
Sumatra Orangutan Conservation Program seeks Veterinarian (Dokter Hewan) – North Sumatra

Sumatra Orangutan Conservation Program (SOCP) membuka kesempatan bekerja bagi DOKTER HEWAN.

Masa kontrak 1 tahun (termasuk 3 bulan masa percobaan), dan ada kemungkinan diperpanjang.

Persyaratan sebagai berikut:  
  • Memiliki dedikasi dan motivasi yang tinggi 
  • Laki-laki atau perempuan 
  • Penyayang hewan dan pekerja keras 
  • Diprioritaskan memiliki pengalaman medis dengan primata 
  • Mandiri sekaligus dapat bekerjasama dalam tim 
  • Terbuka untuk fresh graduate
Bagi peminat yang memiliki kualifikasi di atas, diharapkan mengirimkan lamarannya (CV dan foto diri terakhir)

ke email : yenny.jaya@gmail.com paling lambat 10 Agustus 2015, dengan subjek SOCP VET.

We seek for highly dedicated and motivated veterinarians to join our 
Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Program (SOCP) - VET TEAM.

  • SOCP veterinarians will have first hand experience, working in the field of orangutan veterinarian medicine and field conservation. 
  • Responsible for the health of all orangutans under the care of the SOCP Quarantine Center, researching and updated health management protocols and presenting these to the Quarantine Supervisor.
  • Vets will also be exposed to rehabilitation population health management in SOCP Reintroduction and Release Center, and field activities as rescue and confiscation. 
  • You will working with our experience vet team and report to Senior Vet Supervisor. 
  • Have a good stamina to work on the field and can work in difficult condition when required. 
  • There are opportunities for relevant continuing professional development in this unique field of veterinary medicine.
  • This position is available to new graduates or experienced vets of Indonesian nationality.
Send your electronic CV to yenny.jaya@gmail.com, with the email subject is SOCP VET before 10 AUGUST 2015.