
RARE International Job Vacancy: Senior Director, Programs - Bogor

Oxford HR is helping Rare to find a Senior Director of Programs in Indonesia. Applicants must possess world-class program, team management skills and knowledge of private sector management approaches.

They will provide a structured, transparent, ambitious work environment and ensure Rare’s team in Indonesia has world-class management, communication, motivation and performance – both within Indonesia and in relation to the Indonesia program’s communications and collaborations with Rare’s head office (in Arlington, Virginia) and other country programs (such as the Philippines and Micronesia).

The Senior Director will supervise the technical, prototype, cohort and operations sub-teams, inspiring and empowering them to achieve goals such as: designing and implementing Fish Forever program to achieve its long, medium and short term goals which include but are not limited to development of proof points of No-Take-Zones and Right-based fishery zones, fishery improvement programs, development of sustainable links-to-market, engaging with policy to ensure that the TURF Reserve is implemented.

How to apply:
Please visit our website at HERE download a candidate pack and fill in the application form

Closing Date: 20 Feb 2015