
SCI seeks Sr. Livelihood Consultant, Indonesian

Save the Children International is a non-profit organization that focuses on the fulfillment of children’s right. Save the Children was first established in May 1919 in the U.K. and to date has 28 Save the Children Offices and operations in more than 120 countries worldwide. In 1976, Save the Children signed an MoU with the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, followed then by the operations of Save the Children throughout Indonesia. 

Currently, Save the Children work in 11 provinces with a variety of program areas, such as: Education, Health and Sanitation, Livelihood, Child Protection also Disaster Risk Reduction.

At the moment, SCI is looking for a SENIOR LIVELIHOOD CONSULTANT with the Scope of Work below:

DESCRIPTION / BACKGROUND OF PROGRAM : This mid-term evaluation is conducted at the middle of the implementation of LINK 2 program (Livelihoods and Improved Nutrition for Kids). The LINK 2 project goal is to improve the food security of small-scale coffee producing households in Bener Meriah. This will be accomplished by achieving the following two results: first, improved nutritional status of children aged 0-8, and second improved agricultural livelihoods. This program is designed based on the following key concepts.

Objectives of the Consultancy : The consultant hold a crucial role in ensuring the livelihood target is well achieved in high quality results as described in the LINK-2 project documents.

The Consultant has agreed to:

  • Improve quality and sustainability of coffee interventions: Lead a situation analysis of post-harvest and market linkage practices of small holder coffee farmers in order to identify constraints and opportunities for strengthening value chain so coffee farmers could get additional value from their crops. Design and facilitate implementation of strategic interventions identified on the basis of the situation analysis. 
  • Improve quality and sustainability of income diversification interventions: Assess design and implementation quality of crop diversification, home gardens, fisheries and livestock for consumption and income generation interventions. Facilitate sustainability by strengthening relevant aspects of the value chain such as input supply and market linkages. 
  • Design and Roll out of Women–led Business intervention: Appropriate women-led small businesses to support livelihoods and empower women established. . This will include identifying appropriate small business opportunities, developing implementation plan for this component and developing a human resource plan including recruitment, development and training to meet the requirements and needs of the implementation plan. 
  • Ensure that appropriate systems and methodologies for beneficiary accountability are in place including programme monitoring tools and formats, and compliant mechanism.
  • Maintain partnerships with organisation, training institutions for trainings around small business development, micro-credit, financial planning etc and on inclusive approaches identified. 
  • Develop the livelihoods team providing leadership, management, training and capacity building as necessary. 
  • Ensure the approaches and lessons learning for development of coffee growers livelihood documented

  • Monthly report consists of recommendations of activities needed to be done to ensure the strategic objectives achieved. 
  • 7-10 days working with LINK2 team in Bener Meriah, discussing all the progress, barriers, and solutions to overcome barriers. 
  • Filling time sheet of effective working days.

Time frame : January – March 2014 for up to 30 working days


Benefit should be provided/expenses : Travel cost will be paid based on SCI Travel Regulation


Term of payment : Monthly payment will be paid upon the approved monthly report with related documents such as time sheet, recommendation notes, and other related documents.


Reporting line : Direct report to Aceh Program Manager and Deputy Program Manager, second reporting line to Senior Manager Program Implementation

 Updated CV and application letter should be sent to recruitment.indonesia@savethechildren.org

Please fill the “subject” column of the e-mails in this format: code of the position <…> - your name <…>.

Closing date for application is up to 26 December 2013  

(Only short-listed candidates will be notified)

Save the Children encourages qualified candidates to apply regardless of religion, race, gender, sexual orientation or disability

All recruitment practices and procedures reflect Save the Children’s commitment to protecting children from abuse