Terms of Reference
Consultant for Better Management Practice (BMP)
Module Training development of
Market and Mangrove (MAM) Project in East Java and Kalimantan
SNV Netherlands Development Organisation
is a not-for-profit international development organisation. Founded in
the Netherlands 50 years ago, we have built a long-term, local presence
in 39 of the poorest countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Our
global team of local and international advisors works with local
partners to equip communities, businesses and organisations with the
tools, knowledge and connections they need to increase their incomes and
gain access to basic services – empowering them to break the cycle of
poverty and guide their own development.
is the world’s most traded seafood product and the most valuable
aquaculture product in international trade. In 2000, the world produced
approximately 1 million mt of farmed shrimp; by 2013, this had increased
450% to 4.5 million mt. unfortunately, this remarkable increase in
shrimp production came with high environmental and social costs.
Mangroves have been one of the key victims of the growth. Over 25% of
the world’s mangroves have been lost since 1980, and the expansion of
shrimp aquaculture was a major driver of this environmental tragedy,
accounting for about 40% of the loss. Mangroves are a key ecosystem for
food security. As much as 80% of global fish catches depend directly or
indirectly on mangroves, making them vital to the ongoing viability of
capture-based fisheries. From a climate change perspective, mangroves
are among the most carbon-rich forests in the world and store two to
four times more carbon than their better-known and better-protected
counterpart, the tropical rainforest.
intervention have been identified to tackle unsustainable production of
traditional shrimp aquaculture, poor productivity and mangrove
deforestation. Briefly, the intervention will promote better
management practices (BMP) to increase traditional shrimp aquaculture
productivity while reducing the environmental impact. A training
needs assessment will ensure locally appropriate training materials are
developed and these will be piloted at a farmer field school in a
selected ponds area. This approach will be scaled up using joint
learning between shrimp farmer groups.
In order to achieve this, three objectives have been set, comprising of:
- Support the transition to a sustainable traditional shrimp production system through improved mangrove planting and environmental awareness,
- Support economic growth and reduce poverty through increasing the productivity of shrimp smallholder, and
- Strengthen and develop farmer organizations in order to ensure impact at scale and effective transfer of knowledge and improving the ability of smallholders to organize themselves.
Scope of Work
SNV is looking for a consultant with these scope of works below:
- To develop Better Management Practice (BMP) training module, together with other SNV partners and Master HIT trainer. This includes the aspect of site selection and design, maintenance of ponds, mangrove re-planting also culture operations, while other necessary aspects are upon the discussion with Team Leader.
- To work with Illustrator on the finalisation of BMP training module.
- To liaise with implementing partners, private sectors, related government agencies, and any other partner NGOs as appropriate to obtain maximum benefit and efficient use of resources in the implementation of assistance the program.
- Undertakes missions within the selected sites to evaluate and improve implementation and monitoring-evaluation of the project.
- To conduct at least one pilot testing training to smallholders using Better Management Practice module.
- Assisting the team leader in the Market and Mangrove (MAM) project related management.
Deliverables & Timeframe
The consultant is expected to submit the following deliverables:
- Better Management Practice training modules for smallholder shrimp aquaculture management
- Report on the pilot testing of BMP training.
The maximum number of days available to achieve these deliverables is 80 days during the period of 01th June 2015 to 31st December 2015, including site visit in Sumatera & Kalimantan.
Required Skills:
- University degree with relevant background in marine science and aquaculture, fisheries, marine biology or other related study.
- Minimum 5 years’ experience in the field of aquaculture management based on communities in the integration of shrimp or mangrove issues in relevant fields e.g. aquaculture better management practices, pricing and marketing, working with smallholders.
- Having experience to conduct training to smallholders is good advantage.
- Excellent communication and inter-personal skills, and the ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with colleagues, partners, external actors and allies.
- Good understanding and knowledge on agriculture, forestry and climate change issues in Indonesia.
- Experience working at national and international levels including working within the NGO sector and a strong background in initiating and implementing programmes.
- Fluent English and Indonesian.
- Advanced computer skills;
- Ability to work under-pressure, meet deadlines, prioritise workload and ‘multi-tasking’.
Application Process:
Please send application letter and proposal directly addressing the candidate profile and CV (in English) to procurement.snv@gmail.com by 26 May 2015 with subject: “Consultant for BMP - MAM”