
Planète Urgence Job Vacancy: Delegation National, Samarinda - Indonesian

Planète Urgence is a French association of international solidarity created in 2000 and recognized as a charity (RUP) in 2009, which was founded and led by former officials of Médecins du Monde, Handicap Internationnal, Greenpeace and business leaders .
The "Leave Partners ©" (CS) Planète Urgence, implemented in 17 countries, has three areas of intervention: adult education, educational support to children, environmental protection and Census biodiversity. Planète Urgence is a partner of 106 local associations, village groups, artisans, local authorities, relevant scientific, educational and cultural networks. Through these partners, the Association supports the implementation of 250 projects through skills transfer of over 500 French volunteers going on short missions (two weeks on average) each year.

The "Environment and Development" program (E & D) is present in 4 countries of intervention (Madagascar, Haiti, Indonesia and Mali) and mobilizes northern businesses for agroforestry programs, economic development of the natural heritage of rural communities as well as the efficient use of wood energy.

Planète Urgence intervenes in Indonesia since 2007. Since autumn 2012, the Association has initiated the implementation of the Integrated Management Project Mahakam Delta (MADIMAP the project) on the island of Borneo. The project, implemented in partnership with the Indonesian association YML and dialogue with local authorities and communities is in a context of developments regarding climate change, laying the foundations for sustainable management of the delta; space focuses strong ecological issues and heavy economic activities impacts (oil and gas operations, shrimp production areas, mining transport ...). In this project phase, the efforts of the Association is to support the implementation of pilot site for introducing sustainable aquaculture techniques and implement, in dialogue with local stakeholders, plans to land use to better conserve natural resources and environmental services.

Duties and responsibilities
Based (e) in Samarinda (Island of Borneo), with occasional travel to Jakarta on / delegate (e) national (e) Planète Urgence is / the representative (s) of the Association in Indonesia. He / she shall represent, monitoring and development of the Association activities in Indonesia.
Guarantor (s) for achieving the project objectives (s) Planète Urgence in Indonesia, he / she pays particular attention to the proper implementation of the project MADIMAP in compliance with local rules and commitments made by the Association with its donors and donors. Device (s) to networks of local actors, he / she actively represent the Association outwards and allows it to identify new areas of intervention and financing in connection with the general strategy of intervention of the program " Environment and Development "and this, in order to sustain the intervention of the Association in Indonesia.

The / delegate (e) national (e) supervises the work Planète Urgence local staff, consisting of / technical field officer (field and technical officer) at the same time he / she accompanies and supports in organization of their work YML members by participating in capacity building.
Attached (e) hierarchically / the Programme Manager (PR) "Environment and Development", the / delegate (e) national (e) also cooperates with the RP "Leave Partners ©" of Asia Desk for the development of this program in Indonesia.

The main responsibilities of / the delegate (e) national (e) Emergency Planet Indonesia are:

