
Lang Tengah Turtle Watch Vacancy: Research Volunteer, Malaysian

The key to safeguarding our nesting population of turtles - predominantly Green Turtles - on Lang Tengah relies on our constant and continued presence on the island, as this is the main deterrent to egg poachers.  Living 24 hours a day in the camp, we regularly patrol the nesting beaches on the island by night, relocating any nests that are laid on other beaches back to the safety of Turtle Beach.

We are aiming to expand our operations from the shore up into the forest and right down into the ocean.  The first move for us is to compile a species list for the island.  As far as biological research on Lang Tengah is concerned, the records of the marine park and WWF up until now can be described as ‘data deficient’.

You will be the driving force of our operation, patrolling the nesting beaches by night.  You will also aid in the relocation of eggs, if necessary, and the gathering of data from post hatch inspections and nesting females.

The expansion of our research may require your assistance in undertaking terrestrial transect surveys - primarily for herpetofauna.

You look after the camp, ensuring there is enough water to drink and food to eat, as well as partaking in other camp chores such as cleaning and stock-takes.

Those looking to volunteer should be relatively fit and acquainted with the rigours of outdoor living.

Stripped-back and open-air, the camp lies slightly recessed behind the secluded beach on Turtle Bay.  Think rustic, jungle living - bucket-showers and camp fires.

We are looking to recruit volunteers from the beginning of March 2014.  To find out more about our project or to apply, please look at our website, facebook page or contact our coordinator Raphe van Zevenbergen:

WEB: www.langtengahturtlewatch.org
FACEBOOK: Lang Tengah Turtle Watch
EMAIL: raphe@langtengahturtlewatch.org

Deadline: 01/03/2014
Location: Malaysian