
Coffey International Recruitment For Program Management Unit - Jakarta, NTT & East Java



AIPHSS is a partnership program between the Ministry of Health, the Republic of Indonesia and AusAID to strengthen health financing and health human resource systems. The program is expected to provide contributions in supporting the Government of Indonesia’s plan to improve maternal and child health. The program specifically aims at improving the utilization of primary health care services by the poor and near poor.

To implement the program, a Program Management Unit (PMU) will be established. We are currently opening some positions for the Program Management Unit (PMU) to be posted at central level (Jakarta) and provincial and district levels of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and East Java:

Directorate of Primary Health Care /BUKD (Sub Recipient):
  • General Administration Staff (1 person) (COFF-3770) Secretariat of the Board of Development and Empowerment of Human Resources for Health / PPSDM (Sub Recipient):
  • General Administration Staff (1 person) (COFF- 3771) Centre for Financing and Health Insurance /PPJK (Sub Recipient):
  • Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (1 person) (COFF-3772)
The positions are:
  • To be placed in the Ministry of Health Office, Jakarta
  • Full time
East Java Province:
  • Provincial Finance and Procurement Officer (1 person) (COFF-3773)
  • District Finance and Procurement Officer (1 person) (COFF-3774)
The positions are:
  • To be placed in East Java Provincial Health Office (Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi) and Situbondo District Health Office (Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten)
  • Full time
East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province:
  • Provincial Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation Staff (1 person) (COFF-3775)
  • District Finance and Procurement Officer – Ngada (1 person) (COFF-3776)
  • District Finance and Procurement Officer – SBD(1 person) (COFF-3777 )
  • District PMU Coordinator - SBD (1 person) (COFF-3778)
  • District PMU Coordinator - TTU (1 person) (COFF- 3781)
  • District PMU Coordinator – Flores Timur (1 person) (COFF-3779)
  • District Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Staff – SBD (1 person) (COFF-3780)
The positions are:
  • To be placed in NTT Provincial Health Office (Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi), Sumba Barat Daya District Health Office (Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten), Flores Timur District Health Office, Ngada District Health Office and Timor Tengah Utara District Health Office.
  • Full time
The recruitment will be conducted by Coffey International Development as the Implementing Services Provider (ISP) of the AIPHSS program.

How to apply:
Job descriptions and online application forms for the above positions are available at the website www.careers.coffey.com . For further information, contact Evy Suryanti, Evy_Suryanti@aiphss.org or Tieke Utama, tieke.said@coffey.com by quoting the reference number of the applied position.

Application will be closed on 18 September 2013, at 5 p.m.

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