
OXFAM Papua Vacancy: Consultant for Policy Review for Enterprises Development, Papua

OXFAM Papua is looking for Consultant to support its partners in Reviewing Policy for Enterprise Development in Papua
(Please see the Terms of Reference as seen below)
Term of Reference
Consultant for Policy Review for Enterprises Development in Papua

Since 2011 until 2014, Oxfam and partners have been implementing the Papua Enterprise Development Programme (PEDP). The programme is funded by the Government of New Zealand through the Sustainable Development Fund of New Zealand Aid and implemented in five districts in Papua Province, namely Jayawijaya, Paniai, Nabire, Jayapura, Kab. Kepulauan Yapen. In delivering the program, Oxfam works with local partners to focus on 5 different commodities i.e coffee project (PAME Mandiri), sweet potatoes (locally known Ubi/Hipere) (YAPUM), small kiosks (PSE), vanilla and vegetables (KSU-WMY), and cocoa (KIPRA), in order to improve livelihood opportunities of indigenous Papuan.

In general the main goal of PEDP is to improve fundamental rights of indigenous Papuan, men and women, through the development of sustainable livelihood opportunities and increased incomes. One of four program outcomes is to achieve an improved condition for supportive business condition in Papua. Oxfam Papua’s community enterprise development rests on a combination of Oxfam’s extensive development and poverty-reduction expertise with commercial skills provided by business-savvy partners working with local people.

The PEDP delivers finance and support primarily for early-stage, rural agriculture businesses in very remote, deprived areas. Such support enables the businesses to consolidate, create employment, establish sustainable trading relationships along the supply chain, and generate wealth and demand for goods and services in the local economy.

Beside, advocacy is an important aspect in the PEDP as well. Targeted groups on this advocacy are local government and private sector groups. This requires comprehensive data regarding policies that related with enterprises development in each regency. For that, policy review will be pivotal as part to obtain good map and recommendations in term of advocacy works.

The review result will be used as substance for PEDP campaign and advocacy particularly to engage local government and private sector groups in creating an enabling environment for enterprise development.

  • To map out and analyze local government policies in term of enterprise development in each regency; 
  • To  identify the potential spaces to influence within the policies, in order to engage local government and private sector groups; 
  • To produce substance as materials for  campaign and advocacy work especially to engage local government and private sector groups; 
  • To obtain recommendations to support PEDP works on advocacy.
There will be five parts in this assignment
  • Desk study:
    • To collect key national policies and local government policies documents related to enterprise development and commodities assisted by PEDP in four regencies. 
    • To analyze local government policies documents with the potential influences in each policy 
  • Field study: by interviewing some relevant stakeholders such as local government officials, private sector groups and communities. 
  • Final analysis: by confronting the previous analysis with the interview results. The final analysis with addressing on three aspects, namely the substance, structure and culture. 
  • Report writing: in which findings are presented and recommendations are developed by referring to the purpose of the assignment. 
  • To share and deliver consultative presentations through workshops to local government and related stakeholders at the project sites (district level).
The Consultant
This review will be done by three experienced consultants as researchers with broad knowledge on advocacy research, as well as capable of working in various contexts. The experiences expected from the consultants are as follow:
  • The consultants must have extensive experiences working with various Civil Society Organizations, local government as well as conducted research and/or study in policy research for advocacy works. Working experience in OXFAM will be an added advantage. 
  • In overall, the consultant should have strong knowledge, experience and competencies in: 
    • Research and review of government policies. 
    • Political, cultural and/or social contexts of Papua (will be advantageous). 
    • Rights based approach in development intervention. 
    • Facilitation skills, especially in dealing with decision makers and wide range of audiences. 
    • Analytical skills and quantitative and qualitative data collection. 
    • Communication and writing skills in both English and Bahasa Indonesia (and able to deliver the reports in both Bahasa and English). 
    • Familiar in operating Microsoft Office programs such as Word, Excel and Power Point and if possible with the latest technology of data collection methods.
Areas of review
The review will focus on four areas:
  • Serui: focus on vanilla product,
  • Jayawijaya: focus on sweet potato product,
  • Nabire and Paniai: focus on coffee product, and
  • Jayapura: focus on cocoa product.
The consultants placement will be divided as below:
  • 1 consultant in Serui will focus on vanilla
  • 1 consultant in Nabire, Paniai and Jayapura will focus on cocoa and coffee
  • 1 consultant in Jayawijaya will focus on sweet potato.
Coordination and Management
The PEDP team in OXFAM Papua office will be responsible for the overall management of the consultancy, including:
  • To brief the consultants during preparation phase to have a clear understanding of the assignment, including what is expected. 
  • To provide technical overview and approval of the study design and process, including suggestion for terms of reference (TOR) should some adjustments are needed, and provision documents for desk study.
  • To work with consultants in identifying the target population of this study 
  • To ensure coordination with field teams (partners and POs) to support implementation of field work including liaise with the local governments as necessary. 
  • To read and give approval to the concept and final results submitted by the consultant team. 
  • To give approval for the final report. 
  • To disseminate the study report, including collating the reports into non-commercial publication/book on PEDP. 
  • To provide logistical support as agreed.
  • The consultant team will be required to adhere to Oxfam and the back donor’s requirements and standards (including accountability).
Output & Deliverables
The expected key output as follows:
  • Study design, methods and instruments 
  • Draft report outline—consists of executive summary, introduction, methodology, findings, conclusions and recommendations.  
  • Primary data that will become the property of Oxfam. Oxfam will take responsibility for the future storage and use of this data. 
  • Final report in English and Bahasa Indonesia — all findings to be substantiated with available evidence, the report will also elucidate probable solutions to the problem/issues, risks and opportunities, and containing recommendations for PEDP advocacy strategy/mechanism in OXFAM.
  • 4 consultative workshops – findings and recommendations will need to be shared, consulted and presented to local stakeholders and counterparts in 4 districts/regencies
If you are interesting, please submit your Expression of Interest not later than November 8th, 2013 to btampubolon@oxfam.org.uk and state "EOI Policy Review" on your email's subject.

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