
Wildlife Conservation Society Vacancy: Geographic Information System Specialist - Bogor

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has a distinguished history of scientists exploring and saving wildlife in some of the most remote and wild places remaining on Earth. The Wildlife Conservation Society Indonesia Program (WCS-IP) has significantly grown over the last decades, and contributed substantially to the conservation of biodiversity in Indonesia. We currently work in several landscapes in Sumatra and Sulawesi, where we aim to protect threatened species and their habitat through working with government agencies, civil society organisations and local communities. In order to achieve our overall goal of saving wildlife and wild places in Indonesia, WCS-IP includes amongst its strategic priorities landscape-level conservation management, support to protected areas (PAs), species conservation actions, and engaging local communities. In order to achieve our overall goal of saving wildlife and wild places, the WCS-IP programs are strongly supported and backed up by field activities that aim to improve the conservation and management of the remaining ecosystems and wildlife habitat.

The Wildlife Conservation Society – Indonesia Program (WCS-IP) has significantly grown over the last decades, and contributed substantially to the conservation of biodiversity in Indonesia. Within Sumatra, WCS focuses on landscape-level conservation around Gunung Leuser National Park and Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, which form part of the World Heritage Site, Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra. WCS also has activities in Way Kambas National Park. Together, these three sites contain the majority of the remaining populations of Sumatran Rhino in Indonesia, and are very important for Tiger, Elephant and Orangutans. Within Sulawesi, WCS focuses on the landscape around Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park in north Sulawesi and Gorontalo provinces.

In order to strengthen our conservation programs, WCS-IP is looking for a strong and motivated Geographic Information System (GIS) Specialist. The GIS Specialist will be required to maintain a comprehensive spatial database for the WCS target landscapes, and to provide technical assistance on GIS and remote-sensing across the program, and undertake spatial analyses, such as monitoring land-use change. The work will provide support to both field interventions as well as on policy development. The GIS Specialist will lead WCS-IP collection, storage, analysis, mapping, imaging, and communication of geospatial information.

The position will be based in Bogor, with regular trips to the field to provide direct technical advice, monitoring and capacity building of field staff. The GIS Specialist will work under the general supervision of the Sumatra Program Manager, as well as work closely together with other colleagues in the office as a team, including the Sulawesi program. The GIS Specialist will be supported by field staff based in Medan and Lampung.
Details vacant position as follows:
Position:                      Geographic Information System ( GIS ) Specialist
Based in :                    Bogor Office
Contract period:          1 year with possibility of an extension

For more information about the vacant position and Wildlife Conservation Society – Indonesia Program in details, please visit our website at HERE