
SNV Indonesia: Formative Research Hygiene and Sanitation Behavior in Lampung and West Sumatera

Terms of Reference (TOR)
Formative Research on Hygiene and Sanitation Behaviors in Community,

School and Public Facilities in Lampung and West Sumatera


A.1. SNV
SNV is a not-for-profit international development organization. Founded in
the Netherlands 50 years ago, we have built a long-term, local presence in
39 of the poorest countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Our global
team of local and international advisors works with local partners to equip
communities, businesses and organizations with the tools, knowledge and
connections they need to increase their incomes and gain access to basic
services - empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and guide their own

SNV supports local organizations (state and non-state), mostly at the
provincial and district level, through a combination of advisory, knowledge
brokering and advocacy services with a focus on working at scale. Water,
Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) is one of three key sectors that SNV invests
in to contribute towards pro-poor development, through improved access to
basic services and production, income and employment.

A.2. Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene for All (SSH4A) program in small

SNV recognizes the enormous economic and social potential of improving
sanitation and hygiene in Indonesia. Benefits include improved health,
reduced risk of disease and increased productivity and income for millions
of families.

Despite the country's rapid economic progress, 100 million people don't have
access to a clean, working toilet and over 15% of deaths in children under
five are from diarrhea. Acknowledging that access to improved sanitation is
a basic human right, the government of Indonesia is working towards the
Universal Access 2019. The aims of the program is 100% access to appropriate
sanitation service in both rural and urban areas. Even tough, STBM approach
is use in both areas but in urban, the focus is slightly different where
most of the people have a toilet but lack of septic tank.

SNV's strategy is not to re-invent the wheel, but to assist and work with
the Government to implement SSH4A program in targeted high needs areas where
we can provide the most impact. A key learning from our experience working
on WASH programs in more than 22 countries is the need to embed demand
creation and sanitation marketing in longer-term processes that develop
sustainable service delivery models at scale.

Our Sustainable Sanitation & Hygiene for All (SSH4A) capacity building
approach will be used to support local government in urban area. The urban
programme aims to build capacity for sustainable town-wide sanitation
service delivery working with the responsible local governments and a broad
range of other stakeholders. Sanitation service delivery involves
behavioural change and awareness raising, governance, planning and
regulation, private sector involvement as well as well as safe treatment and
disposal. The integrated model will combine demand creation and BCC,
sanitation supply chain strengthening, governance and disposal, treatment
and re-use of sludge.

By working closely with local government at a provincial, district and
sub-district level, the Project aims to strengthen individual and
organizational performance by defining roles and responsibilities more
clearly building both government and private sector capacity, which will
extend to civil and grass-roots organisations. The project aims to improve
the health and quality of life for 127,000 people living in the 4 districts
of Lampung and West Sumatera Province.

The program will also work with the education sector through the existing
hygiene and sanitation programs such as Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah (UKS) and
Healthy-Green School at primary school level. All these schools will be
provided with facilitations so that they can contribute to the overall
improved access of the community on sanitation, specifically defecation,
hand-washing with soap and solid waste.

A formative research on hygiene and sanitation behaviour in 4 districts in
Lampung and West Sumatera provinces is required to understand the existing
practices, motivating and demotivating factors for change, and appropriate
channels and agents of communications. This research will be commissioned to
an external consultant with relevant background on the issue.

The formative research is expected to be performed in early May 2015, with
report submission in May 2015.


The overall objective of this formative research is to identify motivations,
ability, and opportunity of the selected sanitation behavior in the
community, primary schools and public facilities of four sub-districts
within four districts of the Lampung and West Sumatera Provinces:

1. Sub-district Pringsewu in District Pringsewu

2. Sub-district Kalianda in District Lampung Selatan

3. Sub-district Nan Sabaris in District Padang Pariaman

4. Sub-district Sijunjung in District Sijunjung

The intended outcome from the research is that the findings will be used to
develop a practical district behavior change communication (BCC) strategy
that will help ensure the sustainability of improved sanitation behaviors in
in the intended program locations.

The specific objectives of the formative research are as follows:

1. To understand the behavioral determinants of selected focus sanitation
behavior for the target group in terms of opportunity, ability and
motivations (and inhibiting factors) among communities (community, school
and public facilities)

2. To assess and identify faecal sludge management related to disposal,
treatment and re-use in community, school and public facilities.

3. To assess the existing program implementation of UKS, the Green-Healthy
School, Perilaku Hidup Bersih Sehat (PHBS) or Healthy Life Style, Hygiene
Education and Sanitation in School (Pendidikan Higienitas dan Sanitasi di
Sekolah, PHSS) and other programs.

