
CARE International Indonesia Vacancy: Final Evaluation Consultant, Makassar

CARE International Indonesia (CII), as an international NGO, has carried out large scale operations in Indonesia, encompassing emergency operations, transitional activities centered on agriculture and nutrition and a range of development initiatives in such areas as water and sanitation, health and micro-credit.

CARE International Indonesia  in Makassar (South Sulawesi)  is currently recruiting the following position for its project:



The impact of climate change will be felt mostly devastating by poor people living alongside the sea and in direct dependency of it. In the target countries of this project, Thailand and Indonesia, the project will focus on heavily populated coastal areas where existing high levels of erosion due to environmental degradation will be most exacerbated by climate change impacts, such as rising sea levels and increased storm surge The resulting intrusion of salt water into shallow fresh water areas will cause significant change to ecosystems and disrupt the livelihoods that depend on them, in addition to the danger that frequent and more severe hazards pose to the lives of the people.

Both countries possess limited capacity at local government level of local and provincial authorities in environmental management and governance, particularly in the areas of technical expertise, monitoring and enforcement of laws and regulations and general planning capacity. Given prior experiences on environmental management these limitations are expected to hinder the rollout of the national climate change strategy, including the formulation of local adaptation priorities and action plans. The building of local government capacity in these areas is especially relevant given the ongoing decentralization process in both countries, whereby primarily technical oversight is increasingly placed at the provincial level and government budget is increasingly allocated at the sub-district level.

Target groups will be local government agencies in the project areas and civil society organizations operating in the project areas and surrounding coastal belts. The final beneficiaries will be around 10.000 vulnerable households each in Thailand and Indonesia.

Project objectives:
The overall objective is that coastal authorities and civil society organizations in Indonesia and Thailand are increasingly resilient to the negative impacts of climate change. This will be accomplished in two steps:

Firstly coastal authorities and civil society organizations are progressively integrating climate change adaptation into sub national development, environment and disaster risk reduction strategies and plans.

Secondly coastal authorities and civil society organizations collaborate to design and implement innovative community based adaptation activities that reduce risks from coastal hazards.

Summary – results and planned activities:

The action consists of following four components: 
  • Differential vulnerability to climate change is assessed in 20 coastal sub- districts in Indonesia and 16 coastal sub-districts in Thailand. Activities will include participatory climate vulnerability and capacity analysis (CVCA), a participatory learning process and other baseline studies. 
  • Capacity of different stakeholders to integrate climate change adaptation activities in sub-national development, environment and disaster risk management strategies and plans is enhanced in the coastal regions. Activities will include assisting local authorities in application of the CVCA tool for further assessments, training on integration of climate change in planning and budgeting process, assist governments to plan and implement adaptation projects and mainstreaming of the action through government budget and planning. 
  • Capacity of different stakeholders to develop and implement sustainable community-based adaptation activities has been strengthened in 3 provinces in Thailand and 4 districts in Indonesia. Activities will include workshops to strengthen localized adaption strategies, selection of priority actions and development of Monitoring and Evaluation tools.
  • Regional network of coastal climate change adaptation practitioners are established among stakeholders in 5 countries in the Asian region. Activities will include development of an electronically platform, organizing of inter country cross visits between stakeholders and organization of an international conference.

The final evaluation will focus on the following aspects: A) project objective/outputs; B) processes; C) sustainability of results; D) monitoring and evaluation; and E) conclusions and lessons learned.


The consultant will be expected to produce: 
  • An inception plan. The plan should outline the overall strategies, actions and timeline of the evaluation. 
  • An evaluation report. The report should not be more than 40 pages.

Expertise in: 
  • Capacity building and strengthening institutions; 
  • Policy framework strengthening/mainstreaming;
  • Climate change adaptation; 
  • Knowledge of Result-Based Management Evaluation methodologies;
  • Knowledge of participatory monitoring approaches;
  • Experience applying SMART indicators and reconstructing or validating baseline scenarios;
  • Demonstrable analytical skills;
  • At least Master’s degree in a relevant field such as Economics, Development Economics, Biology, Environmental Sciences Natural Resources Management, from a recognized university with minimum 5 years experiences in conducting project evaluation;
  • Excellent English writing and communication skills;
  • Demonstrated ability to assess complex situations in order to succinctly and clearly distil critical issues and draw forward looking conclusions;
  • Excellent facilitation skills.
Interested consultants are required to submit an expression of interest and relevant Curriculum Vitae that demonstrates the qualifications, skills, experience and track record to deliver the services required and that reflects an understanding of key issues relating to the scope of work. Please also provide three contactable references.  In addition to that the consultant shall submit a joint technical and financial proposal.

Please submit your applications no later than  at 12:00 wib on March 27, 2014 to CARE International Indonesia, Human Resources Unit:

"Only qualified applicants will be shortlisted"