
UNHCR Issues a Call for Expression of Interest - Indonesian

UNHCR issues a Call for Expression of Interest.
The purpose of this Call for Expression of Interest is for UNHCR to solicit interest from prospective or existing partners that wish to participate in a UNHCR led operation and contribute complementary resources (human resources, knowledge, funds, in-kind, and/or equipment) for achieving common and agreed objectives by undertaking a Project Agreement.

According to UNHCR policy, the UNHCR Representation in Indonesia would like to invite organizations to submit Concept Notes for projects to be implemented in 2016. Concept Notes [2] should be in line with UNHCR’s strategic priorities for Indonesia, highlighted in UNHCR’s Call for Expression of Interest [1].

The Concept Notes are to be submitted no later than 15 August 2015 and will be reviewed by the UNHCR Indonesia Implementing Partnership Management Committee, which is responsible for the selection and retention of implementing partners in accordance with the criteria stipulated in UNHCR’s Call for Expression of Interest. UNHCR’s decision will be communicated by 15 September 2015.

For the approved Concept Note, the submitting organization will be requested to develop a full–fledged Project Submission in line with UNHCR’s standard requirements by 7 October 2015.

UNHCR would draw particular attention to the necessity to incorporate into Project Submissions the results of any participatory assessments conducted with UNHCR’s persons of concern by the submitting organization, and to present gender and disaggregated age and gender data whenever possible.

Prospective partners that have not previously worked with UNHCR and are not yet registered with UNHCR Headquarters are required to submit a Partner Declaration Form [3] with the submission of the Concept Note. Concept Notes should be submitted in sealed envelopes to the following address:

Secretary to the IPMC (Reference: 15/INSJA/HCR/30689)
UNHCR Indonesia
Menara Ravindo 14th Floor
Jalan Kebon Sirih Kav. 75
Jakarta 10340

The deadline for submitting Concept Notes is 15 August 2015, 17:00 local time. UNHCR is available in case there are any questions or assistance required for the preparation of the above documents. In this respect, please contact the UNHCR Indonesia Programme Section at + 62 21 2964 3602.