
Handicap International: Collection of Good Practices in Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction in South and South East Asia

Terms of Reference

Collection of good practices in Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction in South and South East Asia


Persons with disabilities, women, children and other socially excluded groups are at higher risks of being negatively impacted by natural hazards. Reduced social participation represents a barrier to participation in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) activities, as well as basic access to information and services. Living conditions, poverty, low coping and adaptive capacities encountered by certain members of a community increase their vulnerability to natural hazards, and reduces community resilience. During a crisis, persons with disabilities and other excluded groups are often invisible to relief operations, not included in data collection, evacuation measures, etc. The response to their basic needs is often not adapted and their specific needs are ignored. Their physical and psychological health can be severely affected, with aggravation or creation of new temporary or permanent impairments.

Handicap International (HI) got involved in Inclusive DRR in 2001 in order to promote DRR policies and practices aiming at building resilience for everyone, not leaving aside members of a community based on gender, age or disability. Since 2005, HI and its partners have developed programmes in South and South East Asia to support the capacity of local, national and international stakeholders for inclusive DRR policy and programming, and to support vulnerable groups to increase their resilience to disasters. At the moment, HI is involved in inclusive DRR in 7 countries in the area.

The Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Network was created in October 2012, at the 5th Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR). This network, focussed on ensuring active participation of persons with disabilities in DRR policy and practice, was co-founded by the following 7 organisations: ASB, CBM, CDD, Handicap International, Malteser International, Pacific Disability Forum and the South Asian Disability Forum.

Scope of Work

Given that:

• Early 2013, CBM and the DiDRRN published a "Good Practices Document", collecting practices from member organisations and disseminating these during the 2013 Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction in Geneva.
• Along with Oxfam and Action Aid, HI is currently implementing a project entitled "Inclusive Community Resilience for Sustainable Disaster Risk Management", rolled out in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. This project aims at consolidating a framework of reference on Inclusive Disaster Risk Management, through pilot-testing and good practices collection.
• HI and its partners are also involved in Inclusive DRR in Indonesia and the Philippines, as well as with other focussed inclusive DRR project in other countries in South Asia, without however a formal good practices collection.
• The 6th AMCDRR will be held in Bangkok in June 2014 and represents a good opportunity to share practices and promote inclusive DRR.

We are planning, with the financial support of Aktion Deutschland Hilft, to review and update the 2013 Good Practices publication with the support of DiDRRN members, and adding good practices from HI and its partners.

For this, HI and the DiDRRN require the service of a skilled consultant to collect data on best practices in Inclusive DRR in South and South East Asia, and produce a document that will be published and disseminated across the DRR community.

To do so, the consultant will be asked to:

• Collect already identified good practices amongst Handicap International and DiDRRN members and partners’ practices in South and South East Asia
• Identify good practices from Handicap International and its partners in the Philippines
• Write a ‘good practices’ publication and, once validated by Handicap International and the DiDRRN, coordinate the lay-out and production of the document, which should be printed by June 1st, 2014.


The proposed scope of work should make a positive contribution towards realizing the following objectives:

• Increased public awareness, education and advocacy about inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction and contributions made by Handicap International, DiDRRN member organizations and their partners through their inclusive DRR- related programming in South and South East Asia;
• Increased knowledge sharing and knowledge building across DiDRRN members emphasizing learning and program innovations.
• Contribute to the development of a regional framework on inclusive DRM
• Ensures that the voices of people socially excluded based on gender, disability , caste, etc – are heard.
• The good practice document remains a live document, is used as an analytical tool, a reference material and provides recommendation for replication.

Anticipated Activities

• Contribute to the design of the data collection methodology and tools
• Conduct data collection, through Handicap International and DiDRRN members, and directly when necessary
• Ensure analysis and synthesis of results
• Publication writing, including coordinating the lay-out and production of the document
• Throughout the consultancy, maintain close communication with Handicap International and DiDRRN members during the design, implementation, analysis and writing of the publication


The following deliverables will be required:

• Detailed work plan with associated milestones;
• Written analyses of the data gathered;
• Synthesis of data collected through the writing of 1 good practices publication according to an agreed format and structure
• Weekly activity reports provided to allow a fluid monitoring of the progress of this process

Qualifications and Conditions

For this consultancy the consultant will:

• Be based in Indonesia or in the Philippines
• Travel will be required in South East Asia

The successful consultant will have:

• Proven experience of carrying out similar assignments; demonstrated knowledge of and successful experience with capitalisation, documenting lessons learned and good practices, along with production of written knowledge sharing, communication and advocacy material
• Knowledge of Disaster Risk Management and/or experience in inclusion of persons with disabilities or other excluded groups based on age, gender or other.
• Excellent oral and written communications skills in English;
• Working experience with diverse stakeholders including community based groups, international NGOs, governments, educators/researchers, etc.
• Understanding of civil society conditions and constraints
• Knowledge of South and South East Asia
• Well-developed organizational skills
• Availability to travel in areas covered by the action as required

Timeframe and Budget

The contract is to begin in March/April. The end of the consultancy, with completion of the work, is planned for June 2nd, 2014.

The amount of work for this contract is estimated at 20 days. The budget for this contract is 7,000€, including air plane tickets and other means of transportation validated in advance, as well as accommodation and meals while on field missions upon need. Payment will be released before and after the consultancy; details to be discussed upon contract signing. Costs related to the lay-out and production of the good practices document will be covered separately by the organization.


Prospective respondents are asked to submit any questions regarding these terms of reference in writing to annie.lafreniere@handicap-international.ca by Monday March 17, 2014.


Interested consultants should submit the following documents:

• A one-page cover letter outlining your interest and qualifications for this work;
• A two-page curriculum vitae;
• A 2-3 page outline/description of the process you would undertake to achieve the objectives and outputs, including proposed activities, time line and budget upon need;
• Contact information for two recent references.