
Consultant Biogas Project - SNV Indonesia

Vacancy Announcement
SNV Indonesia

SNV is looking for a Consultant for:
Evaluation of Energy Utilization and Consumption at Biogas Project in Central Kalimantan
SNV Netherlands Development Organisation
SNV is an international not-for-profit development organisation working in 38 of the poorest countries worldwide for nearly 50 years. Using market based approaches, SNV is committed to reducing poverty by catalysing environmentally sustainable solutions for the poor in agriculture, energy, water & sanitation, and climate change.
Services within the renewable energy sector include domestic biogas, biofuels and improved cookstoves with a focus on providing clean energy for cooking.  SNV’s work in biogas in Indonesia, since 2009 under the partnership with Hivos, has focused on supporting the establishment of domestic biogas plants that convert manure produced at the household level into combustible methane gas that can be used for cooking and lighting lamps.  The overall goal is to develop a sustainable biogas sector where local companies market and install biogas plants as well as provide after sales services.  This systems approach also involves strengthening organizational and institutional capacities in local level and optimizing cooperation between the private sector, government, and end users.
With the financial support of EEP Indonesia and SNV, SNV has implemented a pilot project with local partner to examine the potential of Medium Scale Biogas Project in Central Kalimantan. 10 medium size digesters are constructed at the community cattle sheds with the gas produced distributed to nearby households mainly for cooking purpose. 
The overall objective of the project is to develop and test a reliable biogas design appropriate for Indonesian context and a necessary operation and management system of a community digester.
The project promotes development of a robust and cost effective medium scale biogas sector that improves access to clean and sustainable energy sources by households in Indonesia.
As the project will be ending by end of February 2014, a final evaluation is planned to undertake assessing whether the digesters are appropriate to supply the required energy to the households and achieve the objectives. For this purpose, SNV wants to select suitable consultant for the conduction of the Evaluation of Energy Utilization and Consumption in Biogas Project households in Central Kalimantan. A Baseline Survey is already available to compare the results of this study.
1.    Objectives
The main objective of the study is to evaluate energy requirement, energy consumption and substitution of energy by biogas digesters. Moreover, the study will focus on the following aspects:
  • Energy requirement and consumption 
  • Supply of biogas to replace other fuels 
  • Compare the impact of biogas digesters with baseline data
2.    Scope of Work
The scope of work will be to collect and analyse following aspects at household level and compare with the baseline data:
a)   Change in health and sanitation information
              i.        Reduction on exposure to indoor air pollution
             ii.        Reduction on respiratory and eye infection
            iii.        Reduction on incidence of gastro-intestinal diseases
            iv.        Improvement in kitchen condition
             v.        Reduction on mosquito induced diseases and nuisance
            vi.        Reduction on fire/burning accidents, general physical condition (stress, free time, time for feeding etc) among women, men and children
b)   Change in socio-economic conditions
              i.        Reduction on expenses on domestic fuel
             ii.        Use of time (household members)
            iii.        Owned domestic animals
            iv.        Employment situation
c)    Change in gender related information
              i.        Women's participation in decision making process
             ii.        Health and workload of women
            iii.        Income generation and productive work
d)   Change in agriculture practices
              i.        Cattle (Livestock) population, grazing method (openly grazed /stall fed), shed management, animal health, fodder management etc
             ii.        Quantity of dung produced each day and its utilization as manure
            iii.        Fertilizer use pattern and their effectiveness on crop growth, soil fertility and crop productivity and ultimately the farm income
e)   Energy and environmental related information
              i.        Amount of household daily utilization of fire wood, agriculture residues, animal dung, kerosene, LPG for cooking and type of stoves and related expenses
             ii.        Accessibility of cooking and lighting fuels
            iii.        Local (household) environmental condition
f)    Strengthening local capacity on biogas
              i.        Assess on the biogas construction capacity of local masons
             ii.        Assess on biogas operation and maintenance capacity of biogas users
3.    Approaches and Methodology
The Consultant should mention the detailed approaches and methodology for carrying out this study. The methodology shall include the desk study and review of relevant literature related to the study. Based upon the review of the literatures, the consultant shall formulate the tools of data collection such as structured questionnaire, checklists for focus group discussions, observation sheets etc, including quantitative and qualitative information and areas of operation which shall be finalized in agreement with SNV.
It is aimed to have a minimum sample size of total 30 households from 3 cluster biogas households (5 digesters) of Pulau Pisang in Central Kalimantan.
The sample household will be the biogas users of Medium Size Biogas Digesters constructed by SNV. A list of biogas household will be made available to the consultant.
The consultant shall organize orientation training for the members of field survey team prior to the pre-testing of questionnaire and field mobilization. The consultant shall prepare a detailed programme regarding the mobilization of survey team for field studies and will submit a copy to SNV Jakarta to enable it to monitor the activity in the field.
4.    Expected Output
a)    Inception Report
b)    Draft Report and
c)    Final Report
In the final report, the Consultant should clearly mention the methodology, output of the study and recommendations based on the study by incorporating the comments and suggestions received from the SNV. Three copies of final report and an electronic copy (in CD) must be submitted to SNV including an executive summary in Bahasa Indonesia. The reports must be prepared and performed in a professional way by adhering to strict quality standards.
5.    Work Schedule
The project will be implemented tentatively from first week of February 2014 and expected to complete before 25th February 2014. The consultant shall elaborate detail work schedule to be carried out for implementation of the proposed programme. But the actual time will be determined after the agreement between SNV and the Consultant.
6.    Team Composition
The team should be composed of:
a)    Socio Economist//Environment Expert having more than 5 years experience in the relevant field who works as a Team Leader
b)    Statistician having adequate experiences
c)    Data enumerators
The Consultant shall submit the name(s) of the required human resources to be assigned for execution of the proposed project. The detailed CVs of the experts to be involved for the conduction of this study must be submitted with their original signature and their commitment to provide the full time for this study.
7.    Submission of Proposal
The proposal should contain a clear description of the objectives, working methodology, activities, expected major output and a report layout, the CVs of the persons clearly indicating the job title and responsibilities of each individual to be assigned in the study. Similarly, detail break down of the financial estimate need to be submitted by the consultant. The total study cost (including tax) should be written clearly both in figure and in words.
Based on the evaluation, SNV will select one of the best proposals of the consultant and award the work within a week from the last date of submitting the proposal.
Please send your proposal by latest 27 January 2014 to sbajgain@snvworld and cc to wmuhammad@snvworld.org with “Biogas Evaluation” as subject.
8.    Acceptance of the Proposal
All rights are reserved with SNV either to approve or disapprove the proposal without giving any specific reasons. If needed, the consultant can be asked for modifications in the proposal before approval.
9.    Duties and Taxes
The consultant shall pay all tariffs, duties, other taxes or charges levied by the Government of Indonesia at any stage during the execution of the work.
10. Termination of Contract
In the event that work progress or quality is not satisfactory, SNV shall have the right of withdrawing the contract partly or wholly. Justification for such action will be provided in writing. The portion of the contract value that has not been paid when such action is taken will be retained in SNV as liquidated damages.
For more information on SNV please refer to our website: www.snvworld.org

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