
GRM International, Papua New Guinea - Grant Program Review Adviser


Title: Grant Program Review Adviser (Agreements 58888 & 58889)
Agency: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)
Reports to: First Secretary Education
Status: Short Term Adviser
Period: 20 days (with the possibility for extension)
Special conditions: Travel within provinces may be required
Location: Port Moresby - Papua New Guinea
Remuneration: Adviser Remuneration Framework Classification Discipline [B] Level [3]
Authorised by: Jane Racancoj
1.     Background
In 2011, DFAT agreed to partner with the PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum (Chamber) to implement activities in collaboration with:
  • the University of Technology (Unitech), through the Department of Mining Engineering (DME); and 
  • the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG), through the Earth Sciences Division (ESD).
The DME program was funded through Agreement #58888 and was a grant valued at A$495,000.  The ESD program was provided through Agreement #58889 and was also a grant valued at A$495,000. There were a range of activities undertaken under both programs based on a 2008 Chamber Position Paper and a 2010 Chamber Proposal to Australian Aid, on mining and petroleum tertiary education in PNG.  The latter document was derived largely from independent reviews of the DME and ESD.  The reviews were undertaken by Professor Anthony Crawford of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Ore Deposits, University of Tasmania (Earth Sciences) and Emeritus Professor Don McKee, Department of Mining at the University of Queensland.

The broad aim of both programs was to “boost the capability and resources of the DME and the ESD thereby immediately lifting the quality of learning and beginning the necessary reform process to ensure the Department/Division was equipped to provide the high quality graduates required by industry in both PNG and the Pacific region”. The program components for both faculties were constructed to generate a marked improvement in the working environment of both staff and students.  The program was designed to achieve this through a multipronged approach aimed at improving the quality of the facilities and equipment in the faculty, upgrading the overall quality of teaching and research, and increasing the interaction with overseas universities and industry.  The end result was to be a significant improvement in the working environment and the job satisfaction of staff and students leading to a better quality graduate.

2.     Purpose:
The goals of the Review are to:
  • Examine the current Grant Programs in view of their objectives, considering what has been achieved, what has not and what could potentially have been achieved had it been done differently; 
  • Examine how any future activities could potentially be linked up with (tied in with) other complementary DFAT supported initiatives under the Higher Education and TVET programs, such as Universities Twinning, National  Polytechnic Institute of Papua New Guinea’s (NPIPNG’s)  Training and Development Centre of Excellence Project and APTC; and 
  • On the basis of the above examinations, lessons learned and international best practice, provide DFAT with recommendations to inform the development of future activities.
3.     Objectives
The objectives of the Review are to:
  • Identify the key success factors and lessons learned that can inform any future support; 
  • Determine if the strategies employed and outputs delivered were consistent with the achievement of the intended objectives as outlined in the Grant Agreements; 
  • Identify and analyse the external and contextual factors that may have influenced the Grant Programs’ ability to achieve the intended objectives; 
  • Consider the resources required, including program staff skills, to effectively implement similar activities; and
Identify options for possible link ups with any further activities and other complementary DFAT supported programs such as Universities Twinning, National Polytechnic Institute of Papua New Guinea’s (NPIPNG’s) Training and Development Centre of Excellence Project, and APTC.

4.     Methodology, reporting and working relationships
The advisor will report to the First Secretary Education within DFAT and the Facility Manager, Education Capacity Development Facility (CDF). 

5.     Scope of Work:
5.1.   Activities:
The Reviewer will:
  • Develop a focused and succinct methodology and work plan in consultation with the DFAT Education Program; 
  • Undertake a desk review of relevant material provided by the DFAT Education Program; 
  • Undertake a limited review of international best practice research that may directly inform similar future activities; 
  • Interview heads of divisions/departments of the Universities (UPNG and Unitech) that benefited from the grants as well as senior students who have benefitted from the scholarships provided through the Programme;
  • Work collaboratively and constructively in undertaking all requirements of the Review; 
  • Contribute to and guide the drafting of an aide-mémoire and a report for comment by DFAT Education Program personnel; and 
  • Lead the preparation of the Final Report incorporating comments and suggestions received from information sources.
5.2.  Outputs:
    • Within a week of contract signature, a work plan detailing activities to be undertaken, to be submitted to and agreed with the First Secretary Education, DFAT.
    • Ensure that all relevant stakeholders are consulted and documents reviewed, and information collected and collated is cross checked with sources for accuracy. 
    • Ensure that gender and other cross cutting issues such as disability are appropriately considered.
    • Produce a final report detailing achievements and challenges of the grant programs and recommendations regarding any future activities, to be submitted to the First Secretary Education, DFAT within two weeks of the end of contract.
6.     Qualifications and Experience
  • Master’s Degree in Social Sciences, Monitoring and Evaluation, Economics, Statistics, Institutional Development, Project Management, Business/Public Administration, or equivalent qualifications and experience. 
  • A minimum of eight years’ relevant professional work experience.
  • Be able to analyse and evaluate a variety of information.
  • Be able to organize, interpret and present information in a meaningful form and provide solid analysis leading to sound decision-making.
  • Strong high level cross-cultural, interpersonal, written and oral communication skills, adaptable to a wide variety of audiences.
  • Demonstrated ability to work effectively with senior management and as part of a team to deliver results on time.
  • Some broad understanding of donor operations and aid program management. 
  • Familiarity with tertiary education systems in a developing country context. 
  • Demonstrated experience working in PNG or the Pacific.
7.     Personal attributes
The Adviser will be required to adopt a flexible and responsive approach to tasks and will be required to demonstrate initiative and drive. 

8.     Terms and Conditions
The terms and conditions of the Adviser’s employment are contained in DFAT’s Adviser Remuneration Framework (ARF). LEVEL [B3]

Please apply online by 28 January 2015