
Protection International Job Vacancy: Community Researcher, Jakarta - Indonesian

Protection International's Protection Desk Indonesia (Yayasan Perlindungan Insani Indonesia) is calling for candidates to apply for the position of a freelance, consultancy-based researcher for Indonesia.

You will be part of PI’s efforts to support Indonesian HRDs and community based activists’ capacity in protection and security management by conducting research focused on protection strategies and mechanisms employed by communities facing land conflict and exploitation of natural resources.

You will conduct research in approximately eight (8) communities, selected in agreement with PI’s Protection Desk team in Jakarta, in several provinces over the course of three months. A Focus Group Discussion (FGD) will be held in Jakarta, which you will co-facilitate, as part of the preparations to the research. You will take a lead role in developing the research plan and templates. You will analyze the data and process them into a digestible, legible and systematized format for use by the Protection Desk Indonesia and the Brussels based PI Policy, Research and Training Unit (PRTU).

You will be accountable to the PI Representative based in Jakarta and closely coordinate the work with the PRTU. The research will contribute to the organization’s global research on the subject of community protection as well as the development of a toolkit for community-based HRDs, to be developed and published in 2016.

About you:
You are an experienced social researcher with a commitment to human, environmental and community rights.

Essential requirements:
  • Degree in social sciences (anthropology, sociology, political science, or related field)
  • Demonstrated experience in conducting social research
  • Demonstrated experience conducting research or working with communities at the local, grassroots level
  • Excellent analytical and writing skills
  • Willingness and ability to travel and stay with communities under basic conditions
  • Excellent planning skills and ability to work independently
  • Experience in a multi-cultural and/or international work environment
  • Ability to work under pressure
  • Commitment to gender equality
  • Proven team work skills
Native Indonesian speaker. Fluency in written and spoken English.

Contract conditions:
The position is based on a freelance contract. Research will be conducted over the course of three months, covering development of research templates, approximately 8 visits to communities, one Focus Group Discussion, and writing of research report. An honorary fee will be paid upon delivery of previously agreed upon outputs. Depending on experience and qualifications, the honorary fee will range from 2500- 3500 EURO. Travel costs and per diems will be provided.

How to apply:
Please send a motivation letter and your CV, including 2 references to indonesia@protectioninternational.org before Friday, 07 September 2015. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.