
CTS Global USA Job Vacancy: FETP Resident Advisor for Basic FETP in Jakarta

Title: FETP Resident Advisor for Basic FETP in Indonesia

Period of Performance: September 28, 2015 – September 14, 2016

Service Objectives:
CDC is requesting the contractor hire resident advisors to reside and work in Indonesia. Resident Advisors (RA) are needed in the country to implement and develop the field epidemiology training program to strengthen the country’s capacity to prevent, respond and contain disease threats.

Alongside and assisting the FETP Advanced Resident Advisor in Indonesia:
  • Train and mentor the Ministry of Health (MOH) personnel to improve disease surveillance, detection, and response to outbreaks by providing classroom training in applied epidemiology and leading applied activities and field investigations.
  • Build self-sustaining institutionalized capacity in-country.
  • Collaborate with ongoing efforts of other USG and in-USG partners in-country to strengthen disease surveillance, response efforts, biosecurity/biosafety, and workforce capacity, and assist the country in reaching Global Health Security and International Health Regulation goals
  • Ensure continued support of Ministries of Health and engage local counterparts.
Task Requirements:
  • Work under the supervision of the Resident Advisor for the Advanced FETP program.
  • Work with technical staff at CDC, the Ministry of Health and other partners in-country to develop and implement a training plan for field epidemiology for public health professionals at the basic and intermediate levels.
  • Travel to the field (local sites within the country) to conduct trainings and assist with participants’ investigations and fieldwork.
  • Travel to CDC Atlanta to attend the FETP 5-day retreat
  • Travel to CDC Atlanta to attend a two-week orientation session
  • Review and adapt the existing Basic and Intermediate Field Epidemiology curriculum as may be required in consultation with CDC, the Ministry of Health, WHO, and other partners in-country.
  • Liaise with the Ministry of Health to identify participants for the basic and intermediate field epidemiology training.
  • Collaborate with MOH to convene a Steering Committee to guide program implementation.
  • Coordinate with CDC and identified partners to ensure logistical support for the didactic and field trainings of selected participants is in place.
  • Conduct the planned basic and intermediate field epidemiology training together with the Ministry of Health, CDC, and identified partners.
  • Mentor participants of the basic and intermediate programs.
  • Train MOH supervisors and mentors of the basic and intermediate participants.
  • Guide participants in preparing their presentations for the dissemination of their findings and recommendations.
  • Assist national health authorities to develop adequate and timely field investigations in response to acute public health problems such as epidemic outbreaks, clusters of disease cases, and case investigations.
  • Advice MOH in the identification and acquisition of opportunities for participant projects, and sources of funding that help secure annual budgets for the adequate development of an institutionalized FETP.
  • Assist mentors and participants in the intermediate program with the design and implementation of applied epidemiological research projects.
  • Assist with the selection and training of graduates as mentors for future participants.
  • Coordinate the organization and facilitation of stakeholder and dissemination meetings in the country.
  • Participate in disease surveillance and outbreak investigation and response activities of the Ministry of Health together with graduates and participants.
  • Work with MOH and other training institutions to integrate basic and intermediate field epidemiology curriculum into an in-service program for MOH staff.
  • Provide technical assistance to the MOH.
  • Liaison between CDC, the MOH, and partners to coordinate GHS activities in the country.
  • Conduct periodic Steering Committee meetings to guide program implementation
  • Periodic (monthly or as otherwise agreed upon) calls with country support staff in headquarters
Minimum Qualifications and/or Certifications:
  • Masters or Doctoral-level professional degree in academic fields related to health or allied sciences, preferably in human and veterinary medicine, or zoonotic biology.
  • Graduate from a Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) OR at least two years’ experience in Field Epidemiology Training Program or a similar field epidemiology service.
  • 1-2 years of experience working in the field as a practicing epidemiologist
  • Knowledge of WHO standards and policies such as the Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response strategy (IDSR) and International Health Regulations.
  • Extensive knowledge and understanding of the functionality of surveillance systems at national, sub-national, local and community levels of the health systems in the country.
  • Experience in preparing and facilitating trainings for in-service public health workforce development initiatives.
  • Experience in coordinating multi-agency public health programs at regional, national, sub-national, local levels.
  • Experience with adult education strategies
These include:
  • Problem-based education techniques,
  • Instructional design,
  • Teaching epidemiology and basic public health statistics,
  • Public health management and program design,
  • Communication and advocacy in public health.
How to apply:
Interested candidates should email their cover letter and CV to resumes@ctsglobalusa.com

Closing Date: 30 Aug 2015