
Lowongan The Production of Video on CSR Forum Lessons Learned - Jakarta

DAI, the implementer of the “USAID-funded Indonesia Urban Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (IUWASH) Project” invites qualified offerors to submit proposals to supply and deliver “The Production of Video on CSR Forum Lessons Learned” in support of program implementation.
Background: The Indonesia Urban Water Sanitation and Hygiene (IUWASH) project is a five-year program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). IUWASH works within the partnership framework of the United States of America and Indonesian government to improve the quality of environment through better access to safe water supply and sanitation. In addition, IUWASH also supports the Indonesian government to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) target for both services (drinking water and sanitation) particularly for the Low Income People (MBR) living in urban areas in Indonesia.
IUWASH works with government, the private sector, NGOs, community groups and service providers to achieve the following principle results:
  •   2,000,000 people in urban area have access to safe drinking water service
  •   250,000 people in urban area have access to improved sanitation system
To achieve these objectives, IUWASH works closely with communities, local governments, civil society organizations, and service providers. IUWASH also supports the efforts of local governments in building partnerships with the private sector, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs and local CSR forums.
The IUWASH CSR Program : Based on the increasingly important role of CSR in supporting local development initiatives, IUWASH has not worked directly with CSR programs in the impolementation of specific activities (such as CCFI), but has also become engaged in supporting local government partners in improving their own ability to encourage CSR support to the sector through the establishment and / or capacity building of local CSR Forums in six (6) district/cities (in the provinces of Banten, Central Java, East Java and Papua).
Lesson Learn IUWASH Program of CSR Forum Capacity Building : Many people believe that one CSR Gathering or similar activities that brings together private sector (CSR) and the government, is a powerful way to communicate government programs that are not funded by local and national budget (APBD/APBN), and then in one meeting (gathering) government programs will get the support of the private sector (CSR) funding. In fact, it is not as simple as that. There are many variables which enable strong partnership between government, public and private sector (CSR). If the development and management of CSR Forum is done improper, it can often even be counter-productive to the expected partnership. 
Based on the IUWASH experience there are three models of management of CSR forum:
  1.  Initiated and managed entirely by the private sector (companies);
  2.  Although in the regulation the establishment CSR forum include a variety of components, but in reality it is managed entirely by government elements; and
  3. CSR Forum initiated and managed jointly between the government, private sector and community.
Involvement and openness of companies, governments and communities, in the establishment and management of a CSR forum in the region is very important. The CSR Forum need to be a ‘home’ for the company, so there is trust and confidence of the company to allocate funds for the development of society through the CSR forum. On the other hand, the government should also appear as an important partner in the forum, so that it possible (in accordance with the legislation) to support forums budget funds for both daily operational funds as well as acitivities support.
Also the general public can be an important part of CSR forum with the ability to explore and articulate priority needs and write it into proposals to be financing through the CSR forum. All of this needs to be advocated to variety of stakeholders, from Government, Legislators, private sectors, NGO and local communities. There is variety of ways to conduct advocacy but a good visual aid (like video) is considered a strong tool, which can be used in multiple sessions and regions.
For the above mentioned purpose, We are inviting potential bidders to submit proposal. For further information and complete document of this RFP, please download by this link HERE
Thank you very much for your kind attention
Sincerely yours,
Procurement IUWASH