
ChildFund International Job Consultant: Endline Survey ENHANCE Project - Indonesian

ChildFund Indonesia has been implementing child-centered programs since 1973 .Through community-based, culturally grounded, participatory program approaches, ChildFund Indonesia works with 16 local partners in 32 districts in eight provinces. In 174 villages where we work, we support 318 ECD exclusive and/or integrated health posts (Posyandu), 87 child-friendly schools and 96 child forumThrough these community-support mechanisms, ChildFund Indonesia ensures local leadership support and ownership of project activities.

The ENHANCE project is a multi-country project implemented in Indonesia, Sri Lanka and the Philippines, with the aim of securing young child’s access to quality nutrition, health, education and early childhood services. In Indonesia, the ENHANCE project is being implemented in ECD centers operated by 5 local partners in 14 sub villages, which are located in the 9 districts of West Java, DKI Jakarta and Central Java.

Since its implementation in August 2011, the ENHANCE project has benefitted more than 700 children and parents/caregivers through physical improvements, trained teachers/health cadres and through empowering lead mothers in parenting education activities. The ENHANCE project works with the local government from the village up to the district level to facilitate the sustainability of support, and to ensure improvements in related sectors are sustainable in the longer term. The ENHANCE project has entered its fourth year and is in its third phase of implementation. The project will be completed by October 2015.

The ENHANCE project was designed to address some of these issues. The project strives to improve child well-being through the provision of high quality ECD services, while at the same time improving parents’ ability to provide quality care and early stimulation in the home.  For Phase 3 of the project, Indonesia focused interventions on preparing children for school in addition to the continuing activities from phase 2.

The endline survey for this project is being proposed to measure the level of Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) of parents/caregivers over the 4-year period. Given the focus on ‘school readiness’ in phase 3 (which is usually related to pre-numeracy and pre-literacy readiness), the endline survey will also accommodate this component.

The External Consultant is expected to:
  1. Review the Project’s baseline reports and other project documents. 
  2. Develop the ENHANCE KAP endline survey questionnaire to capture the progress in the project indicators.
  3. Develop tools and instruments to measure pre-literacy and pre-numeracy skills of the children attending the ECD centers supported by the ENHANCE project.
  4. Train the field enumerators to ensure the quality of the gathering data process. 
  5. Supervise the endline gathering data process.
  6. Analyze the results and capture best practices, improvement needed and also recommendation for its program sustainability.
  7. Submit draft endline report, present the draft to the ChildFund Indonesia for review and comments. 
  8. Submit the final report integrating the comments from ChildFund. The report should highlight the baseline vs endline KAP indicators/results.
The external consultant is expected to work closely with the M&E Specialist (Mr. Teuku
Maimunsyah), the ECD Specialist (Ms. Rini Mintarsih), the ENHANCE Project Officer (Ms. Gena Lysistrata), and the Program Director (Ms. Joanne Hashim). The consultant is also required to coordinate closely with ChildFund Indonesia’s area/zonal managers on the collection of field data.

  • Inception report – this needs to be submitted 5 days after the signing of the contract. It is to contain the following: (a) research framework, methodology and tools (b) survey questionnaires (in Bahasa and English); and (c) survey mobilization plan. The inception report will be approved by ChildFund Indonesia. 
  • Endline Survey report – this will be submitted within the approved timeframe as presented in the Inception report. The report should be in English and shall specifically covers the indicators in the approved ENHANCE proposal and the indicators set by ChildFund Indonesia on pre-literacy and numeracy readiness. 
  • Presentation of the draft report to ChildFund Indonesia staff 2 days after submission for the first draft. 
  • Submission of the final report 3 days after ChildFund Indonesia has provided comments and clarifications (electronic and hard copy).
The study is expected to commence in July 2015 upon signing of the contract and will end in September 2015 upon submission and approval of the report by ChildFund Indonesia.
  • At least 5 years proven track record in conducting Baselines, Endline, program evaluations and related surveys. Experience in conducting KAP survey will be an advantage. 
  • Familiarity with child development NGOs and development work or at least 5 years of progressive experience in development work.
  • Advanced analytical skills and writing (in scientific, elaborative and concise manner) 
  • Must possess an ability to work well under pressure and the ability to seek and synthesize information and communicate in a compelling and succinct form. 
  • Cross cutting understanding and knowledge on ECD programming in Indonesia, will be an advantage. 
  • High level of English proficiency both oral and in writing. 
  • Self motivated, details oriented and highly organized
Interested consultants should submit a 1-page expression of interest, curriculum vitae, proposed general work plan, and proposed budget to carry out the assignment.

Application should be addressed to ChildFund Indonesia at : recruitment@indonesia.childfund.org

The selected consultant will be hired using a standard consulting agreement which complies with ChildFund Indonesia’s policies and standards.