
SNV Indonesia: Research WASH in Schools - Lampung

Terms of Reference (TOR)
WASH in Schools Analysis in Lampung Selatan,
Pringsewu and Tanggamus – Lampung Province
June 2015

A.1. SNV
SNV is a not-for-profit international development organization. Founded in the Netherlands almost 50 years ago, we have built a long-term, local presence in 39 of the poorest countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Our global team of local and international advisors works with local partners to equip communities, businesses and organizations with the tools, knowledge and connections they need to increase their income and gain access to basic services – empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and guide their own development.
SNV supports local organizations (state and non-state), mostly at the provincial and district level, through a combination of advisory, knowledge brokering and advocacy services with a focus on working at scale. Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) is one of three key sectors that SNV invests in to contribute towards pro-poor development, through improved access to basic services and production, income and employment.

A.2. Supporting STBM in Lampung Programme
SNV recognizes the enormous economic and social potential of improving sanitation and hygiene in Indonesia. Benefits include improved health, reduced risk of disease and increased productivity and income for millions of families.

Despite Indonesia’s rapid economic progress, 100 million people still don’t have access to improved sanitation facilities. Acknowledging that access to improved sanitation is a basic human right, the government of Indonesia has developed the STBM (Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat) programme to improve sanitation and hygiene coverage in rural areas in order to achieve 100% coverage by 2019. STBM promotes community-wide achievement of five key pillars in sanitation and hygiene behaviour: to stop open defecation; to wash hands with soap; to safely handle drinking water and food; and to safely manage solid and liquid domestic waste.

SNV’s strategy is to assist and work with the Government to implement STBM in targeted areas. The overall goal of the project ‘Supporting STMB in Lampung Province’ is to improve the health and quality of life for 220,000 people living in the districts of Lampung Selatan, Tanggamus and Pringsewu, all in the Province of Lampung. To complement the program’s baseline assessment, SNV is commissioning a research about the Sanitation and Hygiene situation in the schools of the targeted districts.

The overall objective of this research is to collect data about the sanitation and hygiene conditions in 8 schools in each of the 3 targeted districts, Tanggamus, Pringsewu and Lampung Selatan, in a total of 24 schools.

The specific objectives of the research are as follows:
1.   A characterization of each of the targeted schools (location, type of school, number of grades, number of students (male/female), number of teachers (male/female), number of sanitation facilities in place (male/female), type of sanitation facilities in place, level of cleanliness of the sanitation facilities in place, number of hand washing facilities in place (including availability of soap), menstrual hygiene management conditions, overall cleanliness of the school facilities, including solid and liquid waste management

2.   Identification of the social groups in the school context (students’ associations, teachers associations, school committees and other) and their (existing and potential) role in relation to sanitation and hygiene

3.   Description and analysis of the programs/projects dedicated to hygiene and sanitation implemented in the school context and of their overall results up to date

4.   Collection of the students and teachers/school staff perspectives about sanitation and hygiene in the schools

5.   Analyze actual conditions and constraints related to menstrual hygiene management

6.   Identification of potential solutions the SNV programme could implement to address the constraints identified and to maximize the potential/effectiveness of existing programmes/initiatives on sanitation and hygiene and specifically for menstrual hygiene management

This research is expected to critically inform the design of interventions that improve sanitation and hygiene conditions in the schools targeted by the programme, particularly in what concerns the promotion of STBM’s 5 pillars and menstrual hygiene management

C.1 Methodology
SNV advises a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods. For the qualitative component, it is suggested to use an adapted version of the SANIFOAM approach. The SANIFOAM approach analyses the combination of opportunities, abilities and motivations to perform the desired sanitation and hygiene behaviors.
C.2 Research tools
In addition to developing the research tools the consultants should expect to undertake desk research, apply questionnaires, conduct focus group discussions and interviews with key actors. The consultant is strongly advised to build on existing data and tools where possible.
The consultant will be required to develop a research protocol which details the methodology, hypothesis and tools to be employed at each stage of the research, including their relation to the target group.
C.3 Selection of research sites
A list of the selected schools will be provided by SNV.

C.4 Selection of key informants and contacts with the school community
SNV will support with the identification of key informants and facilitate the introduction to the schools staff and community
The consultant is expected to submit to SNV the following deliverables:
1.   Detailed research protocol - setting out finalized methodology, research tools, research plan, ethics, data management and accompanying set of draft tools
2.   Draft report of the requested research in English, with a 3 pages summary in Bahasa Indonesia, of no more than 45 pages long excluding comprehensive annexes. It should include a specific chapter about menstrual hygiene management.
3.   PowerPoint presentation in Bahasa Indonesia of the report to be shared with program’s stakeholders to validate and complement research results
4.   Finalized report and revised tools in English with a 3 pages summary in Bahasa Indonesia of no more than 45 pages long for the report, including a specific chapter about menstrual hygiene management, and excluding comprehensive annexes (with tools) within seven days of receiving comments.
1.   Give advice on the study set up and design (particularly the research protocol), and provide feedback as required
2.   Pay the consultancy fee and costs related to the study (within the budget to be agreed upon by SNV and the research team)
3.   Assist with arranging visits and meetings, logistical support and the final debriefing of stakeholders
4.   Provide other input and assistance as appropriate
E.2 Consultants/Research team
1.   Lead the study, including design, implementation, report writing, presentation to stakeholders for validation and finalization within the timeframe specified above.
2.   Involve SNV, Local Government (LG) partners and district partners in the study design and process including facilitating a one day workshop to develop the research hypothesis and to present and validate the
3.   Present key study findings to SNV and other stakeholders.
The maximum number of days available for three districts is 38 days, starting 6th July 2015 through to 15th August 2015, to do the following:
1.   Draft analysis protocol and tools – 3 days
2.   Participatory workshop to develop hypothesis with SNV and LG partners (if required) – 1 day
3.   Refine analysis tools following workshop/feedback from SNV – 2 days
4.   Data collection including travel to districts and community sites – 20 days
5.   Data processing and draft report writing – 8 days
6.   Presentation of the analysis results to SNV staff and WASH program stakeholders – 1 day
7.   Validation and final report writing – 3 days
The consultant will report to the Program Leader Supporting STBM in Lampung Province and will work closely with the WASH Sector Leader and the Rural WASH team.
Payment will be made in IDR to the agreed account on the successful completion of the assignment
Consultants should constitute a multi-disciplinary research team that includes experienced professionals in behavioral science. Previous experience with sanitation issues is an essential condition.
The consultant should have experience in leading and facilitating formative research, must be fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and able to write reports in English.
Please send application letter, CV’s of the proposed team and technical & financial proposal (all documents in English) to procurement.snv@gmail.com by 26th June 2015 with the subject: “Research WASH in Schools – Lampung”.