
RFP Market Research Study, Sustainable Public Procurement (MCA - Indonesia)

Millennium Challenge Account – Indonesia
Fight Poverty and Promote a More Prosperous Indonesia through Economic Growth
Request for Proposal
Market Research Study, Sustainable Public Procurement
The Republic of Indonesia and the United States of America, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) entered into a Millennium Challenge Compact on November 19, 2011, providing a grant of $ 600 million to advance poverty reduction through economic growth in Indonesia. The Government has established a Trustee Institution, Millennium Challenge Account-Indonesia (MCA-I) to act as its designee in supervising and managing the implementation of the Program in Indonesia. The MCA-Indonesia has been fully operational since April 2013.
The primary objectives of this research are to provide more detailed and accurate knowledge about the readiness of both the GoI and the supply market consisting of small, medium and large enterprises with regard to SPP. Through completion of this research, it is anticipated that a clearer picture will emerge of the readiness of both the GoI and the supplier market within Indonesia. Additionally, the research will identify impacts that may occur from the implementation of any interventions through a Sustainable Public Procurement framework.
Submission Deadline: October 28th, 2013, 02.00 PM
Interested eligible Consultants may download a copy of the Specific Procurement Notice and other relevant documents at:

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