
Lowongan Restoring Coastal Livelihood Project Final Evaluation, Jayapura

RCL Project Final Evaluator
One person in three in the world lives in poverty. Oxfam is determined to change that world by mobilising the power of people against poverty.

Around the globe, Oxfam works to find practical, innovative ways for people to lift themselves out of poverty and thrive. We save lives & help rebuild livelihoods when crisis strikes. And we campaign so that the voices of the poor influence the local and global decisions that affect them.

In all we do, Oxfam works with partner organisations and alongside vulnerable women and men to end the injustice that cause poverty.

The Restoring Coastal Livelihoods (RCL) Project has been implemented for five (5) years in South Sulawesi (2010-2015). This project is supported financially by CIDA. Oxfam have developed partnerships with local NGOs. The overall goal of the project is to increase incomes and economic activity in vulnerable coastal communities in 4 districts in South Sulawesi through the restoration and sustainable use of renewable natural resources. A special focus is placed upon empowering women, securing their rights and improving their well-being.

Oxfam Eastern Indonesia now seek to engage an independent consultant to conduct final evaluation in May 2015. Final evaluation is considered important to examine the impact of the programme approach and delivery comparing with the project activities & indicators. Therefore, it is essential final evaluation to be collected carefully, and that all methods and data collection tools are well documented. The final evaluation will focus to compare for the indicators identified in the Performance Measurement Framework (PMF), complemented by qualitative information that may help explain those indicators.
During the first year of RCL Project, a baseline survey was undertaken to assess the field situation where the project was planned to be implemented. The themes explored during baseline were:
  • Economic security based on sustainable use of natural resources 
  • Diversification economic activities at household and community level  
  • Effective Management of Coastal Ecosystem by the Communities and Governments  
  • Capacity of communities and governments in gender sensitive local development planning  
  • Access to and control over coastal resources for women and men of vulnerable communities.  
  • Capacity for enterprise development amongst target communities and women headed household  
  • Income generating activities  
  • Capacity of communities and governments in sustainable natural resource planning and management  
  • Mangrove rehabilitation activities felt to be beneficial by stakeholders  
  • Stakeholders are aware of information sources
The overall objective of the final evaluation is to review all project implementation, achievements and changes resulted throughout the program implementation over time base on objectives and indicators in the Performance Measurement Framework (PMF). The objectives are seeking to answer the evaluation questions on Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Impact, and Sustainability project.

Scope of Work
The evaluation is expected to be held in 4 districts in Pangkep, Barru, Maros and Takalar of South Sulawesi Province. The detailed sampling methods and selection are to be discussed with the project team.

Suggested Methodology
The final evaluation will be carried out combining both qualitative and quantitative approaches.

Expected Outputs:
An electronic copy and presentation of inception report with methodology, tools and work plan.
  • Preliminary findings presentation 
  • Draft report for review.  
  • Final Report that describe:  
    • Title Page
    • Table of Contents/Figures and Tables  
    • Abbreviations/acronyms page
    • Executive summary
    • Background and a short introduction to the project  
    • The final evaluation methodology  
    • Findings  
    • Lessons learned  
    • Case Studies on sustainability program  
    • Conclusions and Summary  
    • Recommendations  
  • Final result presentation
Qualifications & Skills Required
The consultant team leader:
  • Preferably Master’s degree or higher in social sciences, statistic or other related subject. 
  • Extensive experience (Minimum 10 years) in various research methods and analytical framework, survey fieldwork and producing study reports, as well as leading major evaluations of a large scale projects and supervising & training enumerator in data collection, validation and entry  
  • Have the adequate experience in conducting community development program evaluation especially programs related to livelihood and environmental sustainability and gender, natural resources management is an advantage.  
  • Competence and adequate experience in the use of qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and analysis including sampling, disaggregation of data, structured and semi structured interviewing, focus group discussion, observation and triangulation research methods.  
  • Have the capacity to develop and implement evaluation in an effective and efficient way using an accountable method with valid evidence/ evidence-based evaluation.
The consultant`s team member
  • Minimum of 3 years experience with surveys or evaluation program 
  • Ability to work in rural community  
  • Have experience in community development program  
  • Familiar in term of using quantitative (survey) and qualitative (FGD, Indepth interview, document review, etc) methods  
  • Good capacity and analysis in gender issues 
Time Allocation
The final evaluation is expected to be conducted on the first week of May 2015. The time allocation for final evaluation maximum is 25 days effective for all evaluation process covering all RCL project areas.
To apply, the candidate should submit a proposal as outlined below:
  • A Cover Letter, CV include portfolio 
  • The Expression of Interest included fee of services  
  • All out-of-pocket expenses related to consultancy assignment
Email to : jayapura@oxfam.org.uk, with title in the subject line Final Evaluation RCL and closing date March 6th, 2015.