
Writer for UNDP PGSP - ASEAN Foundation, Indonesia


Writer for UNDP PGSP project – ASEAN Foundation
“Advancing Regional Integration: Connecting ASEAN Provinces and Strengthening Partnerships through South-South Cooperation”

The ASEAN Foundation and the Provincial Governance Strengthening Programme (PGSP) will conduct a collaborative project to support the cooperation and collaboration between the provincial government and capital cities in some ASEAN countries. This project aims to support the development and capacity building at various sectors, in particular to face the opportunities and challenges of the ASEAN Community in 2015 that will have a hub of trade, investment, and services. A very important objective of the ASEAN Community is realizing a people-oriented ASEAN in which all sectors of society are encouraged to participate in, and benefit from the process of ASEAN integration and community building. In this respect, to clearly map out the project, a writer is urgently required to particularly come up with a background paper for this UNDP – ASEAN Foundation collaborative project on advancing regional integration.

  • The writer shall work in close collaboration with the ASEAN Foundation and UNDP Team to research, write and edit text for the background paper for “Advancing Regional Integration: Connecting ASEAN Provinces and Strengthening Partnerships through South-South Cooperation” as per the attached Editorial and Production schedule.
  • The writer will draft the background paper based on research, meeting and consultations with ASEAN Foundation and UNDP Team and to the related stakeholders.
  • After the draft text is completed, it will be reviewed by both the ASEAN Foundation and UNDP team. The writer will incorporate revisions related to content and/or language. Where applicable, the text will adhere to branding standards for language and presentation of ASEAN Foundation and UNDP.
  • The writer will work closely with the consultant graphic designer to develop ideas for graphics and charts that creatively convey key messages/data in the report.
  • The writer/editor will also proof read the texts as they are laid out by the designer.
(i)      Inception Report of the background paper (4-7 pages of text).

(ii)   Final report of 15-20 pages as a Word document, including table of contents, photo captions and credit information, for the draft text of background paper for “Advancing Regional Integration: Connecting ASEAN Provinces and Strengthening Partnerships through South-South Cooperation”.  Proofreading of design layouts to ensure text and graphics are error free.
At minimum, the submitted document will need to cover:
  1. Literature review
a.   Rationale (why we are doing this)
b.   Global trend/architecture for international cooperation
c.   Existing models, subnational roles, “decentralized cooperation”
  1. Policy analysis
a.   Existing policies, gap, procedures
b.   Proposed action, what can be done in relation to ASEAN Province Business Meeting
  1. Executive opinions
a.   Brief profiles of the 8 selected regions
b.   Interview of key profiles
c.   Assessment on existing condition, readiness, identification of potential actors, level of interest for ASEAN Business Meeting
d.   Potential sectors for the ASEAN Province Business Meeting (concrete thematic areas proposed: strength) of the 8 regions
  1. Conclusions and recommendation
  1. Annexes
a.   Governor profiles (including photo)
b.   Sample of Letter of Intent, MoU, Full Powers, related documents
Skills Required:
  1. Strong research and excellent writing skills in English;
  2. Excellent organizational skills;
  3. Experience in producing corporate and organizational write-ups
  4. Ability to be flexible and respond to changes to text as part of the review and feedback process.
  5. Strong interpersonal skills, able to communicate and work with diverse people
  6. Demonstrates ability to meet deadlines and work under pressure
Time-frame and Fees:
The writer’s work is home-based and will not require any travelling. Should there be any traveling inquired, budget for travel may be proposed to and requested from the ASEAN Foundation.
The writer will work for 30 working days from end February to end of March 2014 at the latest, at the maximum rate USD2,500. The afore-mentioned amount includes costs incurred, i.e. phone calls, internet, etc   
Development of Background Paper
Development of TOR
Consultant contracting
Inception report
Assessments, research, mission
Draft 1 reporting
Draft 2 reporting
Paper refinements
Final Background Paper

Please submit your application letter and CV to Head of Finance and Administration at secretariat@aseanfoundation.org by 21 February 2014.