeking one qualified Indonesian candidate for the following position: Provincial Advisor – East Java


The main responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
  • Managing relations with East Java Province regarding all TRANSFORMASI activities in East Java, mainly the “Jaringan Inovasi Pelayanan Publik Java Timur” (JIPPJATIM)
  • Managing relations with local governments and other JIPPJATIM advisory team partners
  • Coordinating JIPPJATIM activities in close cooperation with the Strategic Area Manager subnational innovation hubs
  • Fostering knowledge exchange on citizen-orientation of bureaucracy reform between Banyuwangi and neighboring regencies, as well as at provincial level
  • Fostering regional exchange (between local governments and province) on planning and monitoring Bureaucracy Reform
  • Guiding project implementation, ensuring timely provision of deliverables, controlling quality, facilitating and coordinating the inputs of short-term experts.

Networking and cooperation
  • Co-operates with and ensures regular contacts, dialogues: does PR work and cooperates with provincial and local governments, relevant organizations, non-governmental bodies and persons within the program’s/project’s environment as well as with other projects in order to enhance and maintain good working relationships;
  • Communicates and channels local interests and aspirations and exchanges ideas and information for the benefit of the program;
  • Maintains repeated field visits to regencies in accordance with the requirements of the project
  • Assures a close cooperation between the work on citizen orientation of BR in Banyuwangi and work of JIPPJATIM at provincial level
Professional advisory services
  • Assist the project/program plans and activities in close coordination with partners in line with the Technical Agreement signed between TRANSFORMASI and the Provincial Government;
  • Contributes to preparation and implementation of the consultation process, the project’s/program’s activities, and efforts in East Java in close coordination with the Strategic Area Manager.
  • Assists in defining terms of reference, selection, and supervision of contracted third parties in carrying out projects/program’s activities, including performance evaluation;
  • Prepares, organizes and drafting minutes of meeting for project management meetings, such as meetings of the Advisory Team of JIPPJATIM
  • Conceptualizes, prepares and implements workshops, seminars, and other events on subjects that are related to the program’s/project’s field of activities;
  • Supports quality assurance and proposes necessary changes, improvements, and initiatives
Management and Coordination Tasks
  • Monitors and documents progress, analyses challenges and makes recommendations for adjustments to the Strategic Area Managers
  • Supports general projects planning/ project designs, including preparation, organization and moderation of planning exercises, implementation, management, monitoring, communication and documentation;
  • Supports project activities at the provincial and local level in cooperation with the partners, as well as in organizational preparation and in the implementation of these activities;
  • Giving inputs on the budget plan for key events and related financial documentation
Knowledge management
  • Collects data, develops reports and presentation documents on the work in East Java
  • Provides inputs on strategies and technical concepts including guidelines, manuals, and procedures, which are ready to be applied;
  • Prepares appropriate input to the various program meetings and reports/publications including reports to the province of East Java
  • Contributes in giving appropriate inputs to the various projects/program reports/publications including monitoring, progress reports and the final project report
  • Encourages the development of new knowledge-sharing instruments in the context of the sub-national innovation hub also including modern media solutions.
  • Archives the most important documents in line with GIZ standards in the GIZ Document Management System,
Other duties/additional tasks
  • Does occasional translations of documents into Indonesian for JIPPJATIM
  • Applies the GIZ code of conduct in daily work and project activities and consistently promotes the application of these values of ethics to program counterparts,
  • Commits to the goals and principles of TRANSFORMASI and complies with the guidelines of GIZ.
  • Applies the Capacity Works Management Model and the theory of change for the Subnational Innovation Hub.
  • Ensures that all measures are carried out in a way to promote gender equality,
  • Ensures that all measures are planned and implemented in an economically efficient way,
  • Keeps in mind and applies environmentally sound practices.
Required qualifications, competences and experience
  • Master in Public Administration, Development Studies, Social Sciences, Economics or Business Administration or another related field;
  • At least 8 years of professional experience, with at least 5 years of professional experience in a comparable position;
  • Experience in working with local government institutions in East Java;
  • Strong understanding of governance and public service structures in East Java;
  • Strong communication and advocacy skills, and experience of working in international and inter-sectoral contexts;
  • Good working knowledge of modern communication systems and basic principles of knowledge management;
  • Ability to travel and work independently;
  • Advanced in MS Office skills;
  • Proficient in English both oral & written; and German will be an advantage.
Duty Station: Surabaya

Direct Supervisor: Team Leader KemPAN TRANSFORMASI

Interested candidates should submit the application letter, CV with latest photograph and list of references (max. 300 kb), addressed to recruitment-indo@giz.de with email subject: TRANSFORMASI: Provincial Advisor – East Java. The closing date to submit the application letter is on 4 November 2015.

Only short-listed candidates will be notified for interviews