
Lowongan PWYP Asia Pacific Regional Coordinator, Jakarta

Asia-Pacific Regional Coordinator 

Publish What You Pay seeks an Asia-Pacific Regional Coordinator to provide dedicated supportfor coalition-building, advocacy, communications and outreach in the region.
The primary remit of this position is to support the efforts of national coalitions in their advocacyfor stronger transparency and accountability in the extractive sector. In doing so, the Asia-PacificCoordinator will work closely with national coalitions to reinforce their strategic and organisationalcapacities, their advocacy approaches and their ability to engage constructively with governments, parliaments, companies and other civil society groups to advance PWYP Vision 20/20 and in particular, to implement the regional advocacy strategy.  
The Asia-Pacific Regional Coordinator will particularly seek to reinforce the capacity of PWYP national coalitions to engage along the different steps of the Chain for Change of extractiveindustries. Moreover, the Asia-Pacific Coordinator will ensure regular communication andinformation exchanges within the PWYP network and she/he will promote sharing of experiences and best practices and peer-to-peer learning. Another important focus of the position is to help (primarily) national coalitions as well as (secondarily) the PWYP International Secretariat access funding from national, regional and/or international funding sources. As in line with Vision 20/20 and the roles of the International Secretariat, the regional coordinator will seek joint fundraising opportunities with national coalitions thereby promoting and developing regional synergies andstrategies for joint advocacy and campaigning work. Our long-term goal is for the post and region to be entirely self-funded.
The regional coordinator will be an integral part of the decentralised PWYP internationalsecretariat (support unit based in London), but will also need to work in close cooperation withpartners in the region (Cordaid, Natural Resource Governance Institute, Christian Aid  and others)to ensure complementarity, rather than duplication of the activities.
Excellent knowledge of English (written and verbal) is essential for this position. Knowledge oflocal languages is a plus.
The Asia-Pacific Coordinator will be based with one of the strategic partners or hosting organisations of the Asia-Pacific coalitions preferably Indonesia or the Philippines. S/he will reportto the Programme Manager who is based in London.
Coalition-building and outreach
  • Facilitate ongoing learning for national coalitions and members through regularaccompaniment and technical assistance, documentation of best practices, promoting peer-to-peer exchange and/or linking them to new donor and/or partner initiatives
  • Advise coalitions on internal governance/management mechanisms and help to mediateinternal conflicts and disputes
  • Support national coalitions in developing sustainable fundraising strategies and provideassistance and capacity building in drafting proposals for donors
  • Build relationships of rapport with individual coalition members, the coalition coordinator in particular, by ensuring regular meetings and contact via phone, skype, email, etc.
  • Contact, support and respond to new members and disseminate relevant tools andresources so that they are fully involved in the campaign
  • Lend support to the organisation of regional / international PWYP meetings
  • Facilitate, enhance and coordinate strategic reflection, planning and learning on the  Asia-Pacific regional strategy to engage with key stakeholders and advance the extractiveindustry transparency agenda
  • Provide technical and fund-raising support for the effective implementation of the regional advocacy strategy
  • Facilitate sharing of experiences, provide assistance and support to national coalitions and member organisations to effectively and proactively advocate for improved legislation and policy regulating the extractive sector
  • Support national coalitions to improve their participation in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) process by facilitating the development of a strategy of engagement along the different steps of national action plans, by sharing best practices, monitoring country implementation, and identifying and finding solutions to challenges facing civil society
  • Ensure regular communication and exchanges between/among national coalitions and civilsociety international board members of the EITI
  • Facilitate and build capacity of national coalitions on the analysis and use of data disclosed through EITI reports and other sources
  • Identify gaps in evidence and information and promote research in collaboration with Asian universities and research institutions
  • Develop a specific strategy of engagement and coordinate advocacy targeting ASEAN (Association of South-East Asian Nations) and other relevant bodies
  • Monitor the security situation of civil society activists and ensure the effectiveimplementation of the Protection Strategy
Ensuring effective communications and networking
  • Facilitate regular contributions from coalition members to the PWYP international newsupdate, the PWYP website and the Asia-Pacific list-serve
  • Promote more regular exchanges with members by developing the range ofcommunications tools and modalities available (e.g. via PWYP intranet and onlinecommunities, use of social media, etc.)
  • Update and maintain database of coalition members and related information
  • Write and help facilitate writing blogs and articles for the PWYP web site and Newsletter
Integration with the international PWYP campaign
  • Ensure that national campaigns are aligned to or informed by the global and regionalstrategy plan and coalitions are informed of any new developments at the international and regional levels and the implications of these for ongoing national-level advocacy. This is especially relevant for the mandatory disclosures campaign in Australia and beyond. 
  • Establish clear processes for consultation with national members on issues of strategicimportance for the international and regional network
  • Support the organisation of regional meetings related to the framework of international PWYP or EITI-related events
  • Coordinate and amplify national civil society perspectives in the international and regionalpolicy fora in which PWYP is active
  • Monitor country progress in EITI implementation and highlight areas of concern
  • Lend coordination support to international advocacy interventions on behalf of national civilsociety groups (e.g. pressure on company headquarters in host countries)
Donor relations and budget monitoring
  • Develop a funding strategy to ensure long-term sustainability of PWYP in the region
  • Draft new proposals and renewal requests
  • Maintain dynamic and productive relations with donors and engage in proactive outreach tonew donors
  • Advise key donors and partners on needs and capacities of national coalitions and member organisations
  • Monitor and manage the core budget supporting the PWYP Asia-Pacific Coordinator’s work and activities
  • Produce donor narrative and financial reports
Advanced Degree in a related field and at least 5 years of relevant professional experience working on civil society, capacity building and/or natural resource governance in the Asia-Pacific region
Knowledge of regional issues, plus experience working with civil society in the region
Familiarity with the global extractive industry transparency movement and with the basicstructure / operations of the extractive industries
Experience in fundraising with a proven track record of working with (international) donors
Fluency in English required. Local language a plus.
Excellent interpersonal and communications skills
Ability to work independently and as part of a team
Willingness to travel up to 50%
Proven organisational skills and ability to work under pressure
Experience of using social media and Content Management Systems is desirable
Initial contract of 12 months, renewable, with a probationary period of 6 months
The Asia-Pacific Regional Coordinator will be based with one of the strategic partners orhosting organisations of our coalitions based in the Asia-Pacific region. S/he will therefore be working on a local contract. S/he will report to the Programme Manager.
Remuneration commensurate to experience and qualifications
Please email a cover letter and CV by 15th January 2015 to info@publishwhatyoupay.org Include in subject line your name, surname and reference PWYP.  
To download the full application pack click here