
RutgersWPF Indonesia Vacancy: Organizational Capacity Assessment, Jakarta

RutgersWPF Indonesia is an organisation working on sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and sexual gender based violence (SGBV). We have a longstanding expertise in this field and work together with organisations in many other countries. RutgersWPF Indonesia consists of a dynamic team of 20 staff members. RutgersWPF Indonesia works together with many partner organizations in promoting SRHR and working on prevention of SGBV.

Terms of Reference
Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) Consultant

1.      Introduction

Strengthening partner organizations has been the major concern for Rutgers WPF Indonesia and the SRHR Alliance in implementing our programs. Organizational Capacity Assessments (OCA) were conducted for partners prior to program implementation in 2011  and mid-way in 2013. The OCA was designed to enable organizations to define a capacity building and improvement plan based on self-assessed needs, and how partners with different focus and expertise can strengthen other members in the Alliance.
To conduct the OCA, we had decided to make assessment to all participating organizations using the concept of the five Core Capabilities (the 5C’s), that include various aspects: governance, administration, human resources, financial management, organizational management, program management and project performance management. Furthermore, focus of Rutgers and the Alliance, i.e. Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, will be taken into account during the analysis.

2.      Objective

To each program, since the beginning the SRHR Alliance recognizes the importance of strengthening capacity of partner organizations: that program achievement until its impacts, in fact, heavily relies on the capability / capacity of partner organization that is directly involved in program implementation. The other thing is program sustainability. When these support programs are completed, then sustainability of the program is determined by partner organizations’ readiness and capability/capacity to continue the program, and partners continuously seek opportunities for cooperation with various stakeholders both nationally and internationally. In fact, partners continue to work directly with the communities in Indonesia. Therefore, the SRHR Alliance cares to consistently and continuously monitor and evaluate partner organizations’ capacity building.

3.      Tasks to be performed

  • Determine the exact planning in consultation with partner organisations in the country. 
  • Collect, analyse and aggregate self-assessment sheets.
  • Conduct a meeting with the partner organisation to discuss the results of the assessment and discuss   comparison between current, 2013 and 2011 findings
  • Develop a capacity assessment report of each partner organisation. The report will be written according to the provided format to allow for easy comparison of all reports.
  • Send the draft report to the Indonesian Alliance office and the assessed partner organisation (for verification), and make adjustments for the final report.

4.      Tangible outputs

  • Aggregated data from the self-assessment sheets of each partner organisation is sent to Indonesian Alliance office. 
  • Report of the meeting with each partner organisation is approved by Indonesian Alliance office. 
  • Capacity assessment reports of partner organisations with filled in 5C scoring table for each partner organisation is approved by Indonesian Alliance office.

5.      Methodology (Process)

Based on the individual reports both the national consultant and the responsible programme officer in the Netherlands individually fill in the so-called 5C scoring table for each partner organisation. Thus, for each organisation two tables will be completed (one by the consultant and one by the programme officer). The two tables will be compared by the Dutch coordinator. The final score will be decided upon by the programme officer. In case of considerable differences between the score of the programme officer and the consultant, the discussion on reasons will be described.

6.      Required Expertise of the consultants team/specifications

  • Post graduate degree in development studies, social studies or related fields, preferably including gender and sexuality studies. 
  • Demonstrated professional practice in capacity assessment analysis during the last five years.
  • Have a profound knowledge in capacity assessment analysis of development projects.
  • Good knowledge and experience in statistical data analysis is required.
  • Experienced in the use of participatory appraisal techniques in data collection
  • Excellent analytical, research, writing and communication skills.
  • Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate and work well with diverse people.

7.      Work plan and timeline

The OCA will be done by an external national consultant and will take place between October and December 2015. As the aggregated report has to be send to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by January 2015. Final OCA reports must therefore be sent to the OCA coordinator at Rutgers WPF before 31 December 2015.

8.      How to Apply

Interested applicants are invited to send:
  • A short expression of interest (max 5 pages) clearly specifying understanding of the assignment, steps in the assignment, limitations, innovative suggestions as well as suitability and availability as well as requested fee.
  • Portfolio indicating previous research experiences in qualitative and quantitative research on social issues and a list of researches conducted, stating published in which national and/or international journals.
  • Samples of previous research reports.
Selected candidates will be asked to submit an inception report with anticipated work plan and time- schedule, based on an analysis of the issues to be studied, the proposed method, and the reporting requirements. A presentation of the detailed work plan and methods as included in the inception report will be part of the assignment.

Interested consultants or organizations can submit their application by e-mail to: recruitment.rutgerswpf.indo@gmail.com,
indicating the title of this assignment (OCA Consultant)
Application deadline will close at 5.00 pm (Jakarta time), Friday, 28 August 2015.
Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

The project will be awarded to candidate whose proposal shows the soundest methodology and efficiency in using resources. Full TOR will be sent via e-mail to interested applicants.