
VACANCY ProDEP COmpliance Officer (3 person) on the School System and Quality Program


Job Reference Number
Job Type
International Development Assistance/Emerging Markets
Contract Type
Part-Time, flexible - each position up to 70 days in the period September to December 2014
Job Location
Jakarta with extensive travel throughout Indonesia.

devjobs asia
Job Summary
Job Summary
Australia’s Education Partnership with Indonesia (the Education Partnership) is currently the largest development assistance program funded by the Australian Government anywhere in the world. Through the Education Partnership Australia supports the Indonesian Government’s long-term strategy to strengthen and consolidate its national education system, with a particular focus on the current Indonesian five-year plan (2010 – 2014) and support for the initial stages of the subsequent five-year plan (2015 – 2019). The Education Partnership builds on the successes of previous Australian Government support to the Indonesian education sector by strengthening government systems.  Under the Education Partnership, there are three managing contractors with the largest, School Systems and Quality (SSQ) contract, being managed by Cardno Emerging Markets. 
Each of the three SSQ-supported components is national in scope, supporting existing government structures and National Education Strategic Planning.

Component 2 of the Education Partnership is delivered mainly through the Government of Indonesia’s systems using grant funding from the Government of Australia, through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). The grant funding will be used to support the development and implementation of a national system of professional development for education personnel (ProDEP). Component 2 provides technical assistance to the Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC) and the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoRA) as they implement ProDEP to develop the capacity of principals, supervisors and provincial and district education personnel. The body responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Grant Agreement and its activities is the Staff Development Technical Oversight Group.
ProDEP activities will be implemented from July 2014 by MoEC through LPMP, P4TK and LPPKS. The Centre for the Development of Education Personnel (Pusbang Tendik) will be responsible for managing the implementation of ProDEP at the national level. Each of these institutions will be an Eligible Entity under the terms of the ProDEP Grant Agreement and will be responsible for the oversight and management of Grant Agreement funds.

We are looking for three (3) highly qualified personnel to fill in the position of ProDep Compliance  Officer

Key Duties and Responsibilities
The ProDEP Compliance Officers will be engaged on a part-time flexible basis for up to 70 days each in the period from September to December 2014. Compliance Officers will be required to travel extensively throughout all provinces of Indonesia.

Compliance Officers will report to the Manager of SSQ Component 2 through the National Adviser Finance and will be responsible for monitoring the use of Grant Agreement funds to ensure they are used in accordance with plans approved by the SDTOG and are managed in accordance with Grant Agreement and Government of Indonesia regulations and requirements. The Compliance Officers will work closely with relevant SSQ advisers and MoEC personnel, including the SSQ National Adviser Finance and the National Adviser Procurement and Complaints Handling.

Compliance Officer will also provide support to staff in Eligible Entities to assist them implement appropriate and effective financial management and reporting practices that meet Grant Agreement and GoI requirements. Compliance Officers will prepare reports for SSQ and follow-up identified issues with relevant Eligible Entities.

Compliance Officers will be responsible for:
  • Reviewing and assessing compliance of Eligible Entities with Grant Agreement and Government of Indonesia budgeting, financial management and procurement requirements and regulations.
  • Reviewing information entered into the ProDEP MIS for accuracy and compliance with requirements.
  • Checking accuracy of data provided in financial management reports to the SDTOG and Pusbang Tendik.
  • Providing guidance and assistance to Eligible Entities to enable them to meet Grant Agreement and GoI financial management, procurement and reporting requirements.
  • Preparing visit reports for SSQ and MoEC.
  • Following up the results of audit and compliance reviews and other financial management assessments as required.
  • Ensuring that the GoI and GoA policy and requirements for reporting and follow-up of fraud or suspected fraud are implemented appropriately.
  • Other relevant duties as required.
Key Requirements for the Position:
ProDEP Compliance Officers will require the following qualifications, skills and experience:
  • Tertiary level qualifications in accounting, financial management, audit or related area.
  • Extensive experience as an auditor or accountant.
  • Experience and knowledge of GoI public sector procurement, financial management and audit processes and requirements. 
  • Awareness of Government of Indonesia and Government of Australia fraud policies.
  • High ethical standards and a proven record of ethical behaviour. 
  • High-level written and oral communication skills.
  • Willingness and ability to travel extensively throughout Indonesia.
  • Desirable, capacity to communicate in English.
Duration of Contract:
The duration of contract for this position is up to 70 days in the period September to December 2014.

How to apply for This Position:
1. Current Curriculum vitae/resume
2. Name and contact details (phone and email) of three referees.
and submit your application via:

Submitting Applications
1. By email: email your application with the reference “SSQ – ProDep Compliance Officer” in the subject line to emergingmarkets.jakarta@cardno.com ;

Applications this position closes on 7 September 2014.

Late applications will not be considered and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Cardno Emerging Markets is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to child protection in all fields.

Australian Aid - managed by Cardno Emerging Markets on behalf of the Australian Government.

Job Contact
​For Enquiries, please send an email to emergingmarkets.jakarta@cardno.com with subject: "Query: SSQ – ProDep Compliance Officer ".