
Save the Children seeks a Consultant - Bener Meriah Program, Aceh

Save the Children is looking for a consultant with the Scope of Work below:


Bener Meriah, Aceh is a district in the highlands of the Sumatera Island in Northwestern Indonesia.  Bener Meriah is a new district that was established in 2005 and much of the population was displaced during the long-running civil conflict in Aceh.  Bener Meriah lacks modern infrastructure and the majority of the population lives on less than $2 per day.  Save the Children found nearly half of the children between the ages of three and eight malnourished in Bener Meriah in a 2010 study. In addition, the local government lacks the capacity to provide adequate health, hygiene, and sanitation services, and most primary schools have problems with access to water.

Better Water for Children Project in Bener Meriah has the goal of improving hygiene behavior in Bener Meriah, the project has two specific objectives that will contribute to achieving this overall goal.  They are:
  • Improving access to water through improved infrastructure 
  • Improving hand washing and hygiene behavior through improved knowledge and practices.
We will work closely with communities, schools, District Health Office and District Public Works office to carry out approximately 10small-scale water infrastructure projects, also conduct hand washing and hygiene education activities in community health posts (Posyandus) and in primary schools.      

2. Objectives of the Consultancy
  • Getting input on data collection method and tools 
  • Getting technical assistance to collect data about Hygiene Promotion and water supply facility in work area of Better Water for Children in Bener Meriah Program. 
  • Getting input on data entry. 
  • Getting Endline survey analysis 
  • Getting recommendation regarding program approach and strategy for the next through final Endline report.
Planning and Preparation
  1. Giving input on survey and data collection method 
  2. Prepare and adjust Endline survey tools base on previous baseline survey tools 
  3. Conduct training preparation Endline survey to enumerator 
  4. Giving technical assistance to collect data in Endline survey
  • Do data colection and data entry
  • Do data analysis
  • Make final report of Endline survey
Reporting : Final End line report will submitted by November 25. 2013. 

3. The Consultant has agreed to:
  • Support Water, sanitation and Hygiene promotion Endline survey in 5 villages and 5 primary schools
  • Submit Final Endline report to Aceh Program Manager, Program Coordinator And Commob Specialist
4. Deliverables:
  • Endline survey Final report (Hard and Soft copy )
  • End line data and Tools ( Soft Copy )
  • Photo and survey Document (Hard and Soft copy )
5.  Time frame:
Start October 28 to November 28. 2013, 22 working days/month/person billable days

Updated CV and application letter should be sent to recruitment.indonesia@savethechildren.org

Please fill the “subject” column of the e-mails in this format: code of the position <…> - your name <…>. 

Closing date for application is up to 17 October 2013  
(Only short-listed candidates will be notified)

Save the Children encourages qualified candidates to apply regardless of religion, race, gender, sexual orientation or disability

All recruitment practices and procedures reflect Save the Children’s commitment to protecting children from abuse

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