
GIZ Vacancy: Junior Technical Project Professional for SUTIP Project, Jakarta

Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is the German International Cooperation implementing sustainable development on behalf of the German Government. SUTIP (Sustainable Urban Transport Improvement Project) aims at supporting Indonesian cities in implementing an environment-, energy- and climate-friendly transport system. The overall objective is to contribute to a sustainable urban development and a better quality of life.

The implementation phase of SUTIP which is part of the Energy and Climate Change program, started mid-2009. Various documents have been prepared, trainings executed, advice provided on transport legislation and related regulations, and inputs prepared for the National Road Map on CO2 mitigation for the Ministry of Transport.  Since February 2013 the main cooperation partner changed to be the Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS), however support and close cooperation is still being provided to the Ministry of Transportation.
Work with the at present 4 partner cities- namely Palembang, Bogor, Solo and Yogyakarta started since 2010 and various trainings, advice on public transport restructuring, PT improvement schemes, TDM measures and NMT development has been provided on a regular and ongoing basis. Since end of 2014, we add 2 algomoration city which are Denpasar and Bandung. 

We are looking for an:

Junior Technical Project Professional

Duty Station: Jakarta Office
A. Responsibilities

The Junior Technical Project Professional is responsible for:
  • Supporting the Advisor team in Jakarta in re-viewing the existing urban transport policies and lesson learned from experienced cities. This includes the review of national regulations: Laws, Government Regulations (PP), Minister Regulation (Permen) and other standards related with urban transport policies and strategies. 
  • Assisting the data collection on the national and urban level including in urban agglomeration and Pre analysis of transport demand and supply for urban transport movements. 
  • Support to the national policy team on designing urban cohesiveness in urban agglomeration for measures of  public transport, non-motorized transport (NMT) and transport demand management (TDM). 
  • Support the Knowledege management of the project by maintaining the projects output database and manage content disseminataion through the project’s website.
B.  Tasks
The Junior Technical Project Professional performs the following tasks:
1. Review of Existing Urban Transport Policies and Strategies
  • The role of urban transport in economic growth and equity 
  • Improvement of Public transport and reducing the share of private cars 
  • Conflicts mitigations 
  • National regulation related to urban transport: Bappenas, MoT, MoF 
  • Specific Local regulation: Bandung, Denpasar, Bogor, Yogya, Solo and Palembang
2. Standards and MoT Regulation
  • Review existing standards, comments and identify the standards requirements 
  • Provide alternatives from other sources 
  • Discussion, analyse and criticize the Draft MoT Regulation on NMT
3. Data Base and Website  
  • Review existing data base 
  • Maintaining profile and content of SUTIP website.
4. Urban Transport Data and Analyses for Transport Modelling
  • Review existing data from SUTIP cities, MoT and related agencies 
  • Analysis data using formula on private and public transport movement, safety and priority 
  • Prepare analysis on public transport and traffic level of services on urban roads 
  • Design transport modelling for urban transport agglomeration 
5. Other Duties/Additional Tasks
  • Assist in and/or carry out other project activities and any other tasks as assigned; and 
  • Undertake further job training related to his/her position and duties if required. Specific training needs shall be identified and appropriate programs selected jointly with the GIZ Principal Advisor/Project Director. 
C. Required qualifications, competences and experience
Formal Education:
  • University Degree in a course related to transport; optional: specialization in a field related to the Environmental/ Climate change mitigation economics and policy. 
Professional experience:
  • Minimum of  1 years of relevant occupational experience in a comparable position on transport and/or climate change 
  • Experiences in project management 
Other knowledge, additional competences:
  • Excellent command of MS-Office 
  • Good working knowledge of modern telecommunication systems 
  • Excellent written and oral communication skill in English, with analytic capacity and ability to synthesize relevant findings 
  • Excellent ability to shares knowledge and experience, a good team player and self-management.
Please submit your comprehensive resume to sutip@giz.de before 19 June 2015 with email subject: SUTIP – Junior Technical Project Professional