
Caritas Keuskupan Sibolga is looking for an External Evaluator For Community Based Rehabilitation

Caritas Keuskupan Sibolga is looking for an External Evaluator who will perform an project audit service for Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR).

Interested applicants will be invited to submit their proposal by latest 09 June 2014
, and please addressed to references written in point 7 (Proposal Submission) as follow:

and a CC to:

Please feel free to read the Term of Reference as written below.
Kindly to be informed, please do not address your application to this email.

Thank you very much.
Yusnita Lase
Act. HRD of Caritas Keuskupan Sibolga
Jl. JP. Vallon Ujung Km.3 Desa Sifalaete
Gunungsitoli, Nias
North Sumatera

ToR of Final Evaluation
Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR)
A Collaborative Project between Kesusteran ALMA and Caritas Keuskupan Sibolga (CKS)
Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) is a collaborative project between ALMA Congregation and Caritas Keuskupan Sibolga (CKS). The project had target to achieve community improvement through rehabilitation, equality, opportunity, and social integration for disable population.

Based on assessment process, it was found that:
  • Mostly, disable people in Nias are not accepted by their family 
  • In general, many disable people in Nias are found in poor family 
  • Disability is caused by the insufficient health service and insufficient nutrition during pregnancy time and during baby-age 
  • Government does not concern to disable issues
  • Very few disable people who attend public school
  • Low accessibility for disable
  • There is no local regulation in the subject of difable
  • There is no difable organization in Nias
Given the above situation, Kesusteran ALMA and CKS attempted to address the above problem by developing the project of CBR. The goal of the project is children and adults with disabilities are able to participate in community idependently. The specific objectives of the project are as followed:
  • Specific Objective 1 : Accompaniment quality and quantity improvement for 116 CBR disables (Staff Capacity Building)
  • Specific Objective 2: Disables family vulnerability reduction on livelihood and foodsustainability
  • Specific Objective 3: Disables capability improvement
  • Specific Objective 4: Existed networking who involves and supports CBR activity
This collaborative project started from January 2012 until July 2014. The project targeted 116 difable persons which spread out in the villages on Nias Island.

The main purpose of the final project evaluation is to examine whether the project is in track to reach its intended objectives, finding out gaps if any, draw lessons, suggest recommendation for better implementation. The specific objectives are:
  • To evaluate the relevance of project intervention in term of community needs and local culture.
  • To examine the implementation standard in terms of quantity, quality, target and achievement.
  • To examine the effectiveness of strategy applied in terms of applicability and generation of intended effects.
  • To see the efficiency in relation to input provided and output created; in term of project management and partnership with parishes.
  • To see the impact that the project has created so far
  • To examine sustainability potential.
Simultaneity of review and learning: The fundamental approach of final evaluation of the project should be participatory in nature by which staff of the project team and other programs of CKS have continuous learning. However, the neutrality and objectivity of the final-study will be controlled by the external evaluator.

Development of design: Grounded on the objectives, the evaluation should proceed based on clearly defined framework, tools and data gathering/ generation tools.

Sampling: For the selection of sample, both purposive and random method can be applied. At the level of community, among 116 families of targeted disable population covered by the project, 30% should be included as representative samples that can be selected random basis. Considering the availability, communication feasibility and time limit, purposive selection methodology may be applied to select other stakeholders included project staff, and parish priests

Data generation and gathering: In data generation and gathering, the evaluator will conduct an extensive review of documents. Data gathering/ generation tools should be developed and decided by the evaluator which may include:
  • Key Informant Interview
  • Informal discussions and dialogue with community members
  • Focused Group Discussion (FGD)
  • PRA sessions with existing group
  • And direct observation of work samples and outcome
Data consolidation, analysis & findings development: The evaluator will consolidate data and develop finding base on evaluation objectives stated earlier.

Feedback generation, validation and articulation: An intermediary presentation of primary findings should be done in which the project team and senior management staff will participate.

Preparation and Submission of Evaluation Report
The evaluation will submit a draft report to the CKS management before finalization of the report. The report should include both quantitative and qualitative information include following structure.
  • Cover page (1 page) 
  • Abbreviation (1 page) 
  • Acknowledgement (1 page) 
  • Executive summary (1-2 pages) 
  • List of content (1 page) 
  • List of figures (1 page)
  • Introduction: (1-2 pages) 
  • Project setting (1-2 pages) 
  • Evaluation objective (1 page) 
  • Evaluation methodology (1 page) 
  • Evaluation findings (max 20 pages)
    • Relevance 
    • Implementation standard 
    • Effectiveness of input delivered 
    • Efficiency
    • Impacts 
    • Sustainability
  • Recommendation (1-2 pages) 
  • Evaluator’s biography

The evaluator will deliver following concrete outcome to CKS
  • Evaluation framework including data instruments
  •  A draft report 
  • A power point presentation of main findings 
  • An electronic copy of final report
  • Hard copy of final report (the acknowledgement is signed by evaluator)
The evaluator is expected to maintain following time schedule:
  • The selected evaluator should submit the evaluation framework and data tools by 18 June 2014
  • Project document consolidation and study on 19-28 June 2014
  • Conduct data generation field activities on 30 June – 4 July 2014
  • Sharing of mayor finding with project team and CKS management on 5 July 2014
  • Submission of draft report on 14 July , 2014
  • CKS team provide input on the draft report on  15-16 July 2014 
  • The evaluator submit the final report by 17 July, 2014
  • Highly required: Experience and understanding on Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR)project 
  • Highly required: Good understanding on disability issue
  • Highly required: Understanding on working within a Catholic Church context 
  • Highly required: Experience at grass root community empowerment and development
  • Highly required: Experience of evaluation with quantitative and participatory methods. 
  • Highly required: Willingness to work in an isolated environment with very basic living conditions, field visits will include travelling by motorbike and hiking in Nias villages
For both independent and organizations who are interested please submit:
  1. The external evaluation proposal
  2. Organization/ independent profile
To Caritas Keuskupan Sibolga:
With CC to:
·         Matteo Amigoni matteo.caritas.italy@gmail.com
·         Stefania Cattaneo stefania.caritas.italy@gmail.com
With the proposal submission deadline: 9 June 2014.
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.