
Request for EOI : Consultant for Project Effectiveness Review - Papuan

Request for Expression of Interest
Oxfam is leading aid, development and campaigning not for profit organization with a world-wide reputation for excellence and over 60 years’ experience working in Indonesia. Our purpose is to work others to overcome suffering and fin lasting solutions to poverty.

Papuan Women Empowerment (PAWE) project

The Papuan Women’s Empowerment (PAWE) Project was implemented by Oxfam in Papua from May 2009 until April 2013. This project was funded by the Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF), and supervised by the World Bank (WB). The PAWE Project was concentrated in 6 districts in Papua Province, and 4 districts in West Papua Province. The project reached 114 women groups and 53 women individuals in total. The main objective of PAWE was to enhance the capacity of these groups of women to participate in the implementation and decision-making processes of various development initiatives in their communities, the national community-driven development programme PNPM-Mandiri project in particular, through: i) strengthening existing women's organizations and networks to provide leadership, training, and advocacy to women at village level; ii) building capacity of individual women through demand-driven capacity building and training opportunities; iii) building awareness and capacity of PNPM-Mandiri project staff and other key stakeholders such as village leaders and government officials to promote greater gender equality.

As part of Oxfam GB’s Global Performance Framework, the Project Effectiveness Review will rigorously assess the impact of this project on the people it is intending to support.  Impact will be evaluated particularly against a set of women empowerment indicators, related to women’s control over resources (e.g. access to credit), public engagement (e.g. community influence), self-perception (e.g. attitude to women’s rights) and household decision making (e.g. input in production decisions).  Data will be captured through the administration of questionnaires, both to project beneficiaries and to comparable non-beneficiaries.

Consultant for Project Effectiveness Review

The consultant will manage the data collection field work and data delivery for the Project Effectiveness Review by recruiting, training and supervising teams of enumerators and data-entry personnel to ensure that data collected and entered is of high quality. Note that whereas Oxfam will be in charge of designing the evaluation strategy (including the survey instruments) and of carrying out the data analysis ex-post, the main role of the consultant will be to organize the data collection process for this study.  However, the consultant’s input will be required in the process of refining the survey instruments to make them context relevant.

Key tasks
  • Support Oxfam staff in planning the work for the Effectiveness Review and adapting  the survey to the local context. 
  • Manage a qualified independent translator to translate the survey instruments from English to the local language. 
  • Lead a thorough training workshop for enumerators and supervisors. 
  • Lead a careful piloting exercise in which the survey instruments are tested for question relevance and understandability. 
  • Manage the survey work in the field, ensuring that the enumerators interview the correct respondents, surveys are carried out to a high standard, and that targets for numbers of respondents to be interviewed are met. 
  • Review the completed questionnaires in detail at the end of each day of work, provide details feedback to the enumerators, and send them back to the respondents to make corrections if necessary. 
  • Consult the Oxfam head office advisor on any problems which affect the selection of respondents for the survey or the number of respondents to be interviewed. 
  • Manage the data-entry process, ensuring that quality checks on the data entry are carried out as specified in Oxfam’s procedure document. 
  • Ensure that the data files are uploaded and transmitted to the Oxfam head office advisor on completion of the data-entry work. 
  • Write a brief report on the conduct of the field work, including details of any problems which were encountered and how they were resolved, and any feedback which may be useful for future surveys.
Time commitment
  • The assignment is expected to take approximately 30-35 working days to complete. 
  • Data entry should be finalised by 26th November.
  • The consultant is expected to commit 100% of his/her time to the assignment during these 30-35 days and to be physically present in the field throughout the field work (10-18 days) for this assignment.
  • The consultant should be available to attend a meeting at the Oxfam office in Jayapura to make a tentative field work plan and to discuss and arrange a competitive recruitment exercise, through which the field work team will be selected.
Essential skills and qualifications
  • Independent of Oxfam and any other organization that was involved with the PAWE project design and implementation. 
  • Relevant university degree (postgraduate degree preferred).
  • Knowledge and experience of working in Papua Province and West Papua Province, with strong understanding of women group dynamics in the area.
  • Experience in administering quantitative household surveys, preferably as a field supervisor or coordinator responsible for checking the quality of work of enumerators.
  • Exceptionally high level of attention to detail in carrying out surveys and data entry.
  • Strong management skills – able to organize the work of large teams of enumerators so as to complete the work on schedule and to the required standard.
  • Basic information technology skills.
  • Command of Indonesian language.
  • Good working level in spoken English.
  • Domicile in Jayapura, Papua will be prioritized
If you believe you are the consultant candidate we are looking for:
Please submit your Expression of Interest and latest CV to jayapura@oxfam.org.uk cc to btampubolon@oxfam.org.uk and stated Consultant for Project Effectiveness Review, on the subject of your email not later than October 4th, 2013.

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