
RECOFTC Job Vacancy: Services for Capacity Development Needs Assessment (CDNA) in Indonesia

RECOFTC – The Center for People and Forests holds a unique and important place in the world of forestry. It is the only international not‐for‐profit organization that specializes in capacity development for community forestry and devolved forest management. RECOFTC engages in strategic networks and effective partnerships with governments, non government organizations, civil society, the private sector, local people, and research and educational institutes throughout the Asia‐Pacific region and beyond. With over 25 years of international experience and a dynamic approach to capacity development—involving research, analysis and synthesis; strategic communication; training and learning networks; and piloting and demonstrating—RECOFTC delivers innovative solutions for people and forests.

RECOFTC – The Center for People and Forests is looking for a consultant(s) to conduct a Capacity Development Needs Analysis (CDNA) for community forestry in Indonesia.

Terms of Reference for Consultancy Services for Capacity Development Needs Assessment (CDNA) in Indonesia.

Many see Community forestry (CF) as one of the best modalities for achieving sustainable forest management. CF can support multiple objectives, including the realization of socio-economic (e.g. poverty reduction) and environmental (e.g. reducing deforestation) benefits. The success of sustainable CF is dependent on a combination of the clarity, strength, realization, and the security of rights; the appropriateness of resources and regulations; capacity and performance of key stakeholders; and the availability of, and access to market opportunities for the community forestry products and services. Community, as a sense of being, is a basic condition to realize this, as well as an objective for CF. The governance of this process is important, but this is dependent on who is involved, and their capacity to realize rights and responsibilities over access, use, and management of forest resources. While there is no one model for community forestry, nevertheless stakeholders’ capacities will be key for realizing the objectives of community forestry.

Capacity to make this work has a number of conditions, including: awareness, understanding, skills, attitudes / aspirations, but also regulatory environment, technology, infrastructure, and resources. While there have been numerous prescriptions of the capacities needed for CF development, a systematic framework looking at key knowledge and skills can help to assess the actual capacity needs, and will be fundamental in all stages of the program development. For this project, the focus is on developing a framework of competences – covering the understanding and skills of individuals and their organizations - as a prerequisite for successful community forestry.

During the implementation of the 2008-2013 strategic plan RECOFTC conducted 7 capacity building needs assessments (CBNAs) focusing on community forestry and 5 for grassroots REDD+ capacity building. These assessments used a framework which unpacks CF competences (knowledge and skills) into 9 competence groups (plus an additional one on REDD+ for grassroots REDD+ capacity building). These were cross-referenced with the cross cutting themes (rights, governance, benefits). The competence groups identified covered: CF policy and planning; Sustainable CF Management; Forest Resources Assessment; Participatory Action Research; Socio-Economic and Cultural Assessment; Sustainable Development and Conflict Management; Awareness, Public Relations and Advocacy; Individual Capacity Development and Training; Program Development and Project Management.

For its 2013-2018 strategic plan RECOFTC developed a program framework around four strategic outcomes (thematic areas – the ‘what’), and five intermediate outcomes (functional approaches – the ‘how’) (see RECOFTC’s program framework below). In the previous strategic phase capacity development was understood to cover mainly training, learning networks, and study tours as methods to improve the capacities. For the current strategic phase the learning cycle has been reviewed to mainstream the process of delivering outcome oriented high level capacity development services by integrating functional approaches research, analysis and synthesis; training and learning networks; strategic communications; and piloting and demonstration.

During the development stages of its current strategic plan, RECOFTC recognized the role and importance of revisiting the capacity building needs assessments (renamed as capacity development needs assessments [CDNA]). The challenge of developing CDNAs is that they should be detailed enough to have a logical progression leading into country specific planning processes, flexible enough to deal with the context specific issues, and robust enough to ensure actionable results.

In the above context RECOFTC has been revising the CDNA framework for rolling out in the financial year 2014-15. We now have a draft CDNA framework ready to be finalized in consultation with key stakeholders, with the view to implement the CDNA, in order that a comprehensive capacity development program can be developed and implanted by RECOFTC and partners.

The revised CDNA will initially be rolled out in Indonesia and Myanmar. One of the first steps is identifying a suitable consultant(s) to conduct the CDNA. The consultant will perform the following tasks in close consultation with the RECOFTC country program coordinator, and key stakeholders at relevant opportunities:
  • Finalize the CDNA objectives, methodology, processes and the format of the report. 
  • Provide an overview of community forestry in Indonesia, conduct a policy analysis, examine the opportunities and barriers to the development of CF in the country.
  • Conduct a stakeholder mapping and analysis and stakeholder capacity analysis 
  • Conduct CDNA for CF at local landscape levels
  • Recommend capacity interventions to address the capacity gaps, also recommendations based on the policy and regulatory analysis.


The consultant should have the following qualifications:
  • Minimum 10 years of work experience in participatory forest management / community forestry 
  • University degree in forest / natural resource management, or sociology
  • Good knowledge of the forestry sector in Indonesia 
  • Good command of English
Interested candidates are requested to submit CV and a cover letter indicating why they are suitable for this position along with salary requirements and current contact details of three referees, including recent supervisors to indonesia.recruitment@recoftc.org,  Please quote the position title in the subject line of the email. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. RECOFTC has a competitive compensation package. However, offers shall be based on salary history, relevant experience and qualifications of the selected candidate.

Application deadline: 31st August 2015

Women and candidates from the Asia-Pacific region are strongly encouraged to apply.  RECOFTC is an equal opportunity employer and the successful candidate will be selected based on merit.
*RECOFTC reserves the right to offer the position at a lower grade.