Representing and developing the activities of the Association in Indonesia:
  • Represent Planète Urgence with the Indonesian national and local authorities as well as to donors, donors and partners of the Association;
  • Enable the Association to know and act in compliance with Indonesian national laws; in particular, define and conduct in connection with the Planète Urgence seat the registration procedure of the Association in Indonesia;
  • Propose and define, in connection with the siege, strategic directions leading to the development projects of the Association in Indonesia;
  • Participate in the design of new projects and boost / supervise the preparation of funding applications / project proposals to increase the resources of the program in Indonesia in connection with the YML team and headquarters of the Association;
  • Establish and formalize, where necessary, new business partnerships;
  • Explore new local and international donor funds (institutional donors, corporate foundations);
  • Promote Planète Urgence as a recognized player in environmental protection and local development by woven contacts at different geographical levels with civil society, experts networks, donors, NGOs.
Monitor and manage the successful implementation of the project MADIMAP:
  • Formalize the working relationship between YML and Planète Urgence (by signing annual partnership agreements) and ensure respect for the mutual obligations of both parties;
  • Supervise the technical field officer in his duties: 
    • Operational (implementation / supervision of project activities); 
    • Techniques (drafting procedures, technical guides and itineraries related to various aspects of activities of the project); 
    • Animation team YML; 
  • Develop and review the quarterly annual action plan (AAP) and the annual budget MADIMAP project;
  • Monitor and ensure the proper implementation of the project activities as defined in the quarterly action plans (PTA), by contributing to: 
    • The organization and / or animation weekly coordination meetings, planning and monitoring of project activities (composed of members of the team of YML) 
    • The animation of the employment relationship with the project's technical partners (PUSKIP, C3S) and technical authorities and / or policies; 
    • The development and / or improvement of project monitoring and evaluation tools; 
    • Adherence to budgets and timetables defined;
  • Control and supervise the proper accounting ascent (monthly) project expenditures by YML in compliance with procedures and deadlines set by the office;
  • Provide reporting of the project to the seat (monthly and annual reporting) and donors (as contractually defined);
  • Ensure the updating and the monthly rise in the base-Planet Refo data identifying planting activities;
  • Organize, supervise and / or conduct internal and external evaluations on outcomes and impacts of actions.
Participate in the administrative and financial management of the local delegation of Planète Urgence and communicating the projects of the Association in Indonesia
  • Achieve seizure and accounting lift (monthly) of the local delegation of Planète Urgence in Indonesia in compliance with procedures and deadlines set by the office;
  • Administrative oversight / HR Technical Field Officer (contracting, monitoring of leave ...)
  • Write and update the mission security protocol of the Association in Indonesia when the situation requires it (developments / changes the context);
  • Participate in the development of a communication strategy around the Planète Urgence activities in Indonesia and contribute to the ascent to the seat of communication elements (articles, photos, etc.);
  • Update the project presentation tools (s) used by the service and partnerships at headquarters program managers, as required of the latter;
  • Participate in writing quarterly newsletters and other external communication media (including the annual report).
Strengthen the capacity of local partner Planète Urgence in Indonesia (YML)
  • Support and train members of YML techniques and tools for monitoring and project management;
  • Accompany and reinforce the special powers of the Director of YML (in research of local financing, management and team management, strategic thinking and development) and its Administration and Finance.
Follow and participate in the development of "Leave for Change" program activities:
  • Participate in connection with the seat in defining the strategic direction of the program "Solidarity Leave ©" in Indonesia;
  • Identify and validate the mission with existing partners;
  • Identify and initiate new partnerships;
  • Oversee contractual relationships with partners;
  • Programming and monitoring missions with partners (relevance, planning, logistics, monitoring and supervision of volunteers ...)
  • Assess the impact of support Planète Urgence by measuring the achievement of short and medium term;
  • Regularly update the security missions protocol. 
Candidate Profile
Training sought:
Master or Master 2 environmental, political science and / or international solidarity;
Or experience validated in expatriation development project management.

  • Proven experience (at least 3 years) in project management;
  • Fluency in English required; knowledge of Bahasa Indonesia constituting a real asset;
  • Indispensable prior experience abroad.
  • Experience required in facilitating local development partnerships;
  • Forestry skills and / or valued aquaculture;
  • Essential knowledge of international donors, including environmental;
  • Bases required administrative and accounting management.
  • Autonomy, organization, patience and strong work necessary capacity;
  • Good computer skills including Word & Excel, indispensable;
  • Editorial and relational qualities desired. 
Terms of engagement:
  • Commitment of one (1) year renewable voluntary agreement (assimilated VSI) with possible evolution to a fixed-term contract;
  • Compensation of 800 euros per month;
  • Support for living expenses on site (food, miscellaneous expenses ...) by the payment of a per diem of 650 euros per month;
  • Support for one (1) round trip ticket per year of the domicile of / the delegate (e) national (e) instead of mission;
  • 2 days off per month;
  • Cover retirement and mutual support by the Association.
How to apply:
Thank you for sending cover letter and CV to Caroline Tassart ctassart@planete-urgence.org .

We apologize in advance for not being able to respond to all applications received.

Closing Date: 5 Apr 2015