
Vacancy post: 4 Education Specialist (National Post), Indonesian

1. Education Management Specialists (EMS),
2. Education Policy Specialist (EPS),
3. Papua Education Specialist (PES), Madrasah
4. Education Specialist (MES)

With a value of AUD520 million over five years (2011 – 2016), the Education Partnership (EP) is Australia’s largest bilateral aid program to date. GRM International Pty Ltd has been appointed as the Performance Oversight and Monitoring (POM) contractor for the EP. As part of its mandate, POM implements a range of evaluation studies across the four EP components to assess the progress towards achievement of the End-of-Partnership Outcomes (EOPO). This evaluation study focuses on Component 4 of the EP that seeks to promote the use of evidence in developing and implementing education sector policies, regulations, plans and budgets. It does so through the activities of the Analytical and Capacity Development Partnership (ACDP). The evaluation study will document – in the form of case studies – the uptake of the evidence produced by selected ACDP activity over a pre-determined period of time.


Under the guidance of the POM M&E Specialist, the Education Specialist will be instrumental in the implementation of the evaluation design outlined in the evaluation concept note. Specifically, they will support the Lead Analyst in the data collection and analysis and drafting of the case study notes. They will bring contextual knowledge and an ability to liaise with relevant stakeholders.

Key Outputs

The main outputs for this assignment are:

1.       Activity Description

Under the guidance of the Lead Analyst, the Specialists will undertake the following activities:
  • Familiarise him/herself with the EOPO 4 Evaluation Concept Note and background documents related to each case study.
  • Support the development of a concise inception note (five- pages maximum) at the start of each case study and in line with guidance provided in the Evaluation Concept Note.
  • Collect and analyse relevant and sufficient data for each case study, in order to develop compelling findings and conclusion, in line with the guidance provided in the Evaluation Concept Note.
  • Support the drafting of a Case Study Note that outlines findings and a conclusion articulating a judgement call on the success of the incorporation of evidence and, where adequate, recommendations for DFAT consideration.
Throughout this process, the Specialists will work in close collaboration with representatives from POM, DFAT, GoI and EP implementing partners as necessary.

2.       Outputs

The main output for this assignment is a Case Study Note that includes:
  • Introduction outlining the context, objective and methodology used
  • Key findings from the analysis
  • Main conclusion presenting a judgement call on the main Evaluation Question
  • Operational recommendations for DFAT consideration
  • Annexes that include details about the data collected and their analysis

3.       Minimum education and experience required

The successful candidate for the position will have the following qualifications and experience:
  • Master’s degree or PhD in education, anthropology, sociology or related social science fields
  • Minimum of five-years’ experience in fielding qualitative evaluation studies in Indonesia
  • Demonstrated experience in and thorough understanding of the Indonesian education system, including actors, issues and regulatory framework.
  • Thorough understanding of policy-making processes in Indonesia at national and
    sub-national levels and in the education sector, specifically in:
    • education human resource management and education personnel professional development (for EMS position)
    • education sector planning and mid-term development planning (RPJMN) (for EPS position)
    • provincial education planning, education access in remote area, and education in Papua in general (for PES position)
    • Madrasah education management and financing and district education financing (for MES position)
  • Demonstrated interview and liaison skills with senior policy-makers in Indonesia
  • Demonstrated knowledge of and network in:
    • Ministry of Education and Culture – especially in DG of Basic Education, Agency for Human Resource Development (BSDMPK), and PUSBANGTENDIK (for EMS position)
    • BAPPENAS, especially Education Directorate under the Deputy Minister for Human Resources and Cultural Affairs (for EPS position)
    • Local Governments and Universities in Papua Provinces, especially districts and provincial educations offices (for PES position)
    • Ministry of Religious Affairs, especially in DG Islamic Education and Directorate Madrasah Education; and in Ministry of Home Affairs, especially in DG Regional Development (for MES position)
  • Strong English oral and writing skills, and native speaker of Bahasa Indonesia
  • Ability to work effectively within a multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary team
Applications close on 17th May 2014

To apply, please submit your CV and a statement outlining key experiences and skills against the criteria to IndonesiaJobs@ grminternational.com

For request of specific TOR of each post, please email to lena.suryati@grminternational.com