
Lowongan Training Facilitator - Needs Assessment in Emergencies, Sumatera

The Indonesia Response Team (IRT) was created in 2007 in response to the large number of emergencies in Indonesia .  In the past four years the Indonesia country program through IRT team has responded to at least nine disasters – the Yogyakarta earthquake in May 2006, the Jakarta floods in February 2007, West Sumatra Earthquake in March 2007, West Sumatra/Bengkulu earthquake in 2007, West Sumatera earthquake 2009, West Java earthquake 2009, Mentawai earthquake & tsunami 2010, Yogyakarta volcano eruption 2010 and the West Sumatera flooding 2011. And the last IRT emergency response experience was at the regional level when we involved in the assessment for Philippine Typhoon Haiyan response in Nov 14, 2013.

Lowongan Fasilitator kebencanaan Tahun 2014
The frequency of our response efforts highlights the fact that Indonesia is one of the most disaster prone countries in the world.  Additionally, from Mercy Corps Indonesia’s experience responding to national and international disasters, we have learned that our most effective emergency responses draw from the talents of our skilled staff who are committed to be true humanitarians.

As part of capacity building programs, Korea NGO Council for Overseas Cooperation (KCOC) in cooperation with Mercy Corps Indonesia intends to conduct a field workshop on needs assessment in emergencies in order to provide an opportunity for Korean humanitarian aid workers to gain practical knowledge and skill related to needs assessment in emergencies through learning from good practices in assessment procedures of Mercy Corps Indonesia.

The on-call position will begin Sept 3, 2014 and will be completed by Oct 6, 2014 and he/ she will be responsible for leading the design and planning as well as conducting the Field Workshop - Needs Assessment in Emergencies

The workshop will be from 29 Sept –3 Oct, 2014 in West Sumatera .  The Facilitator will work for 12 days, including preparation and wrap up time and the five days of the workshop itself.

The training facilitator will deliver: 
  • A finalized training agenda
  • Pre-working
  • A week workshop 
  • A final report and evaluation on the workshop
The training facilitator’s activities will include:
  • Design course agenda/syllabus for a  5 day field workshop on need assessment in emergencies
  • Coordinate closely with Dewi Hanifah, as the focal point in this workshop and Indra Damanik as co-facilitator 
  • Serve as lead trainer on sessions as needed/appropriate
  • Case Review of Needs Assessment :
    • Assessment process using ODK (online and offline) 
    • Assessment Methods 
    • Assessment Tools and familiar with Joint Need Assessment (JNA) 
    • Data collection and analysis, Sphere in need assessment, Cross-cutting issues, etc.)
  • Identify training materials needed
  • Identify pre-reading and/or on-line course requirements;
  • Design and implement a thorough participant evaluation, with analysis and final report; 
  • Serve as key host and facilitator throughout the workshop;
Organizational Learning:  As part of our commitment to organizational learning and in support of our understanding that learning organizations are more effective, efficient and relevant to the communities they serve - we expect all team members to commit 5% of their time to learning activities that benefit Mercy Corps Indonesia as well as themselves.

Accountability to Beneficiaries
Mercy Corps Indonesia team members are expected to support all efforts towards accountability, specifically to our beneficiaries and to international standards guiding international relief and development work, while actively engaging beneficiary communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring and evaluation of our field projects.

WORKS DIRECTLY WITH: Dewi Hanifah, DRR & IRT Coordinator; Bharat Pathak DRR/CCA Program Director; Indra Damanik, Co Facilitator
KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE: Experienced trainer; emergency response experience and background; understanding on Indonesia specific humanitarian context and the appropriate approaches to disaster preparedness and management
Please send your CV to procurement@id.mercycorps.org before 5 September 2014.