
Farsight Job Vacancy: Web Based Applicaton Developer - Jakarta

Indonesia: Web Based Application Developer

Application deadline: 20 October 2015


We are a social enterprise with a mission to design and deliver tools for people who want to improve the world. We work at the forefront of efforts to understand and respond to the challenges of migration, conflict and justice issues in the 21st Century. Geographically, we work mainly in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and South/East Asia. Our supporters are international organizations, national governments, international non-profit organizations and private companies.

Job Description

Farsight invests in software and web applications to support social progress. We are recruiting an Indonesian Web Based Application Developer. The job is most suitable for a junior programmer with at least 3-5 years working experience who has demonstrated a capacity to execute web-based software development projects, and who now wants to apply their skills to big social challenges.

Your role will involve the following:
  • Creating prototype applications during the design stage.
  • Scaling up full applications.
  • Maintenance and servicing of software deployed in client organizations.
  • Investing your time and effort in training and professional development.
We are recruiting for a 12-month role, based in Jakarta with the possibility of travel within Indonesia and internationally. If the incumbent performs well, capacity building on software development will be provided, this position will become permanent and develop leadership responsibilities.

  • Motivation to use your skills to solve social problems. 
  • Advanced education or professional track record in web application development, your skills include at least one of the following languages/frameworks : PHP, JAVA, ASP, C#, JHTML, XHTML.
  •  Fluency in Indonesian and English. 
  • Demonstrated and proven capacity to utilize : 
    • Web based application programming language (PHP, JAVA web programming, ASP, C#, JHTML, XHTML etc)
    • Software modeling tools (ER Diagram, power designer etc) 
    • Database server application (MySQL, SQL etc) 
    • Willingness to develop your skills, including with guidance and time to engage in your own training.


Send an email to id-java@seefar.org, which should consist of:
  • A CV.
  • An explanation of your fit with the job requirements, specifically:
    • Describe 1-2 projects in which you have delivered web based applications. What was your role? 
    • Tell us about a difficulty you have faced in managing client expectations for a software development project you were involved. What was the problem? How did you overcome it?
Only selected candidates will be contacted.

Application deadline: 20 October 2015