
Job Request Proposal for Event Organizer: ASEAN MAYORS FORUM & CITIES EXHIBITION - Makassar

A.  Introduction
The first ASEAN Cities Mayors Forum was conducted in 2011 in Surabaya resulting to the commitment among local governments to work together in four proposed areas which are public administration and governance, environment and sustainable development, public service and regional network. As follow up to the Mayors meeting, UCLG ASPAC in collaboration with Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, APEKSI and Makassar City will organize the 2nd ASEAN Mayors Forum to be held on the 2nd week of September, 2015 in Makassar. With the proposed theme of “One Vision, One Identity, One Community”, the 2nd forum is expected to gather all local leaders in ASEAN to strengthen the local cooperation and to support the development of stronger community institution, infrastructure and social and economic life of cities through urban management and participatory governance.

The upcoming agenda of ASEAN Community 2015 provides opportunities to build integrated and borderless economic community toward greater economy hub. It can trigger the growth in each countries shaping the social condition of society as well as physical and environmental dimension of municipalities.  The need for public services provision thus increases leading to expanding role of local governments in the development. Their close position to the community has brought strategic functions particularly for the provision of public services. They are in the front line to response community aspirations for providing safe water, affordable housing and infrastructure, collecting garbage, upgrading slums and livelihood as well as enhancing resilience and reducing risk from disaster. Looking this crucial contribution of local governments, their capacity shall be enhanced for better performance of governance for community well-being.

The 2nd ASEAN Mayors Forum will discuss key policy frameworks and instruments, facilitate knowledge sharing and mutual learning among mayors and a number of international organization working in the field to foster sustainable development to achieve stronger community in ASEAN region. It is expected that local governments can learn from their peers thereby mutual partnership can be developed in the region.

In conjunction with the Mayors Forum, ASEAN Cities Expo will be held to promote the local potency both from public and private sector. The exhibition is open to all local governments and companies in South East Asia which have missions to improve the economy and environmental condition of the region. The theme of the expo is therefore in line with the Mayors Forum resulting to the complete substantive event.

Objectives The ASEAN CITIES EXPO 2015 aims to achieve these following objectives:
  • To raise awareness of public for the regional agenda of ASEAN Economic Community 2015 
  • To encourage local actors to develop cooperation with their peers in preparing for ASEAN Economic Community 2015
  • To promote local competitiveness for sustainable economy and environment towards resilient cities in the region
  • To facilitate exchange and networking of all stakeholders both from public and private sectors
  • To complement the policy framework of ASEAN Economic Community and recommendations from the ASEAN Mayors Forum 2015
ProgramThe exhibition will be conducted for 4 days in conjunction with ASEAN Mayors Forum 2015. It will entail the display of 30-50 tenants who produce/invent/apply/support specific local products, business and culture.

Expected AmbianceProfessional and business-friendly, convenient-environment.

Targeted Participants (Tenants)
  • 150 Cities in ASEAN 
  • Various government and private owned companies (both big and small medium enterprises)
  • Other organizations working on the field to foster sustainable development including UCLG ASPAC, APEKSI, and etc
Booth Availability
  • 2x3m: 30 units
  • 3x3m: 20 units
Targeted Visitors
  • Local Governments from ASEAN member states 
  • Relevant Ministries and Organizations
  • General Public
EXPECTED DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FROM EVENT ORGANIZERThe event organizer are responsible for the production of events from conception through to completion, covered the following terms and conditions:
ASEAN MAYOR FORUM 2015Developing proposal for ASEAN Mayor Forum 2015 with detailing tasks :
  • Responsible for publication ( Banner, advertising and other related publication) in coordination with UCLG ASPAC and City of Makassar
  • Coordination with City of Makassar for the arrangement of venue for ASEAN Mayor Forum 2015
  • Handling opening ceremony
  • Handle accommodation for UCLG ASPAC, speakers and Partners as proposed by UCLG ASPAC. Responsible for setting the meeting venue for 3 days forum in coordination with City of Makassar
  • Handling travel arrangements for the participants, including UCLG ASPAC, speakers and partners.
  • Providing 1 LO on arrival and departure date of VIPs’
  • Handle airport transfer (airport-hotel-airport) for UCLG ASPAC, speakers and partners.
  • Coordination with City of Makassar for City Tour arrangements Providing MC during 3 days forum ( English)
  • Providing Interpreters during 3 days forum (to be coordinated with Makassar)
  • Providing interpreters booth and tools (to be coordinated with Makassar)
  • Providing seminar kits (goody bag) consist with the materials of AMF 2015
  • Providing Administrative support covered LCD/Projector, Laptop, Photo Copy machine
  • Arranging & conducting press conference  prior and after the forum in coordination with UCLG ASPAC and City of Makassar including dissemination of invitation to local and national media
  • Responsible in getting the sponsors for the forum
  • Documentation (photos and videos) for 3 days forum
  • Closing ceremony
ASEAN Cities Expo 2015Developing proposal for ASEAN Cities Expo with detailing tasks:
  • Preparing proposal of ASEAN Cities Expo 
  • Identified venue for ASEAN Cities Expo 2015 in coordination with City of Makassar
  • Opening Ceremony
  • Pre-production stage included:
    • Promotion of the ASEAN Cities Expo, included dissemination of proposals to Local Governments, potential tenants/exhibitors, media coverage ( printed and electronic both local and national)
    • Liaison of the ASEAN Cities Expo between Local Governments, potential tenants/exhibitors and UCLG ASPAC
    • Tenants/Exhibitors’ materials
    • Photo Booth
    • Venue make up
    • Installation of standard booths (2x3=30 units & 3x3=20 units)
    • Arranging tenants/exhibitors demonstration ( LCD, laptop)
    • Loading and uploading
    • Sound System
    • Local transport for the tenants/exhibitors during the expo
    • Responsible to getting sponsors for the expo
  • Arranging & conducting press conference including to disseminate to local & national media 
  • Responsible for publication ( banner, advertising and other related publication)
  • Providing expo kits in coordination with UCLG ASPAC
  • Releasing the rundown in coordination with UCLG ASPAC and City of Makassar
  • Documentation (photos and videos) for 3 days expo
  • Closing Ceremony
  • Other related substances as proposed by EO it self
EOs are expected to attend the ‘bid day’ as per invitation informed by UCLG ASPAC, presented the proposal of ASEAN Mayor Forum & ASEAN Cities Expo

Interested Company should submit proposal to Secretariat@uclg-aspac.org and CC to finance@uclg-aspac.org
Deadline for quotation submission is 05:00 PM, 27 March 2015 with Subject Email : EO-AMF 2015
Thank you very much for your kind attention

Sincerely yours,
Strategic and Program Manager of UCLG ASPAC