4. To identify the level of knowledge and skills of the teachers in
sanitation and in delivering the knowledge to the students

5. To identify the most appropriate channels and agents of communication
to promote hygiene and sanitation practices at communities prioritize those
behavioral determinants that there is opportunity and scope to change
through behavior change communication to improve sustainability of outcomes

6. To get a picture of sanitation in communities-related policy
(community, school and public institution) and its implementation

The findings of the research will be used for the formulation of the
program's BCC strategy in urban area. The objectives of the program's BCC
component itself are:

1. To enable the target population to acquire the ability to practice the
selected focus behavior.

2. To motivate adoption of the selected focus behavior, drawing upon the
specific driving factors of change in the target population, not just

3. To develop a practical district hygiene behavior change communication
strategy based on formative research to ensure sustainability of behaviors.


The formative research will be qualitative and will use qualitative methods.
SaniFOAM is recommended methodology, although the consultant has an
opportunity to suggest and apply different methods. The SaniFOAM (Figure 1)
framework highlights:

Opportunity: Institutional or structural factors that influence an
individual's chance to perform a behavior. Determinants within Opportunity
include: access/ availability, product attributes, social norms and

The key question here is does the individual have the chance to perform the

Ability: An individual's skills and proficiency to perform a behavior.
Determinants within Ability include: knowledge, skills & self-efficacy,
social support, roles & decisions and affordability.

The key question here is the individual capable of performing it?

Motivation: The drive, wishes, urges, or desires that influence an
individual to perform a behavior. Determinants within motivation include:
attitudes and beliefs, values, emotional/physical/social drivers, competing
priorities, intention and willingness to pay.

The key question here is does the individual want to perform the behavior?

Figure 1: SaniFOAM Framework

In addition to developing the research questions with the partners the
consultant should expect to undertake desk research, focus group discussions
and semi-structured interviews with key actors. The consultant is strongly
advised to build on existing data and tools where possible.

In parallel, a similar study but targeting the community, will be conducted
which aims to provide a comprehensive picture of hygiene and sanitation
behavior in the community. The intention is that these two pieces of
research complement each other.

The consultant will be required to develop a research protocol which details
the methodology, hypothesis and tools to be employed at each stage of the
research, including their relation to the target group.


The consultant is expected to submit to SNV the following deliverables:

1. Detailed research protocol - setting out data collection methodology,
design, plan, ethics, data management and accompanying set of draft tools

2. Draft formative research report in English of no more than 25 pages
long excluding comprehensive annexes.

3. PowerPoint presentation of the research report in English.

4. Finalized formative research report and revised tools in English of no
more than 25 pages long for the report excluding comprehensive annexes (with
tools) within seven days of receiving comments.

The report should cover comprehensive and well-structured analysis of the
target behavior for the target population using the SANIFOAM framework or
other tool, that analyses the behavior determinants in terms of
opportunities, abilities and motivations disaggregated by gender;
Prioritization of the behavioral determinants to enable behavior change
communication objectives to be developed for sustained outcomes; and
Finalized and tested research tools and protocol



1. Give advice on the study set up and design (particularly the research
protocol), and provide feedback as required

2. Responsible for the recruitment and associated costs of any required
back up stuff

3. Pay the consultancy fee and costs related to the study (within the
budget to be agreed upon by SNV and the research team)

4. Assist with arranging visits and meetings, recruiting back up
personnel, logistical support and the final debriefing of stakeholders

5. Provide other input and assistance as appropriate

E.2 Consultant

1. Determine the research team and the division of tasks among the team

2. Lead the study, including design, implementation, report writing,
validation and finalization within the timeframe specified above.

3. Involve SNV, Local Government (LG) partners and district partners in
the study design and process including facilitating a one day workshop to
develop the research hypothesis associated with the determinants

4. Present key study findings to SNV and other stakeholders if requested.


The maximum number of days available is 30 days, between May 2015, to do
these following:

1. Draft research protocol and tools; 3 days

2. Participatory workshop to develop hypothesis with SNV and LG partners
(if required); 1 day

3. Refine research tools following workshop , 2 days

4. Data collection including travel to districts and community sites, 15

5. Data processing and draft report writing, 6 days

6. Validation and final report writing, 3 days


The consultant will report to the sector leader (SNV WASH), and will work
closely with Program Leader - SSH4A in Small Town and team.

Payment will be made in IDR to the agreed account on the successful
completion of the assignment


The consultant (and team) should be a highly experienced professional in the
field of communication for development and/ or behavioral science,
preferably with a focus on public health, sanitation and hygiene.

The consultant should have experience in leading and facilitating formative
research, must be fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and able to write reports in


Please send application letter and proposal directly addressing the
candidate profile and CV (in English) to "procurement.snv@gmail.com" not
later than 28 April 2015 with subject: "Formative Research - Hygiene and
Sanitation Behavior in Lampung and West Sumatera".