
Urgent - CADRE Final Evaluation Lutheran World Relief, SUMUT & Aceh

Lutheran World Relief (LWR), a U.S. based non-profit development organization, was awarded a Cooperative Agreement by USAID Indonesia to undertake the project, “Increasing Coastal Resiliency and Climate Change Mitigation through Sustainable Mangrove Management in Sumatra.” The project period is for 36 months from May 27 2011 to May 26 2014, with additional funding and activities through December 2014. The project covers 5 villages in Teluk Dalam, a sub-district of Simeulue island, and 5 villages in Singkil Barat, a sub-district of Singkil, all in Aceh Province, Indonesia.

LWR now seeks to engage an independent Evaluator to conduct a Final Evaluation in January of 2015.

The purpose of the Final Evaluation is to;  (1) Review CADRE’s performance against objectives and their indicators; and plus with OECD-DAC evaluation criteria – relevance, connectedness, coverage, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability; (2) Document key achievements, strength, weakness and lesson learnt.  (3) Recommend technical and management aspects of the project for scaling of this project in the future.

The required deadlines and deliverables for this assessment are:
(1) Assessment Plan (Evaluation Plan)/ Inception Report: This document will be by the consultant and approved by the LWR Country Director. The plan provides the consultant’s detailed understanding of what is being evaluated and why, showing how each evaluation question will be answered by way of: proposed methods, proposed sources of data, sampling methodology, and data collection procedures. The Assessment Plan must be submitted within a week of signed agreement.   (2) Draft Assessment Report;  (3) All field work and interviews completed on or before 31 January 2015.  (4) Final Assessment Report: due to LWR by 28 February 2015.

The minimum qualifications for the lead evaluator:
(1) Demonstrated experience as a lead evaluator for projects such as those funded by USAID.   (2) Minimum of 10 years working in/with the NGO sector with demonstrated knowledge on principles of rural development, disaster risk reduction/climate change and integrated community level programming; (3) Excellent analytical writing skills as demonstrated by writing samples; (4) Excellent written and verbal English skills;  (5) Experience working in Aceh and an understanding of the cultural appropriateness for the region; (6) Respectful of local people.

For the complete of Term of Reference for the proposal, please send your request to lwrindonesia1@gmail.com placing “CADRE Final Evaluation” in the subject line.  The proposal submitted 11 January 2015 after 5PM will not be considered.