
GRM International Job Vacancy: M&E Consultant, Indonesian

M&E Consultant

The Australia Indonesia Partnership for Promoting Rural Income through Support for Markets in Agriculture (AIP–PRISMA) is a DFAT funded initiative aimed at being an effective mechanism for embedding M4P in Indonesia. The program has a wide geographic reach and aims to increase rural incomes in 5 provinces of Eastern Indonesia to contribute to a 30% or more increase in net incomes of 1,000,000 poor rural female and male farmers, 300,000 of which will be reached by June 2017.

Purpose of Role
The objective of the assignment will be to support the program in implementing its results measurement system and in complying with the DCED Standard.

The position will be through to 31 March 2016. 

Minimum education and experience required
  • A strong academic and professional background in monitoring, evaluation and research, with a minimum of 5 years of relevant education and experience; 
  • A strong conceptual foundation in M4P and at least 3 years of practical experience in its application in different contexts;
  • Previous experience of providing evaluation and technical advice related to the application of the DCED Standard for Results Measurement in different contexts; and 
  • Strong English-language writing and communication skills.
This position has been assessed in line with the Adviser Remuneration Framework as C2 or C3.

 to view the position description. 

Interested? Please submit your CV through the GRM International Careers Page (HERE).  

Applications close on 4th August 2015. 

Only successful applicants will be contacted.
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