
Mercy Corps Indonesia Job Vacancies: National Engagement Officer (Jakarta) & Program Assistant (Pekalongan)

We are trying to find the best possible candidates to make the team stronger

Jakarta - National Engagement Officer – API Perubahan II

National Engagement Officer will be responsible to Assist Mercy Corps Indonesia’s SCALE Resilience program in collaboration with relevant actors at the national level to ensure that all program goals and objectives are met. She/he also will work with Climate Change Adaptation Specialist to build and maintain proper communication and coordination with relevant actors for CCA-DRR implementation at the national level, Organize and conduct meetings/workshops/trainings that are planned at the national level.

The National Engagement Officer will work closely with national stakeholders to mainstream the convergence of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, approach government structure at different levels including province and Kabupaten level to channel additional resources and ensuring the sustainability of cooperation between the level of governments and also responsible for all administrative matters that are required in executing its functions according to the Mercy Corps Indonesia’s regulations and procedures.

  • The candidate should have at least 3 years of work experience in Indonesia DRR and/or climate change initiatives;
  • Experience in building networks involving government, private sector, and civil society;
  • Experience working as part of a multi-disciplinary team;
  • BA/S or higher in disaster management, environmental sciences, engineering, or similar field.
  • Proven to have good writing and documentation skills;
  • Ability to communicate in English both verbal and written is preferred;
  • Strong familiarity with email communication, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, and Excel are mandatory.
  • This position will be temporary staff for 5 months.
Pekalongan & Masohi - Program Assistant – API Perubahan II

Program Assistant will be responsible to assist Administration with Systematize filing system of the program documents both soft and hard copies, conduct and execute paper works in accordance with the organization’s procedures. She/he will responsible also with Logistics things like Organize meetings/workshops/trainings/events, as well as maintain office supplies and stocks.

Program Assistant will assist Program documentation like conduct proper photo/video/voice documentation, minutes/notes writing, and contribution from other parties, of every activity, Liaise with the program partners and also contribute ideas regarding program strategy and approaches suitable for project design and implementation.

  • The candidate should have at least 3 years of work experience in administration, management, logistics, and other related fields;
  • BA/S or equivalent in administration, management, public relation, or similar degree;
  • Prior experience in Kabupaten Pekalongan OR Kabupaten Maluku Tengah – relevant with the bah location you are applying.
  • Ability to communicate in English both verbal and written is preferred;
  • Strong familiarity with email communication, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, and Excel are mandatory
  • This position will be temporary staff for 5 months.
Please send your CV with position applied on the email subject to: hrd@id.mercycorps.org

Vacancy will be closed on 07 May 2015 and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interview.

We look forward to hearing from those who are interested in taking this opportunity to grow and develop with us.