
Lowongan Indonesian Expert In Innovation And Entrepreneurship, Jakarta

The EU-Indonesia Trade Cooperation Facility (TCF) project is looking for an Indonesian expert in innovation and entrepreneurship for our work with the Ministry of Industry. TCF is an EU-funded programme, implemented by GOPA Consultants, that aims to strengthen the capacity of government institutions to pursue reform initiatives related to the improvement of the trade and investment climate in Indonesia.

TCF is coordinated by Bappenas (National Development Planning Agency), the other Implementing Agencies being the Ministry of Trade, the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and the Ministry of Industry.

  • Join a team of expert to conduct mapping of entrepreneurship programmes in Indonesia, business incubation, business training, finance for business, Science Parks, Centres of Excellence, support for commercialising innovation, technologies for business, and policies for business support 
  • Conduct specific feasibility studies that emerge from the mapping. Topics may include:
    • Strategy for the Centres of Excellence.
    • Design of pilot Business Innovation Centre. 
    • Potential financing instruments. 
    • Entrepreneurship programmes for stimulating new businesses.
    • Strategies for supporting expanding existing businesses. 
    • Support for all Balai/Baristand in cooperating strongly with private sector companies in commercializing innovation.
Minimum requirements:
  • Preferably Masters level degree in business studies, industry economics, engineering, or equivalent. 
  • Minimum of 10 years’ professional experience, including, in particular, in SME development, innovation, technology acquisition or similar. 
  • Preferably, good knowledge of national competiveness policies and programmes. 
  • Preferably, good knowledge of local/regional economic development. 
  • Strong analytical, conceptual and reporting skills. 
  • Good communication and organisation skills. 
  • Fluency in Bahasa and a good level of English.
To apply, please send your CV to tcf.experts@gmail.com before 30 April 2015. Due to the large amount of applications received, kindly note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.