
Consultant (Reviewer) on “Learning from implementation of emergency responds in Jakarta

Scope of Work
Consultant (Reviewer) on “Learning from implementation of emergency responds in Jakarta and West Java Province”

I.     Introduction
Indonesia’s law number 24 of 2007 concerning disaster management defined that emergency response means a series of prompt actions during the disaster to deal with negative impacts, such as rescuing and evacuating victims and material possessions, providing basic necessities and protection, taking care of refugees, salvaging and recovering infrastructure and facilities. 

Clarity of responsibilities, rights and obligations of all parties, including government, private sector and community is the concrete form of understanding of disaster management in emergency response. It must be determined before the event of disaster. People and communities are element that directly exposed to disaster risks; they also determine the effectiveness of emergency response. To that end, community should be the first and the most important responders to disasters.
Kelurahan is the smallest governmental structure of the governance system in some provinces in Indonesia. In respect to this Kelurahan status, the effectiveness of disaster management should be initiated and developed by the community itself from Kelurahan level. In practice, numerous gaps occurs in emergency response; uneven aid distribution, lack off cooperation among stakeholders, the difference of information or even the neglect of rights of the disaster affected people.
To address these issues, Mercy Corps Indonesia is intended to conduct a study to document the successes, challenges and lessons learned from the existing emergency response experiences. The study will be focused in Jakarta and West Java Province as the two have slightly different vertical coordination in responding disaster.  Mercy Corps Indonesia Drive C and API program worked on both provinces on disaster risk reduction and emergency respond.
The study is expected to produce a documentation of lesson learned and recommendation for disaster management authority (BNPB, BPBD), village administration and another stakeholder (including NGO and private) for better emergency respond in both province and other provinces in Indonesia in the future.
II.   Objective
This study aimed;
  • To recognize any success story and/or obstacle in the implementation of emergency response; including coordination and command system in emergency respond (Sistem Komando Tanggap Darurat/RKTD ) at Kelurahan /Desa level in Jakarta and West Java Province. 
  • To recognize cause of the success and /or obstacle in emergency response; coordination, SKTD and its implementation at Kelurahan /Desa level in Jakarta and West Java Province. 
  • To produce recommendation for disaster management authority (BNPB, BPBD), village administration and another stakeholder (including NGO and private) for better coordination, SKTD and implementation of emergency respond in future.
III. Scope of Study
The study focus on collecting learning on coordination, chain of command in emergency respond (Sistem Komando Tanggap Darurat/SKTD ) and implementation of emergency respond at Kelurahan/Desa level in Jakarta Province and Wes Java. It capture coordination  between the Kelurahan/ Desa entity with BPBD and role of Kelurahan/ Desa entity in implementation of emergency respond during the disaster events.  The selected case will be flood, land-slide and fire in Jakarta and West Java during period of 2013-2015.

Initial cases are expected to be presented by organizations working on Disaster Risk Reduction /Emergency Respond in Jakarta and West Java and from experience of Mercy Corps Indonesia, and will be followed by interview with village administration/emergency respond team and district/provincial level of BPBD (and BNPB when necessary).

IV. Activity of Consultant
Documentation on learning from implementation of emergency respond to disaster will be conducted through a workshop and interview.  The Consultant (Reviewer) will have the following activities:
  • Participate in an FGD on ‘Learning from implementation of emergency responds in Jakarta and West Java Province” attended by representative of organizations working on DRR/ER, kelurahan/desa level emergency respond team, and consultants. 
  • Review on report prepared by consultants (reseacrhers).
V.  Requirement of Consultant
The study will be conducted by three consultants, consist of two researchers and one reviewer. Each of researchers will work for case of Jakarta and West Java Province. Reviewer will involve in the workshop and review the draft report.

The consultant (Reviewer) must have these minimum criteria:
  • Excellent knowledge on disaster preparedness and emergency respond, including on policy and practice of coordination, SKTD and implementation of emergency respond.
  • Minimum of 15 years experience, at least 8 years relevant experience in disaster preparedness and emergency respond.
  • Experience in managing disaster preparedness program and direct involvement in emergency respond in Indonesia is mandatory.
  • Previous experience working on disaster preparedness and emergency respond in Jakarta Province and or West Java Province is desirable.
VI. Work Schedule
May 2015
June 2015
1. FGD
2.Further data collection
3.Report Drafting
4.Report  review
5.Finalization of report
Please send your application and CV to procurement@id.mercycorps.org before 15 May 2015.

Thank you,
Mercy Corps Indonesia