( Peat ) of Palm Oil Plantation for District South Tapanuli and District
There are
some specific challenges in regard to
the relation of Palm Oil development in Indonesia, and one
concern is the planting of oil palm on peat land. There are wide
potential impacts that can result from oil palm plantation on peat land, where
these impacts are often specific to the peat land environment or the broader
landscape ecosystem.
CI is seeking an experienced low emissions palm oil plantation
consultant to support our work in North Sumatra. This Consultancy is a part of
the SLP broader approach, particularly through the impact of reducing
greenhouse gas emissions which is caused by palm plantation on peat land.
The consultant will be required to:
- Provide a series of general recommendations of peat land condition and management of palm oil plantation in a given district in North Sumatra
- Provide specific (see below) recommendations of peat land plantation management in one / two of the private sector companies in the district of Mandailing Natal
- To provide input on the current existing plantation company SOP in relation to plantation peat land management, including but not limited to:
- Advisory services on plantation management and local conditions relating both to good agricultural practice on peat land and how to lower emissions across a plantation level.
- LCC and land cover crop assessment and input.
- Input on the peat equipment being used within the plantation.
- Measurement and recommendations/ input on the 60-80cm water table measurement within a plantation and how to manage this most effectively.
- Specific input and recommendations of plantation peat land management from the perspective of:
- Emissions reduction
- Yield improvement
- Drainage
- Fertilizer usage
- Watershed management and water movement throughout the plantation
Interested Consultants: Are to provide a 2 page overview of
their planned approach to this consultancy a 1 page costing overview including
their consulting rate, a 1 page overview of staff involved and their relevant
experience (S1 in Agronomy minimum), and a paragraph that states their
willingness to abide by a confidentiality clause as part of this consultancy
for a period of 5 years.
Interest consultants should send their interest in the above to requesting
a complete TOR, and apply by email by May 30, 2015.
Any questions relating to the above should also be sent to, on
the understanding that this question and answer will be shared across all
consultants applying