
RUTGERS WPF Vacancy: Operational Research Officer Indonesia, Jakarta

Operational Research Officer Indonesia
Job Opening

The Access, Services and Knowledge (ASK) program is a 3 year program funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the aim of enhancing uptake of Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) services among young people aged between 10-24 years, including underserved groups. The program which is a joint effort of 8 organizations comprising of Rutgers WPF, Simavi, AMREF Flying Doctors, CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality, dance4life, Stop AIDS Now!, the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), and Child Helpline International (CHI) is implemented in 7 countries namely Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Ghana, Senegal, Pakistan and Indonesia. The program runs from 2013 to 2015.
The broad programmatic goals in ASK are set into the area of SRH-education, SRH-services and promotion of an enabling environment for SRHR and HIV prevention. The program places a strong emphasis on reaching hard to reach groups and direct involvement of youth, including in research and intervention development. ASK furthermore has a strong focus on development and strengthening of direct information provision, e/m health supported interventions and collaboration of the public and private health sector as strategies to achieve the ASK programmatic goals.
In Indonesia, the ASK program is implemented by 9 organization partners working in 3 provinces and national level (see the table below).

Geographic scope
Partners of IPPF
Partners of RutgersWPF
Partners of dance4life
Partners of Simavi
Partners of CHOICE
Partners of CHI

CD Bethesda

East Java
PKBI Jatim
PKBI Jatim
PKBI Jatim

PKBI Pusat
Rutgers WPF Indonesia
Rutgers WPF Indonesia


The beneficiaries comprise of marginalized, hard-to-reach young people, including difable youth, PLHIV and young sex workers.OR in Indonesia will take benefit of the baseline survey that is currently being done and reached both youth in and out-of schools with little or no access to nearby health centers. These groups will be the main targets for ASK activities and intervention designed by partners.
Operational research in ASK

Operational research (OR) is part of activities in the program. The aim is to enhance the performance of the program, improve outcomes, assess feasibility of new strategies and/or assess or improve the program Theory of Change. Four broad themes are set forth in ASK under which operational research should take place, where possible with a special focus youth participation in research:

       Reaching the unreached.
       Contribution of the public and private health sector to the SRH of young people.
       Direct access of youth to SRHR information and services.
       Use of e/m health applications and impact on uptake of SRHR services.
Specific purposes of operational research in Indonesia are guided by the overall objective: 1) to collect evidence on the added value of the e- and m-health interventions in achieving our objectives, disaggregated for boys, girls, men and women; 2) to identify best practices that are effective and efficient solutions to important SRH challenges and underlying causes; 3) to document processes that are necessary before and during introducing e/m health as a strategy to improve health related issues; and 4) to explore strengths and weaknesses of e/m health to inform policy development.
The operational research officer will be hosted by Rutgers WPF Indonesia office in Jakarta and be accountable to the NPC and the National Steering Committee (NSC) of the Indonesia ASK program, in which the CEO’s of the members take seat.
Supervision and Management
The operational research officer will be supervised through a country team comprising of the National Steering Committee through the National Programme Coordinator, the Country Lead and PME/OR expert representing the Northern alliance. Further, the operational research officer will interact with individual partner organizations in the Alliance with support of the National Programme Coordinator.
Decision Making:
The operational research officer prepares decisions, planning of activities and budgets related to OR for decision making by the NSC, in which the operational research officer has an advisory role. 
1)    Develop an OR plan listing clear deliverables and operationalize the implementation of OR within the ASK program.
2)    Consult ASK partner organizations on priority topics for OR.
3)    Seek collaboration and networking with local researchers and research institutes.
4)    Build the capacity of partner organizations and young people to participate in OR.
5)    Support partner organizations to utilize the information obtained to continuously improve their program.
6)    Comprehensive reporting of results, and dissemination through publications and presentations.
7)    Develop a strategy for disseminating OR information/results to stakeholders.
8)    Frequent updates to and collaboration with the PME/OR experts representing the Northern alliance.
1)    Identify and prioritize topics and questions for operational research in the ASK program, making use of what has been documented on OR ambitions so far.
2)    Realistic and strategic assessment of ambitions for OR in relation to partner work plans, overall planning and progress in ASK.
3)    Develop an OR plan and secure feedback from partners and the PME/OR expert representing the Northern alliance [eg. in the strategic communication workshop in March 2014].
4)    Coordinate and operationalize the implementation of OR, in collaboration with partner organizations and the PME/OR expert representing the Northern alliance.
5)    Support capacity of partner organizations to participate in operational research activities based on identified priorities, and to utilize the information obtained to continuously improve their program.
6)    Develop and implement a strategy for disseminating OR information/results to alliance members and stakeholders, plan for publications and presentations.
7)    Build networks and promote collaboration with local researchers and research institutions.
8)    Monitor the progress of the Alliance process related to OR activities and set deliverables and advice and exchange with the National Steering Committee and the PME/OR expert representing the Northern alliance.
9)    Provide regular updates and reports on OR activities to the National Steering Committee and the country team (NPC, CL, PME/Or expert).
10) Organize strategic partner meetings to discuss OR results, and advise on using the information obtained to continuously improve the ASK program.
11) (Co-)facilitation of youth research capacity building workshops to assist in data collection.
12) (Coordination of) data collection for operational research.
13) (Co-)write a publication based on OR-results.
14) Perform any other relevant tasks assigned by the Alliance.
Qualifications and experiences
·         A minimum of post-graduate degree in a relevant subject (public health, international development, medical anthropology or related psychological/social science)
·         Proven experience in conducting operational research in the field of public health
·         Good understanding of NGO working policies
·         Familiarity with the sexual and reproductive health and rights environment in the country.
·         Support the fundamentals of the Sexual and Rights based approach.
·         Strong coordination and facilitation skills.
·         Ability to work independently, as well as in a team.
·         Experience to communicate and coordinate with a variety of partners (Alliance members, NGO’s, government at national and local level, CBO’s, youth etc).
·         Excellent analytical and report writing skills.
·         Prepared to travel to the project sites in Indonesia.
·         Excellent analytical, writing and communication skills (English)
How to Apply
Interested persons should submit a letter of interest and CV.
All applications should be sent to the National Programme Coordinator, email sarah.satar@rutgerswpfindo.org, not late than 10 February 2014.
Only short listed candidates will be contacted