
SNV Indonesia Job Vacancy: Coach for LCB Programme in Indonesia

SNV Indonesia is looking for a:
Coach for LCB programme in Indonesia
SNV is a not-for-profit international development organization. Founded in the Netherlands nearly 50 years ago, we have built a long-term, local presence in 38 of the poorest countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Our global team of local and international advisors work with local partners to equip communities, businesses and organizations with the tools, knowledge and connections they need to increase their incomes and gain access to basic services empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and guide their own development.

SNV has been working officially in Indonesia since 2013. Using market based approaches, SNV is committed to reducing poverty by catalyzing environmentally sustainable solutions for the poor in agriculture, energy, water & sanitation, and REDD+.
We are currently looking for Coach for LCB Program in Indonesia.
Background: Fostering and supporting further development of endogenous (originating, developing, or proceeding from within) competencies, capabilities and capacity is, and has always been, the core strategy of SNV. This strategy has since long been operationalised through collaboration with Local Capacity Builder (LCBs) as clients, sub-contractors and partners. In response to external studies and the internal reflections, SNV has committed to enhance its contribution to systemically and consciously strengthen the capacity of LCBs, amongst others through the launch of a leadership development and support programme for LCBs in 2015. This leadership programmes will be implemented in/through six cohorts (groups of trainees) in Africa, Asia and Latin America, cross cutting the three core sectors of SNV: Agriculture, Renewable Energy, WASH & Sanitation and REDD+.

The programme is conceived and embedded within the broader localisation strategy adopted by SNV and aimed at contributing to the development of an endogenous capacity development sector and to local ownership: local actors should shape and drive their own agendas. The ultimate long-term aim is to contribute to systemic change, taking advantage of the societal role of both SNV and of local organisations. The overall objective of the programme is to strengthen the intrinsic capacity of local Capacity Development Support (CDS) providers so that they can provide Capacity Development Support in a professional and financially sustainable manner, through a leadership development and support programme with a rather practical orientation for professionals who are or who work in the spirit of - market based social entrepreneurship, and who have the potential to run a local CDS. We are looking for the Professional coaches (who are not SNV staff members) in Indonesia and She/he will provide once a month 1:1 support to the trainees over Skype or in person in 2015.

Methodology: The programme is based on principles of experience-based learning (ref. the diagram below) and is process not event based.

The link between practice (experience of the participants) and theory is a prominent element in the programme. Practical experiences from the daily work of the participants will be used as input for and during the entire learning process (both during the two face-to-face training sessions and the follow-up on the job) and linked to inputs that are being provided by trainers and resource persons during the workshops, the support that is being given by the accompaniers and coaches and the peer support sessions.

During the entire process a variety of interactive methods and participatory tools will be used in order to enhance further development, foster involvement of participants and maintain momentum. In case participants in one specific cohort come from a wide geographical area, the use of web based tools will be considered.

Scope of works: The quality of the relationship between the accompaniers and coach at the one hand and trainee at the other, which needs to be based on reciprocity, both in terms of respect and learning, is essential for the outcome. Moreover, the creation of a learning culture within the programme, in order to leave space for reflection and reciprocal learning, is as important. Co-creation of individual- and organisational learnings for both the participants, coaches and staff members of SNV is one of the major opportunities to be pursued within the programme. The coach will provide back-up support to the participants (the number of participants will be further determined, however, it is around 8-10 participants for Indonesia) with total of 20% of the program time frame within 6 months from June to
December 2015.

Specific Tasks: In between the learning workshops (it is estimated about 5 months), the LCB participants will have once a month for 1,5 hours access to a Coach (from outside SNV) by phone or skype or face-to-face coaching depending on the LCBs location in order to foster their personal leadership development. The specific tasks to be performed by the Coach vis-à-vis the participants of the SNV Leadership Programme are basically to support the coachee to reflect upon, learn and adapt their own professional personal leadership style. The Coachee and Coach operate in a 1 : 1 setting and concentrate mainly on behaviour aspects of leadership development of the Coachee.


  • Detailed coaching plan for the 6 months starting from June to December 2015 (except September when the second face-to-face training for LCBs organized) 
  • Report on the implementation process and recommendations for the future improvement.
  • Local / National consultant 
  • Extensive experience with a non-directive approach of coaching professionals (i.e. ability to structure sessions; create rapport; listen and reflect back; create flow by asking open, powerful questions; stimulate commitment to action);
  • Extensive knowledge of non-directive approaches of coaching professionals;
  • Preferably knowledge of and experience with Capacity Development Support;
  • Preferably knowledge of and experience with development issues at stake within the countries represented in the cohort;
  • Preferably knowledge and experience in the field of international cooperation and/or social business in general and with regard to SNV in particular;
  • An academic level of working and thinking;
  • Competencies include: ability to listen, summarise and probe further, to inspire and encourage others (to get the best out of people), personal sensitivity, creativity.
  • Excellent command of the English (and French or Spanish) language, oral and written;
Application: For those who are interested can apply by submitting their CV, a motivation letter and daily rate by email to procurement.snv@gmail.com with subject Coach for LCB Programme in Indonesia no later than May 7th 2015. Applications will be reviewed and interviews conducted on a rolling basis to identify appropriate candidates as soon as possible.