
FHI 360 Vacancy: Coordination For TDY To Develop FANTA Project SOW in Indonesia

Period of Performance:January 19, 2015 - February 27, 2015

Total No. of Days:20 days

Skills and qualifications:
  • Master’s Degree in nutrition, medicine, public health or related field
  • At least 10 years working with donor-funded public health or nutrition projects, and/or Government of Indonesia health or nutrition programs
  • Established relationships with key stakeholders in country including relevant ministries (including health, agriculture, education, information and gender); partners including UN agencies (e.g. UNICEF, FAO, WFP, REACH); USAID implementing partners working in nutrition and food security; academia working in nutrition and food security
  • Strong meeting facilitation skills
  • Fluent in written and spoken English
  • Extensive knowledge of nutrition situation in Indonesia
1) Purpose
The Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance III Project (FANTA) requests proposals from a consultant that can assist FANTA to conduct a TDY and develop a country-specific scope of activities for Indonesia. The consultant will serve as an in-country resource in the process, organizing in-country meetings, identifying and reviewing background documents, and contributing to the content of the FANTA SOW.

2) Background
FHI 360 is a nonprofit human development organization dedicated to improving lives in lasting ways by advancing integrated, locally driven solutions. Our staff includes experts in education, health, nutrition, economic development, civil society, environment, gender, youth, research and technology – creating a unique mix of capabilities to address today’s interrelated development challenges. FHI 360 serves more than 60 countries and all U.S. states and territories.

FANTA is a Cooperative Agreement funded by USAID and administered by FHI 360, a Washington-based non-governmental organization, to improve nutrition and food security policies, strategies and programs through technical support to USAID and its partners, including host country governments, international organizations, and NGO implementing partners. In 2011, Indonesia solidified its commitment to nutrition by joining the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement. However, although the interest and commitment in scaling up nutrition programs is apparent, additional support is needed to harness that interest and move goals into action. Thus USAID/Indonesia and the USAID Asia Bureau has requested FANTA to work with the Government of Indonesia and other partners to support these efforts.

FANTA staff will conduct a two-week TDY (tentative dates are February 2-13, 2015) to conduct meetings with key stakeholders and develop a draft SOW for FANTA activities in Indonesia.

Specific Services LOE Not-to-Exceed (NTE) 20 days
The selected consultant shall be responsible for completing the following activities:
  1. Identify, obtain and review background documents and data available locally and of relevance to nutrition. The consultant shall send electronic copies of these documents to the FANTA team. These documents include but are not limited to data and reports on maternal and child health, adolescence, and food security and agriculture as they affect nutrition, government policies, USAID Mission strategies and frameworks, and UN, World Bank, and other donor reports and strategies on nutrition. LOE NTE 3 days
  2. Work with other members of the FANTA team and the USAID Mission to identify a broad set of key stakeholder organizations and individuals for consultations with the FANTA team with regard to nutrition in Indonesia. Schedule meetings between FANTA staff with key stakeholders in country including relevant ministries (including health, agriculture, education, information and gender); partners including UN agencies (e.g. UNICEF, FAO, WFP, REACH); USAID implementing partners working in nutrition and food security; academia working in nutrition and food security during FANTA staff TDY (tentatively scheduled for Feb. 2-13, 2015). Regular conference calls with FANTA staff in DC will also be held. LOE NTE 5 days
  3. Participate in meetings with FANTA staff and key stakeholders in country; review and provide input to all materials developed for each meeting. The consultant will provide a brief summary of the meetings from the Feb. 2-13, 2015 FANTA staff TDY. LOE NTE 10 days
  4. Provide input into the SOW for FANTA activities in Indonesia. LOE NTE 2 days
Closing Date: 5 Jan 2015
How to apply:
For more information and to apply please go to: HERE