
Lowongan Facilitator, Business Support Centre Operation - Manado & Makassar

Job Description
Location: Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia and/or Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Duration: Approximately 10 weeks, TBD
Dates: Fall 2015

Humber’s Sulawesi Economic Development Strategy Project (SEDS) is a five-year partnership project working with seven universities in Indonesia. The focus of the project is to strengthen the enabling environment for the development, management, and growth of the small and medium enterprise (SME) sector in North and South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Project activities will address three key areas across the seven universities: i) capacity development of the university partners to infuse applied entrepreneurship skills into curriculum, ii) capacity development of the university partners to deliver SME support services directly to micro and small enterprises, and iii) fostering networks among university, government, business and NGO stakeholders.

For the project as a whole, six rounds of workshops will be facilitated to develop the capacity of up to twenty lecturers at seven Indonesian partner universities to foster entrepreneurship. The first three workshops focused on developing applied entrepreneurship curriculum design and delivery skills are now complete. The project has turned its focus to the development of Business Support Centres (BSCs) that will provide support to student entrepreneurs as well as the SME community, while contributing to the fostering of entrepreneurship networks. Workshops 4, 5 and 6 focus on setting-up the management and operation of the BSCs and business support services. Workshop 4 focused on Strategic Planning for the Business Centre and partners are finalizing their Strategic Plans.

This posting is for workshop 5. Based on the needs assessment, the proposed topics include: mentoring, counseling, and coaching; and business centre operations such as total quality management, marketing, promotion, branding, financial management and fundraising. Under the general direction of the Manager, International Development Institute, and working closely with the Field Team, the facilitators will be responsible for designing and facilitating workshop 5 for the seven SEDS partners. The number of workshops, training days and participants is to be determined. Facilitators may be requested to provide additional technical support to individual partners for the development of the BSCs but this will be determined based on requests received and time availability. The facilitators will work closely with the BSC working groups/lead teams at each university, the in-country Field Manager, as well as with the local Entrepreneurship Technical Advisor.

  • Participate in pre-departure orientation provided by Humber. 
  • Working in collaboration with the facilitators and Field Team, develop the workshop content and delivery methods for: mentoring, counseling, and coaching (approximately 2 days); and business centre operations such as total quality management, marketing, promotion, branding, financial management and fundraising (approximately 3 days). 
    • Note: While topics may be the same for all universities, each university is at a different stage of readiness for their BSC and workshops will be tailored to those specific needs.
  • Co-facilitate the above workshop (approximately 4 separate 5-day workshops) with a Canadian and/or Indonesian co-facilitator. Many participants will understand English, however, a translator will be provided by the project where needed. 
  • If required, provide ongoing technical support for a designated # of days to a designated # of partner universities as requested. 
  • Write a report upon completion of the workshops whereby activities and outcomes of the mission are clearly stated including recommendations for future capacity development initiatives and workshop facilitators, particularly development of services to be offered by the BSCs. 
  • Participate in a debriefing session in Canada and mentor future instructors participating in the program.
  • Certified professional mentor, counselor, or coach.
  • Able to provide business case studies based on his/her experience as mentor, counselor or coach to students or clients, and experience leading simulations. 
  • Proven experience operating a successful Business Centre. 
  • Familiarity with quality management, marketing, promotion, branding, financial management, and fundraising. 
  • Experience designing and delivering training programs in a cross-cultural setting. 
  • Knowledge of SME development, preferably in developing countries
  • Knowledge and experience with applied teaching. Able to use a variety of teaching methods and adapt to audience needs. 
  • Understanding and commitment to gender equality, environmental sustainability and a commitment to good governance and ethical business practices. 
  • Previous overseas experience desirable. 
  • Able to work in international development conditions. 
  • Understanding of local business context and practices in Indonesia and/or Sulawesi considered an asset.
Humber College, through the project budget, will pay for return airfare to Indonesia, visas, in-transit costs, per diems, travel insurance, and accommodation. Humber will also cover certain specified project-related expenses (translation, photocopying, transportation, etc.) within a pre-fixed budget. 

How to Apply
To apply please send a cover letter and résumé to: idihiring@humber.ca. Please include “SEDS Facilitator – Workshop #5” in the subject line. Or apply online: HERE, Competition # 2015-962. Application deadline: 22 July 2015.

We thank all candidates for their interest, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted