
Save the Children seeks a Research Consultanty UHC - Jakarta

Save the Children has been working in Indonesia since 1976. Save the Children Indonesia currently has a team of more than 200 professionals with high commitment to working with our partners towards the fulfillment of children’s rights. Our program’s approach brings long term and sustainable benefits to Indonesian children. We work to establish effective, self-sustaining approaches to issues related to Child Protection, Health and Nutrition, Education, Emergency Preparedness and Response.

Save the Children seeks a Consultancy Research for UHC to provide recommendations about costing for maternal and child health to be used by Ministry of Health, Ministry of Finance, National Planning and Development Board (Bappenas), BPJS, Donors, NGOs, Provincial/District health offices and sub national government in fulfilling the UHC commitments made by the government.

For more details please visit : HERE

Consulting firm/individual must submit the proposal in English no later than July 9th, 2015 before 4 PM Jakarta Time to procurement.indonesia@savethechildren.org with subject email: RFP: Research Consultancy UHC.

Please do not send after this date.

Human Resources Department